Tao Te Ching Read by Wayne Dyer with Music & Nature Sounds Binaural Beats by @stairway11

Published 2023-09-22
I do not claim this video to be mine, only want to share what has been taken d***
(Last one had a copyright problem, which added a lot of ads on the video).

The Tao Te Ching (pronounced Dao De Jing) was a book of wisdom written for kings by a sage named Lao-Tzu, circa 500BC China. Much like the book of Proverbs found in the Biblical canon, the truths found in the Tao Te Ching are universal and timeless. But it's not just the east which was, and still is influenced by this great work. The Tao Te Ching resonates deeply with many of the Christian mystics as well, from antiquity to modern times. The Tao is not a religion. Its literal translation is The Way. A way of seeing, a way of being. In the Chinese translation of the New Testament, when Christ refers to "The Way," their word for it is The Tao. "Ritual and religion is the husk of true faith." These are one of the proverbs found in the book. So regardless of your religious background, or whether you believe in God or not, you will still find wonderful truths about life put into the simplest of words. Truths about leadership, patience, love and creativity. So share this link with those you love. It is a gift to the world, and we are lucky to be living in a time like this where such things can be shared. The world needs healing. The healing begins with the metanoia–the transformation of the mind.

All credits to @stairway11
AUDIO TRANSCRIPT & MP3 DOWNLOAD: bit.ly/WayneDyer-TaoTeChing
Artwork is by Johnny Ganta, You can find his work on Instagram IG @studioganta
Read by- Dr. Wayne Dyer

#taoteching #tao #waynedyer #laotzu #taoism #meditation #audiobook #waynedyer

All Comments (21)
  • @JaneDoesMind
    I'm happy to be a part of the human race with all you fine people. It's pretty lonely out here, like-minded people bring me peace.
  • I'm so grateful to have access to this.. The ultimate wisdom is free for all..
  • @3000RAINBOW
    I found this about 4 years ago on youtube and downloaded it onto my phone. It got me through some tough times: chronic pain, imsomnia, anxiety, depression. Im doing much better now. I love playing it at slower speed (see the plyaback options!). The line about the strength of the willow in its flexibility is a pearl of wisdom. Sending my love to you all and the universe...❤
  • @ashley_brown6106
    "The worst of faults is wanting more, always. Contentment alone is enough. Indeed, the bliss of eternity can be found in your contentment."
  • @dubltrubl807
    Does this make anyone else get chills and cry a little bit
  • @mynameis9057
    It would be great if our schools taught this wonderful life lesson.❤ Thanks to all loving beings who've blessed us with these exquisite sentiments and teachings.😊❤
  • The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying too 🌟
  • @dolphin7860
    I’ve been listening to this more and more. I’ve spent the last two years of my life sacrificing relationships, friendships, health (constant caffeine and adderall) in order to achieve career success. I’ve tripled my income but I am burnt out beyond belief. More and more I find myself fantasizing about leaving it all behind to live a simpler life in nature. It’s a constant nagging feeling that I’ve gone too far down the wrong path. Maybe I just need a break, but maybe I need a big change. Either way this calms me down and reminds me of who and what we really are.
  • @nickca6104
    This book speaks deeply to my heart. This book helps me feel like I am at my true home.
  • I enjoy all audio books or speeches by Dr Wayne. Sometimes I just listen to him for the soothing voice. You are great. I just discovered you last year. RIP.
  • I came across this today as I was searching for something to uplift me as I was feeling so down. I know Wayne Dyer has passed, but his teaching and powerful healing words will forever live on. 🙏Listening to this has helped me so much. ❤❤❤ Thank you, thank you, thank you. Xxx
  • @brileetaylor717
    This is absolutely…incredible pure truth. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I think we can all agree that coming across this wisdom at this moment in time is a divine gift. We are so blessed 🌎💗
  • @AlanPhan128
    TLDR: Embracing the Dao leads to harmony, virtue, and success, while emphasizing the importance of simplicity, humility, and non-action in achieving greatness and governing with the Dao. 1. 00:00 🌿 The Dao is both named and nameless, the origin of all things, and the doorway to all understanding. 2. 01:18 🌿 The sage lives with paradoxical unity, teaches without words, governs by emptying minds, and emphasizes the importance of inner peace and self-love. 2.1 The sage lives openly with apparent duality and paradoxical unity, acts without effort, teaches without words, and governs by emptying minds and hearts. 2.2 The space between Heaven and Earth is inexhaustible, man is meant to find truth within, and selfless action leads to fulfillment and enduring. 2.3 Be gentle and kind, govern with equity, live in harmony with the present moment, and lead without controlling or dominating. 2.4 The usefulness of what is depends on what is not, and the master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. 2.5 He emphasizes the importance of inner peace and self-love, and the idea that our true self is eternal. 3. 08:45 🌿 Embracing the Dao leads to harmony and success, while selfishness and forced actions lead to discord and hypocrisy. 3.1 The unseen, unheard, and untouched are merged as one, and by intuition, one can experience and be in harmony with the ancient Masters' profound and subtle wisdom. 3.2 The Dao is never full, and finding peace and fulfillment comes from returning to the root and knowing the constant, leading to impartiality and divine being, ultimately resulting in eternal existence. 3.3 When the greatness of the Tao is present, action arises from the heart, but when it is absent, action comes from rules of kindness and justice, leading to hypocrisy and discord, and it is more important to realize one's true nature and cast off selfishness and desire. 3.4 The speaker discusses the difference between fear and abundance, and the idea of being content with simplicity and solitude. 3.5 The greatest virtue is to follow the Dao alone, as it gives rise to all things and the sage embraces the one without displaying himself. 3.6 Following the way and goodness leads to harmony and success, while forced actions, boasting, and self-righteousness are odious and unsustainable. 4. 17:59 🌿 Understanding the formless and eternal flow of the Dao within oneself, remaining centered and wise, avoiding force and violence, and achieving greatness through humility and obscurity. 4.1 The Dao is formless, perfect, and eternally flowing, and to understand it is to understand the great within yourself. 4.2 The key to success is to remain centered and poised, to be wise and help all beings impartially, and to understand the strength of man while keeping a woman's care. 4.3 Life is a sacred vessel that should unfold naturally, and the use of arms for conquest leads to ruin and should be avoided. 4.4 Force and violence lead to decay, weapons are detested and should only be used as a last resort, victory in war is mourned, and all creation flows back to become the Tao. 4.5 Understanding others is knowledge, understanding oneself is wisdom; the great way is universal and does not claim greatness, and the sage achieves greatness by not claiming it. 4.6 The Dao is powerful and cannot be contained, and the wisdom of obscurity teaches that the gentle and obscure outlast the strong and obvious. 5. 28:34 🌿 Embracing simplicity and humility, acting without self-awareness, and finding power in non-action and contentment are key teachings of the Dao. 5.1 The world transforms naturally when life is simple and free from pretenses, allowing our essential natures to shine through, bringing calm and straightening the world, and finding the anchor of the universe within oneself through silence. 5.2 A truly good man is not aware of his goodness, the highest virtue is to act without a sense of self, and the Great Master follows his own nature and not the trappings of life. 5.3 Nobility is rooted in humility, living in accordance with the universe, and true humility means too much honor means no honor. 5.4 The Dao teaches that true power, purity, and wisdom may seem weak, tarnished, and childish, but in reality, they hold the greatest value, and only through non-action and contentment can one endure long. 6. 35:06 🌿 Contentment alone is enough to find the bliss of eternity, the sage gains mastery by letting things go their own way and living in harmony with all, and those who dwell in the Tao are free from harm and connected to their source. 6.1 The greatest perfection seems imperfect, fullness seems empty, straightness seems twisted, intelligence seems stupid, eloquence seems awkward, truth seems false, and discussions seem silent, but contentment alone is enough to find the bliss of eternity. 6.2 The sage gains mastery by letting things go their own way, treating others with kindness and faithfulness, and living in harmony with all. 6.3 Three in ten people are followers of life, death, or the Tao, and those who dwell in the Tao are free from harm and connected to their source, while all beings honor the way and value its virtue. 7. 40:51 🌿 Embracing the Dao leads to virtue and harmony, while flexibility, non-action, and simplicity are key to achieving greatness and governing with the Dao. 7.1 Flexibility is strength, returning to the light saves from misfortune, walking in the great way is the only fear, and straying leads to corruption and wastefulness. 7.2 Embracing the Dao leads to virtue and harmony, and those in harmony with the Dao are like newborn children, unaffected by the dangers of the world. 7.3 To achieve perfect harmony and insight, one must embrace the Dao, let go of control, and allow the world to govern itself. 7.4 Restrictions and prohibitions lead to poverty, the sage takes no action and people are reformed, the ruler should serve as an example and not impose his will. 7.5 Virtue leads to limitless possibilities, governing with the Dao brings protection and benefits, and lowering oneself leads to winning trust and friendship. 7.6 The Dao is the source of all good and the remedy for all evil, and the sage achieves greatness by practicing non-action and simplicity. 8. 50:27 🌿 The Tao Te Ching teaches the importance of rest, simplicity, humility, and adaptability, and emphasizes the value of helping others find their own nature and seeking harmony with the Dao. 8.1 Rest and prevent disorder before it exists, manage things before they become chaotic, and remember that great things start from small beginnings. 8.2 The sage does not act or grasp, does not treasure difficult things, and does not lead with cunning, instead helping others find their own nature and remaining humble. 8.3 The Dao is not something gained by knowing or lost by forgetting, and the virtues of mercy, frugality, and humility lead to non-competition and ultimate unity with heaven. 8.4 The sage values simplicity, recognizes the strength in ignorance, and understands that resisting the natural course of life leads to sickness, while bold action in harmony with the Dao leads to life. 8.5 The Tao Te Ching teaches that flexibility and adaptability are essential for life, and that trying to control and hold on to things will only lead to suffering. 8.6 The Tao of mankind is to reduce deficiency and add to surplus, the master remains serene in the midst of sorrow, and true virtue always seeks a way
  • @Aeizium
    the moment u start meditating on these words is the moment hte world starts to test u
  • @ronwanderer5685
    Can't believe I waited this long to listen to this for the first time; I'd read the Tzao of Pooh years ago, but thought this'd be too much for a layman.
  • @jodiearrington
    This is the most beautiful reading of the Tao I've ever heard. I have shared this with many. Much gratitude.
  • @jue7434
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this! May God bless all you lovely people that see this 🙏❤❤
  • @ForevaNebula
    Quite an enjoyable listen. I'm on a personal journey, and I believe that the Dao has great teachings, which will be very useful on said journey. Thank you Serenex so much for this! And it's free! ❤❤❤ So much gratitude.