Crispin Glover on Letterman - 3rd Appearance (1990) - Good quality

Published 2012-08-04
The air of mystery still surrounded his 1st appearance. Glover tries to explain and give hints that it was actually Rubin Farr who was on his show the first time, but Letterman is annoyed with his long story and cuts him off. Rubin Farr was Glover's character in the cult classic "Rubin and Ed."

All Comments (21)
  • @InsomniacJack09
    Holywood really missed out not casting this guy as the Joker in a Batman movie.
  • Holy smokes Crispin Glover is brilliant. He tried to jump to the record promotion to avoid Dave's assumed "apology time." Then he lets Dave shut it down with a smart ass remark like "when you have your own show you can set the agenda." So the ball is back in Crispin's court and he hijacks the time segment drawing out a bogus story which forces Dave to essentially go back to Crispin's agenda. Dave got beat at his own game. Bravo, Crispin. Bravo.
  • Holy shit... Crispin cut into Letterman's time he was going to use to talk about "the kick" with that irrelevant story that went nowhere, then Letterman decided to cut it by promoting his Album...which is what Crispin wanted in the first place to avoid talking about The Kick. FUCKING. BRILLIANT. He thought of that so swiftly!!
  • One thing I've noticed about Crispin is he's really good at not answering questions he doesn't want to answer.
  • @tracieday1914
    Crispin Glover is one of the most under appreciated actors of our time.
  • @HardRockMiner
    Norm MacDonald said it best "Once you realize that the key to Late Night with Letterman is that you're the joke, you are on top. The audience is in on it, and Dave is in on it, so you need to get in on it too, or else it all makes no sense."
  • I love that Letterman just cuts him off in the middle of a story where he was setting up that his doppelganger was the one on the show lol
  • @leahstaub1874
    Haha my favorite part is the end when Crispin says "I'm glad to have you back" as if HE is the host. Goodness, he's good.
  • @terry7893
    Crispin is a genius. He's one of the best actors of all time, yet he's been blackballed from Hollywood because he wouldn't let them screw him over; he sued them and won for using his likeness on Back to the Future.
  • @bowmosexual
    There are actors with chiseled jaw lines, then there's Crispin Glover lol :D
  • @ln7679
    That's three times Glover outsmarted Letterman. In a row.
  • He SOOO looks and acts like his dad, another great actor ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  • I love Crispin, he's brilliant and hides behind the aloof character he presents. He's not the LEAST but impressed with being on Dave's stage - he cares more about how the audience perceives him, not Dave!! & Dave knows it. Each of his interviews the audience loved CG more than Dave
  • @flat6croc
    Remarkable that so few commenters grasp what is going on here. This is, ultimately, a collaboration. Nobody is trolling anybody. It's not exactly scripted, nor entirely planned. But Letterman knows roughly what he's going to get (and likewise knows exactly what is going on) and delivers his own schtick just so. I don't really like Letterman as a person, but he's playing a crucial and intentional role in making this encounter so joyous and fun. It's basically balanced beautifully between a battle of wits and a collaborative riff. Quite brilliant given how different their styles are.
  • @davefox7516
    This is what George McFly would look like on a talk show.
  • @marynystrom9734
    I love it when Davidโ€™s like โ€œI thought that was gonna be something weird but it wasnโ€™tโ€ and Cris is just laughing
  • @chaos120
    "i thought it was going to be something stupid but it's not" LOL