What About Feeding My Family During the Mark Of the Beast/Great Tribulation?

Published 2020-08-15
I have been asked this question a lot lately. Things like: “If I cannot buy, sell, or trade, unless I have the Mark of the Beast, how will I feed my children? Or myself?
So here is my response.

One thing I forgot to mention in the video:
If you DO happen to be one of the 1% of Christians who survive the Great Tribulation, God will provide for you supernaturally during it. Things like sending the ravens carrying food to help you (like He sent to feed Elijah), or manna appearing in the wilderness to the Israelites after they left Egypt.

If you wish to donate, I would appreciate it so much!

I take a lot of hours to make these videos, with research, prayer, filming, etc. Time which I could otherwise be using to do business activities and make money. I don’t mind, because God has ordered me to make this channel and doing His work is a wonderful blessing.

Freely I’ve been given, freely I give. However any donations to help me do this would be appreciated! I have rent and medical bills, and stuff like that. Any money donated would go entirely towards my time spent making videos and to supporting the ministry, and not spent on anything fancy. I live an unmaterialistic life. :) No plasma TVs, no designer clothes, no private jets!

Please pray before donating, to me or anyone! Only donate if it is God’s will.

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—Venmo: @SolidChristianTeachings

Sign up to be my Patreon for giving monthly support. :) If you believe I’m doing good work for the Kingdom of God, please pray about signing up for a monthly donation! That way you won’t forget, it just auto-deducts. Donations range from $1-anything.

Any amount, no matter how small, makes a huge difference!


All Comments (21)
  • @djmandy_
    Hi Anne, I want to thank you so much for sharing Gods word and truth. You have answered so many questions for me, and I have seen God reveal answers to my prays through your comments and videos. Thank you so much, and all credit and glory to God for revealing His word to you and blessing you with many gifts.
  • @xojessyxo1686
    I see on tiktok I am only 12 years old This is so true God is real
  • @juldom3548
    Here from tik tok watched your last video and i like how you said anywhoozzzzzzs hahahah
  • @brandad2097
    I found you on tiktok and you seem like a really nice person. Did you know the time of tribulation was shortened? Matthew 24:22 and revelation 9 explains it pretty good
  • @ZombieGirl282
    Anne I miss you and your lessons. You been gone for so long. I’m praying for you and I hope that you are okay. I’ve been praying to Yahweh to watch over and keep you safe.
  • @tinagoof
    Hi! SORRY THIS IS LONG!! I just saw your video on tiktok about post-tribulation rapture. I highly respect your ability to teach and willingness to teach the Bible and back up your beliefs with verses. I have extensively studied the rapture and we even worked through Daniel's 70 weeks. I personally believe in a pretribulation rapture, but after I watched your video, I immediately reread each of those verses with an open mind and asked God to reveal to me anything I had missed. I recall the verses that usually support that belief are Rev 20:4-5. My belief stems from the many verses telling us to watch for his coming and assuming nonlinear or side stories (I will not list all the verses because I am sure you have researched both sides thoroughly), which would not be supported by a post trib view as we would know. Views vary though based on your interpretation and revealed understanding of Daniel and Revelations, However, debating pre or post was not why I came here. I want to not say this as critism but rather in love. After growing up going through church split after split over doctrine, I learned something. Salvation is most important and God will reveal the truth to us about the doctrinal issues if we truly seek him through prayer and study. If a church is REALLY teaching salvation through faith, then I think we have to be careful pulling a searching nonbeliever or young Christian (telling them to leave) from thier church over an issue that God has directly told us we are not to know the date or time and to keep watch. So many churches have split and chased non-believers away by getting too caught up in being right. Also, even in America, some have poor access to real Bible teaching churches. God laid this on my heart heavily and I just hope you are careful not to push people away over a heavily debated doctine that God willreveal the truth to each of us if we seek it. Other example for ou that I have seen cause splits are: alcohol use, tithing vs giving, dancing, womens dress, divorce, church discipline, etc... My point is, keep teaching the truth and doing your thing but also remember the big picture to bring people to Christ and hey...we all know the rapture will happen so we are both right. 😋
  • @StillYHWHs
    Accurate teaching. Biblically Sound. 90plus% are false teachers. Deliberately or because they never r read it all them selves and follow false teachers. Very good young lady. May YHWH help you always see truth. I too, prayed for same thing.
  • I’m worried I may have promised to marry an unbeliever some time ago. What should I do because I don’t want to marry her
  • @sheepwater3523
    How do you feel about hell testimonies where demons torture people? This isn’t directly in the Bible but is it true?
  • @jennw.6508
    Also from my understanding you believe we will all have to go through the tribulation
  • @malcolmdavid722
    Book of Jubilees (DSS) tells us a 10th of the demons were let loose in the antediluvian period of Noah, but all will be released in the final tribulation.
  • @sheepwater3523
    How do I know if someone says something about something being a sin. How do I know if it is really a sin or if they are just being legalistic?
  • @sheepwater3523
    Is it a sin to wear short sleves( like a T-shirt) I came from peniel Ngonde video
  • @Chloe-zq2yz
    Is the Christians going to be through it or is this after the Christians are raptured?
  • @StillYHWHs
    Absolute truth. Biblical. This life is but a speck to the long eternal life in the heaven to come. Your children will go to heaven. According to the Bible. As long as they are still to young to know and understand. According to God. Older children and adult children are held accountable for thier own choices. They to can be saved or choose not.