Don't Believe the HATE - 10 Things to LOVE in the ONE D&D Expert Classes UA | DungeonDr Reviews

Published 2022-09-30
In this video I give a quick overview of the new Expert Classes UA, listing 10 great things that we can be enthusiastic about in the upcoming version of D&D. Seriously, this UA is a HUGE improvement on the last one and I'm genuinely looking really forward to it's next iteration.

Introduction: (0:00)
10 Fixing the Help Action: (0:34)
9 Suggested Spells: (1:27)
8 Fixing Half-Caster Spellcasters: (2:37)
7 Fixing Bardic Inspiration: (3:53)
6 Fixing High Level Play: (5:19)
5 Fixing Spells: (7:03)
4 Fixing Feats: (9:52)
3 Critical Hits!!: (11:33)
2 Heroic Inspiration: (12:51)
1 Unique Spellcasting Lists: (15:09)
Conclusion: (19:40)

All Comments (10)
  • @davescrams
    I think my favorite part is playtesting Inspiration on Nat 1s. I first heard that from you, and I think it's consistent with those TTRPGs that build in mechanics to fail forward like how some Powered by the Apocalypse games tie advancement to failures. One D&D seems like it is testing out good ideas.
  • @adriel8498
    i really like how they are making the wording and mechanics easier to understand, that's going to help to bring a lot of new players to the game
  • @davescrams
    I've only read through this UA once so far, but I'm pleased with what I've seen. I think the negative reactions are overblown. The places where features have been tuned down seem warranted in most cases.
  • @ladytiamat
    It's so refreshing to hear a what's good in the playtest video. I liked the last UA's D20 rules, I didn't find them terrible but I've since figured out that my DM is very good at being a DM. If I may, I think there's another good thing about the UA. It made me go back and re-read the 2014 books. I've learned so much just off of comparing the changes as well as trying to understand the complaints of others. So yay for ready the rule books!
  • I was a huge proponent of Inspiration on a Nat 1 during the first UA, and was happy to see it being tested in this UA. Unfortunately, I spent most of this UA explaining to people that the sky isn’t falling, it’s a play test; complaining about it to anyone is useless if you don’t bother to actually test it and give your feedback to WotC in the survey. Yes, discuss what you like and don’t like, but complaining is useless at this stage. That said, I do like most of the changes, but the lack of design goal information makes a bunch of these changes neutral at best. They really need to post what they are trying to achieve rather than relying on out of context video clips.
  • I really like all of the good things in this UA. The issues I see are mainly just that the Rogue can’t use sneak attack on Attacks of Opportunity, Bard’s can’t have Evocation or Abjuration spells, and Rangers . . . Are honestly almost completely better in every way.
  • Does anyone know what the “Ranger Nerfs” are? I can’t see literally any downsides to the new Ranger.
  • Sharp shooter disturbing if they add the damage to a magic bow string -5 to hit +10 damage or sniper feat Preresquit archery and sharp shooter or piercing
  • @luiztomikawa
    People saying that bards got nerfed really confused me. They literally became more versatile