The Disturbing History of Hotel Henry (Former Asylum)

Published 2020-08-13
50 years ago, a notoriously gruesome asylum was abandoned in Buffalo NY.
Today, its doors have reopened as a luxury hotel known as Hotel Henry. With some claiming it could be one of the most haunted hotels in the country.

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All Comments (21)
  • 50 years ago: You're left handed? You're mentally ill. Now: You have crippling depression? Ah same, but we'll be fine
  • @Nexpo
    mom come pick me up im scared
  • @lemr88
    So sad that such amazing architecture was used in an inhumane and disgusting way. Most of these places were almost completely self sustaining, with their own water towers, farming and manufacturing. It was quite amazing how complex it all was. It could have been used for so much good.
  • @honeysuckle8585
    When I lived in Buffalo, we tried to navigate the storm drains and sewers to get in. Supposedly a cryogenics lab was in this facility too. We never got in, but at least were able to get into other abandoned bybarry aslyums out east. Finding some of the doctor notes at pennhurst was a lot....instruction to starve, beat and routinely firehouse these poor mentally ill kids. You can feel the pain in these buildings.
  • @alphabeta2054
    Ghost: trying to take a shit in the bathroom Nick: this is your last chance to make your presence known
  • Who the hell looked at a creepy abandoned possibly haunted mental asylum from the 1800s and said "ah yes, luxury hotel"
  • @mamamorbs1370
    I live in Buffalo and they recently closed Hotel Henry due to not making enough. It was bought by another company and they are planning on making all the other buildings on the campus into stuff like apartments etc. I've been when it was open and only certain parts were accessible due to holes in the floors from squatters setting fires. The new hospital is actually right next door. I have tons of photos. It's actually extremely pretty.
  • My mom was a psychiatric nurse back in the day. It was a strange mix then of ignorant treatments and actually beneficial ones. Mom worked at a huge state hospital and I met some of her patients a few times when I was little because I went along when she picked up her paycheck. Some of her patients made toys for me. We still don’t understand mental illness and probably are still making mistakes in treatment.
  • @madladam
    My man goes back to the hotel after losing footage. Respect.
  • @carlielovesMLP
    And then people say "I was born in the wrong generation" Ah yes, I'd rather live in a world where because of me being left handed I'd be beaten and tortured 👁👄👁
  • I am not one to believe in ghosts but I feel like when you heard "don't speak" it wasn't anyone angry at you, it was someone possibly giving advice. Like... think about it, these patients, even though they are dead, are still mentally ill. They might still feel like they are in an asylum, not a hotel. I feel like they wouldn't have been allowed to speak, or complain, back then, so they are telling you not to speak or you'll get hurt by the people who used to run the place. Idk just a thought lol
  • I've been in both a formal ward and a community-based mental health facility and the community-based facility was far kinder, more understanding and open to talk more in-depth about my troubles. I think formal wards are better for people who literally can't help themselves. Like in the formal ward, there was a guy who kept hitting his head against the wall and had to be put in a padded cell until he tired out. He should've been there. But the formal ward also didn't allow talking, which was really tough on me, at least. You could talk in group but you couldn't talk to anyone else. You had to basically read all day, which was fine with me but the mania/psychosis patients really had a hard time there. It was also small with not much to do, so they couldn't walk around or anything. Most people weren't on heavy medication, but some were clearly put in a medication-induced stupor so they'd calm down. But both times I was surrounded with the homeless, with murderers, with real criminals who had no other way to get treatment. It was sad but I also think some of them should have stayed longer. The stuff people confessed to in there was brutal. So, all in all, I wouldn't say psychological care is "better", it's just (mostly) not abuse anymore.
  • @stinkstink69
    a nice relaxing time in a luxury hotel with me, my girlfriend, and thousands of dead people some wine
  • @prerna5581
    Plot twist: the hotel staff makes thuds and noises to improve their business through paranormal controversies.
  • @sevenonesicks
    As someone that is on the current revitalization and restoration project in this building, I must say absolutely everything about this complex is mind blowing , there is no shortage of sketch, from the tunnels to the top floors, it is magnificently spooky.
  • One thing I love about your channel is how you go out and do things like this on occasion, not JUST talking about dark happenings, really appreciate that aspect
  • "don't speak" made me so sad. If it was a spirit, it mightve been trying to warn them because in the past the patients were punished for speaking.
  • Those ghosts must be hella offended. I don’t blame ‘em either. I mean, imagine dying in depressing conditions, basically abandoned by your family because of something you cant control, and being forced to wander inside of the place you hated more than anything in your life, and then like a 100 years later, its a freaking hotel. Bruh.
  • @mothermaxyne
    I live about 4 hours away from this place. I went to visit about a year ago, because I’m a huge fan of Outlast. The asylum in the first game was heavily inspired by Hotel Henry. It was really surreal standing in front of it; it’s so huge in person. Kinda creepy that only the front buildings were renovated into a hotel… The rest is still the abandoned, worn down asylum walls.
  • I honestly just want to stay a night to be there for the spirits who seek solace.. I want them to know that their death didn't go unnoticed, and that there are people that still care about them. I want to give them what they hadn't received, and what they most certainly deserved.