Published 2020-07-23

All Comments (21)
  • @justinjennetto
    Day 78 of sobriety after 25 years of drinking. I’ve had a constant headache for over a month now. It’s been rough. Hoping it gets better.
  • @jwichmann1306
    It was the inability to get to sleep that was unbearable. Every time I'd close my eyes, I'd get these explosions of colours and patterns that would snap my eyes back open.
  • I'm 16 hours sober, and this video has helped tremendously. I've recently just resigned from a remote position which I despised, as it was tremendously isolating and I found myself drinking cheap sugary boxed wine all day, every day, on the job... constantly telling myself I'd quit the next day (which I never did). There are no longer any excuses. The way you described the symptoms just now is spot on for me... I barely have the energy to move between my bed and couch, yet my heart is beating through my chest. I'm going through this no matter what.
  • @mrelectric4040
    Drinking is wreaking my life!!! I'm putting my family through HELL!! I'm on my first day spber. Drinking a fifth of spirits or more everyday for many years feel I'm like every thing you said was on point.. Good luck too you all....
  • @davida7559
    I’m 41 years old and lost everything because of drinking drugs and gambling. I’m sober 30 days now but it’s really hard because I feel bad and feel like I can never recover. Hopefully if I stay sober I will find my self mentally and accomplish more in life. Cheers
  • @TheGovtOwnsYou
    First day sober, the last few weeks I was drinking a fifth or more. Got rushed to the ER when my pulse jumped to 160bpms, blood pressure at the ER was 213/90. Shaking uncontrollably and extremely faint/dizzy. I was so scared, thought I was going to die. That was 7 hours ago. Bpm is averaging between 100-120 when standing up. Thank you for this!
  • This illness is terrible had near 1 month clean and relapsed.I can't seem to beat this addiction and feel very ill Today 🙁
  • @buddixon8728
    I just went through everything you explained Tim - I have been drinking a fifth of Evan Williams a day for a couple of years now. My body couldn't take it anymore - I am now on day 5 sober, drinking Gatorade and eating what I can - I am feeling much better now the worst is over - except for gravitating between insomnia and complete exhaustion. Very informative and inspiring video, thank you for your words of wisdom, God bless ~
  • My hubby went through shaking 1st day, insomnia first 4 days, 12 days feeling very cold and diarrhoea unable to do anything bar go to the bathroom right through Xmas. High blood pressure simultaneously and gout with swollen ankles after that. It’s the end of January and blood pressure is now normal, from tablets. He frequently sees docs which saved him from deaths door. This was from years of daily whisky drinking. Doing well now, let’s hope that’s the end of it, it scared him off alcohol for good. Thanks for sharing your story. God bless 😊
  • Finally a good video on quitting alcohol. I'm trying to taper and it is not easy. Blood pressure goes up when my body expects the usual nightly alcohol dosage. It comes down after 4-5 shots.
  • 💜💜💜💜 to you my friend. Thank you for this. And love anyone going thru this
  • @svmx9260
    I liked this so much….. Yesterday I was 7 weeks sober, and now I’m here again, back at day 1. Great video 👏🏼
  • @UNICORNbelive
    Hi again Tim! Gianna here. Today is day 3 for me and I'm shaking, sweating, chills etc still. I'm pushing through it. Thank you <3
  • @vikyefre4975
    Help. I had 5 months sober and I recently relapsed. 27 year old female 120 pounds. Feeling all the symptoms. Too scared to go to detox despite numerous recommendations. Any advice would be useful. I live alone in my apartment. Scary situation. Thanks.
  • @claredooley4071
    Thanks so much I’m on my first day and feeling very panicky but determined,😁