Reverse Atrial Fibrillation Naturally Today

Published 2022-02-02
Watch this detailed interview with Walter, who decided to reverse atrial fibrillation naturally and had amazing results. Learn more about natural treatments for AFib:

Watch Walter discuss his frustrating experience with his local doctors and medication side effects, and why he decided to take a more natural approach to treating atrial fibrillation.
Find out how you too can reverse atrial fibrillation naturally with the Take Control Over AFib Online Program. Join over 1,000 students who have decided to take control over atrial fibrillation naturally.
Everything needed to reverse AFib naturally as quickly as possible is right here in this program. Start today to reverse AFib naturally in a way medicines and procedures cannot. Get 15% off with coupon code DOCTORAFIB at the checkout page.

Find out more about the Take Control Over AFib Program Here:

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All Comments (21)
  • I was diagnosed AFib when I was 52 years old. At that time I work in a very high stressful job. I was prescribed Rhythmol for my afib but I don’t take it all the time. I usually hospitalized 1 to 3 times a year. In 2017 my Afib get worse and after discharged from the hospital I did some research and decided to go to a naturopathic doctor. She asked me if I have an infected tooth and I said yes. She advised me to go to a dentist to have it removed because it might be one of the predisposing factors to my AFib besides stress and poor diet. I also watch a cardiologist in youtube stating that diseases from chest to the head are often cause by oral infection or periodontal infection. I therefore have my teeth extracted, take daily Magnesium, eliminate sugar and processed foods in my diet and exercise daily by walking an hour. Its been 4 1/2 years now that I never been hospitalized, never take medication for AFib except my Magnesium supplement and other vitamins and my EKG is normal. I’m now 65 years old. Thank God!
  • I take metoprolol 5 meg. 1and1/2 tab. Every morning with breakfast. I had hart failure at age 58 and I died 3 times before I got to the hospital. That’s when the doctor did angioplasty and I came back to normal after a month. The afibb happened several month later. Today I am doing ok. But if you don’t remember to take the medicine you loose. I m just getting over my last episode. I have had a bad life and a lot of stress but I’m going to get back to my life and move on with god’s blessings.this last episode I had lost my only son and it all happened on my birthday March 26 this year. I am now 81 and I will try to change my life so I’ll be able to do things for my self and be happy 😊.
  • I was 18 when i was diagnosed with Afib, I'm now coming up to my 64th birthday ,and has never gone away. I'm in Afib all the time..
  • @louparry7721
    I really appreciate this newer video. Thank you soooooo much.
  • @pkicng210
    After I had 2 stents put in; one in the ascending aorta of my heart and the other is the descending aorta of my heart at a local hospital. Two months later, I went back at Stanford for my annual checkup.and asked for another PCP. This Dr took my family history and all the pertinent data of myself including the ECG from the local cardiologist. Before I went to the lab on the ground floor, she told me that a lot of my illness such as arteriosclerosis, diabetes can be reduced through proper diet . She said 60% of what is ailing me is because of bad nutrition. I am so glad you have a real chef who knows what food does and how to minimize his meds. My wife has Afib and will take account of what is said on the video. Thank you.
  • @tisa4572
    Problem is, most doctors just want to give you prescriptions rather than possibly finding a natural way so you can live normally... On another note- cut out your sugars!!! Sugar is not your friend.....
  • Thank God I got to your side I am one with A^fib and am not a believer in medical help. I was trying my self to ween myself from statins, and metoprolol I was getting myself to diet and exercise. Now I see that I am on the right way. Thank you much
  • @noeladcock
    THANKS MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO! I have learned so much from watching the videos on AFib. I had learned much of this by experimenting with my own eating habits but it is reassuring to know that I am not the only one making a difference via changing my eating and exercise habits.
  • @Brabdog
    I’ve had Afib since my late 20’s and have lived with it for decades, although my heart beat sounds and feels regular. I also have a resting pulse rate of 35 BPM which freaks the docs out. I take a baby aspirin, that’s it. I exercise regularly with no issues. The important thing is to not let the medical definition of normal put you into a fear state. Instead of treating the individual, many docs treat the numbers (anything out of the “normal” range) with a variety of technologies. Luckily I have a good cardiologist who doesn’t push procedures. Having said that, an echocardiogram is important as it will tell you your ejection fraction - reduced ejection fraction is correlated with the risk of sudden death. Also make sure you know and manage your CHADS score - this forms the basis for many cardiovascular interventions. Nutrition and daily exercise are key. Supplement with the RDA of magnesium, appropriate amount of D, and Vitamin K2 because they are not prevalent in the food supply. Eat one Brazil nut every day for selenium. Stay hydrated and consume lots of leafy greens, vegetables, nuts like raw walnuts, fruits and berries, beans, lean protein, etc.; adequate intake of electrolytes is important, especially potassium. Build relaxation into your schedule. Don’t get panicked into a potentially unnecessary procedure. Hope this helps.
  • @cryptoninjaz
    I am really glad I found your videos Dr. very inspired Subbed !
  • @jimooky7113
    I`ve just been diagnosed with AFib.. Thought I was having a heart attack! Did it to myself through hard drinking after my divorce. Im glad to have found this community! Im getting shocked in 5 weeks. I`m really worried.
  • Great interview! Thanks for sharing! In addition to cardio, yoga and meditation have helped me immensely. I’m not on meds, and take pill in the pocket when needed for AFIB episodes. Also in summer I’ve started taking daily pedulite to help keep my hydration levels up! I found that drinking 90 ounces of water a day may not keep my hydration numbers high enough which is a huge trigger for me! Be well everyone! Thrilled that I found this community!
  • @Maziar961
    I believe Afib is the symptoms, not the cause. Many factors can cause Afib. And we have to figure out what causing it. My wife has off/ on Afib ( paroxysmal Afib) Started about 15 years ago, once every few months, to once a month about 5 years ago, and recently about once a week. Each time last about 10-15 hours. These are my conclusions as a physician myself: The heart natural automatic initiation and conduction system ( sinus node, nerve pathways in atrium, A-V node …) are working perfect most of the time as in my wife. Something WE do which causing the problem . What are those: 1- inflammation and inflammatory factors: majority of these offenders are coming from food which we put in our body and cause inflammation. Like Refine sugar, artificial foods, processed foods etc. 2-vagus nerve irritation. This nerve supplies heart as well stomach… anything we put in our stomach which irritate the nerve can irritate the heart too. Such as alcohol, caffeine, spicy food etc… Also lack of sleep, stress etc, can triggers and cause the same problem. So what we did: Finally we eliminated all suspicious foods. We went back to basic: cooked at home. ate natural food. Stopped any factory prepared food, even no milk, or bottled water. Practically we ate fruits, veggies, nuts, rice, beans nuts etc. we stopped sugar too. And no coffee, ony hot water . The result : NO Afib. yes, be patient, and persistent . You can do it, before it’s too late. When the heart is too much damaged, and dilated, it’s too late to reverse it. Good luck to all of you.
  • @mattbush5848
    The treatment cardiologists never mentioned to me: Magnesium and lots of water, electrolytes. Since I began taking Remag (a potent liquid magnesium) a few years ago my Afib epidodes have almost gone away, from once every two to three weeks for a few hours to once every few months for a few minutes. Ironically some of the meds used to reduce blood pressure leach magnesium from our bodies. I am convinced that taking my daily magnesium and staying well hydrated is the best way to avoid afib. I recently read a testimonial that a guy takes a Nunn tablet (hydrator) at the onset of an afib episode and his heart is back in normal rhythm within a few minutes.
  • @bhdreamer
    I’m glad this was the first video I saw so I can help my husband get well
  • @Noor-jw2tn
    I presented at Emergency Department at 2.30a.m. 3 nights ago with Afib. I like this man am going to fight to find a natural answer for this. I'm not over weight and I eat well. I exercise. I think I know the cause for this episode I just need to find a doctor who will work with me. I say I don't have a heart problem, I have an electrical problem.