From Mormon Apologist to Christian: The Story of Michael Flournoy

Published 2020-09-07

All Comments (21)
  • @beccab6736
    I was raised Mormon and I was saved at 17. I married my highschool sweetheart which broke my parents hearts because he was Christian. The pastor and the elders of our church prayed over us. My dad at my wedding told me how those people who prayed for me had no authority to do that because they don't have priesthood. It's been really hard with my family, But I know God's love, the true Gods love and I wouldn't change it for anything.
  • @JCGlory
    I was born and raised Mormon, had nine children, went to ricks college, married in Temple, The Lord saved me also when I was 33, I am 53,, Love the freedom of Jesus, p[rais Jesus for your salvation !!!
  • @HectorTheGr8
    “The more I kept defending the church, the more I felt I was being a lawyer to a guilty party” Powerful stuff
  • @jannataylor3084
    I became a Christian after my shelf hit the floor. That was a wonderful day! Love this testimony!
  • @brendablue0022
    When I resigned from the Mormon religion my local bishop called me on Easter Sunday and told me that if I proceeded with resignation the Mormon religion takes back my baptism and blessings. They think they have the right and power of God to give and take just like their god does to them
  • My mother was deceived 20 years ago and drawn away from Christ into the LDS church. I have tried to discuss it and she defends it vehemently. I re-planted the seed, I know it is up to God for the increase. Please pray with me that if it is God's will for her to be returned to the grace of Christ, then God will do what we already know He can. Thank you, Amen.
  • I also left the cult of Mormonism 26 years ago. Gods Word, the Bible brought me out as well. Gods Truth will set you free, in Christ alone. I’m 64 now, and have never looked back.
  • @BryceThomas101
    Coming out of Mormonism I can relate on so many levels. This is an absolute beautiful testimony. Thanks for publishing!
  • What a powerful testimony. I was raised as a second generation Jehovah's Witness and the Lord also planted seeds in me that eventually (but slowly) opened my eyes. I related so much to his story. Thank you for sharing this, it really blessed me as I know it will bless others. Praying it reaches those who are lost in that sea of searching for truth and never finding it.
  • @stacyritter4527
    Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
  • I pray that all the lost people trapped in the mormon cult to have the bravery to click on this video, to have the courage to challenge what they've been taught and think on their own. Amen.
  • I have listened to this video twice. I really appreciate this mans courage and love for Christ. My mother is LDS and she won’t listen but another friend of mine has turned to God from the church and I’m hoping this mans testimony will give her strength and courage to walk with the true Jesus of the Bible :) thank you for this gift!
  • Wow. This is such a powerful testimony. You can really see his changes heart. He went from a Religious stubborn guy to Relationship with God and humble person. I’m so glad God got to work in his life and put everything at the right timing. God bless you and your family!
    Thank you for sharing, my wife and I left the LDS church almost 2 years ago. Very very similar story. Though mine started questioning the word of wisdom and the temple recommend questions.
  • @zo7368
    “God is relentless when it comes to searching out His children… and miracles do happen.” Powerful testimony - thank you!
  • @crushedforme
    Welcome to the family brother! What a beautiful testimony! Praying for many Mormons to be freed by the sweet gospel of grace!!
  • Amen! Solus Christus! I'm glad The Spirit led you to conclude that Christ is sufficient. Thanks for sharing your wonderful testimony.