REVEALED: How Doctors & Medicine can FOOL YOU

Published 2024-05-20

All Comments (21)
  • @tfp0052
    I abandoned my doctor and the American Medical Association last August! They made my life completely miserable for the proceeding decade. I was happy and relatively healthy, and then my doctor decided that he had to pursue my high cholesterol and high blood pressure, (neither very high) and he put me on some nasty medications, the last of which was Statins. Suddenly, I was no longer happy and relatively healthy. First, I developed diabetes, hello Statins. Next, I developed prostate cancer. Say goodbye to your prostate and sex life. And finally, I developed cataracts in both eyes. Once again, Statins. All in a short period of time. I remember saying, "What the Hell is going on?" So I have abandoned my doctor and the AMA. I may not live as long, but at least I won't be tortured to death!
  • @dl4895
    Allowing pharmaceutical companies to run adds on TV, your phone, in hospital and doctors offices and in magazines and newspapers needs to end.
  • @Mae-vq1du
    They don't fool you they out right lie and get upset when you say NO.
  • @spymaine89
    health risk reduction.............never go to a doctor. .
  • @caobita
    There is a saying in Germany: "Don't trust any statistics that you haven't falsified yourself." 😉
  • @peu1285
    I started getting skeptical of the "medical" establishment 25 years ago when my then 3 year old was diagnosed by "experts" with autism and SEVERE MENTAL RETARDATION. I refused ALL MEDS (attacked for it) and only allowed speech and occupational therapy. She is now a 28 year old college graduate and nobody can believe she was ever diagnosed with such.
  • @jonesywails8382
    It's unbelievable that they have gotten away with murder, using outright lies and no one is being prosecuted.
  • @user-dg7sy8cz3b
    With Covid, they pushed the boundaries right off a cliff, and with it went all trust for the establishment as a whole. A sacred trust never recovers from such a betrayal.
  • @alanjohnson2853
    Sadly, the average person on the street is not intelligent enough to understand, so they depend on someone telling them what to think. Unfortunately they trust the ones preying on their ignorance.
  • @wesadrian6981
    68 years old. Never been struck by lightning and have never carried an umbrella 😂
  • @ilzitek2419
    I have not been to a doctor for many years. I feel that they are all bought out and have sold their souls.
  • @purplestareye
  • @derekmills1080
    I’m a post war child and a Physics graduate. Even being ancient, doesn’t stop me being able to quickly analyse any mathematical data in my head. The argument (put simply) of ‘percentage change’ against ‘absolute change’ is EVERYWHERE. The Latest drivel put out by the useless NHS is about trying to get my age group to get vaccinated against shingles. I can’t remember the exact words, only the gist of the asinine advertisements on TV saying how many of us are ‘at risk of getting shingles’, instead of how many of the population ‘actually get shingles’ in a given period. As an aside, I am ‘at risk’ of ANYTHING. ‘Risk’, ‘chance’ and ‘probability’ are very confusing for almost the entire population, but because they are ‘familiar words’, everybody ‘thinks’ they can understand and differentiate between them. In the UK, there is the National Lottery. Even they, on their website, confuse ‘chance’ and ‘probability’. For ME, I am NOT confused. if I do NOT buy a ticket I have NO CHANCE of winning; if I buy a ticket, I have A CHANCE of winning. Very simple (but the writers of the website have not made it so). BUT, if I do buy a ticket, I’m not guaranteed to win, there is a ‘probability’ of 1 in 45,057,474 of winning the jackpot. Little wonder most people simply don’t understand anything mathematical. Having had an awful, permanent reaction to the Pfizer ‘booster’ in 2021 - and nobody at my health centre was in the least interested, not even taking notes - I am careful, sensibly, what goes into my arm. Consequently, at my time of life, after numerous personal interactions, I believe the NHS needs ‘thinning out’, or even drastic, compulsory restructuring, because it is now a self satiating money pit, not fit for purpose.
  • I'm so glad there are Doctors like you out there Suneel. You give me hope - Thank you from Ontario
  • @user-wr2hm3nu8p
    I totally agree with you. 13 years ago, I was treated for cancer and my doctor advised me that I needed a small surgery followed by radiation. No other treatment was needed. However, I was referred to another doctor who put some information into a computer and said that I had an 86% of being alive in 10 years with no more treatment, or a 92% with taking a cocktail of chemo medications. I was horrified, I’m very sensitive to meds and that didn’t seem like enough of a benefit . How can a computer predict that with such accuracy? What about the side effects of the meds? That wasn’t taken into consideration. The doctor was disappointed. That’s when I realized that this treatment plan was not about what was in my best interest, but in the doctors. (Im still healthy!) Thank you for your videos, I seem to have a personal story that relates to everyone!
  • @tessasisson8746
    I'm an intelligent woman in my 80s. For a few years I have been going to a really lovely female doctor near me. Over the years she has prescribed various drugs which I have not taken after doing much research. I had not disclosed this to her until recently. Unfortunately she was angry and said if I didn't follow her instructions with regard to medications, she would no longer be able to treat me. Her chart showed I should be taking at least 5 pills a day. I am disappointed in her (and she with me, no doubt), but I take no prescription pills at all and am quite healthy so don't see the need to take a pill just because.
  • @sherry9547
    I think they don't ban you because most people are to dumb to believe you, they believe what they want to hear. I admire your courage ❤
  • @tomclancy8281
    ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. I went to medical school and was in pharmaceutical sales for 11 years. I know exactly what you are talking about. For example, only about 5% of strokes are bleed-out strokes whereas 95% of strokes are occlusive strokes. YET WE TREAT TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE EVERY YEAR WITH "MILD TO MODERATE" HYPERTENSION IN THE HOPES OF PREVENTING THESE 5% OF STROKES. And blown aneurisms are NOT caused by too much blood pressure but are caused by weak arteries due to a COPPER DEFICIENCY. The supposed "RISK REDUCTION" statistics in marketing anti-hypertensives always dazzle us with absolute vs relative risks whenever it suits the pharmaceutical companies.
  • @sportysbusiness
    It's not so much how doctors fool us but how the doctors themselves have been fooled. I have many friends who are doctors, and they have been trained to believe the conclusions of peer reviewed studies, not how to investigate whether or not those conclusions are true.