Somehow Blue Origin New Glenn to orbit EXACT Starship Killer! Musk laughs...

Published 2024-07-27
Somehow Blue Origin New Glenn to orbit EXACT Starship Killer! Musk laughs...
Sources of image & video:
Greg Scott:
Cosmic Perspective:    / @cosmicperspective  
LabPadre Space:
John Kraus:
Somehow Blue Origin New Glenn to orbit EXACT Starship Killer! Musk laughs...
For a giant in the aerospace industry, the greatest shame and humiliation is perhaps never having launched a rocket into orbit. You know who we are talking about—yes, it's Blue Origin.
But the story is starting to change for Blue Origin, as their only orbital rocket, New Glenn, is showing more positive developments than we might have thought.
So, what has recently happened with the New Glenn rocket?
Can New Glenn's incremental progress catch up with their arch-rival SpaceX's Starship?
What is the core factor behind SpaceX's success that Blue Origin may still need a few more years to achieve?
Let’s find out on today’s episode of Alpha Tech:
Somehow Blue Origin New Glenn to orbit EXACT Starship Killer! Musk laughs...
After two months of silence since the first cryogenic test of the New Glenn simulator in March, we recently saw Blue Origin showcase a new image of the new orbital rocket simulator on its homepage.
“We’re rolling out our New Glenn simulator again today for a series of transport erector-integrated ground tests in preparation for launch later this year. Tests will include powering up the pumps that provide pressure to the vehicle's hydraulic system, validating the ground system supplying commodities to the rocket, and a rapid retract test of the umbilical connections. More to come.”
Somehow Blue Origin New Glenn to orbit EXACT Starship Killer! Musk laughs...
Well, this is a positive sign. Alongside the affirmation and promise of a definite launch later this year, Blue Origin is conducting a series of ground tests on its other rocket simulator.
However, I don't quite understand why they continually use the simulator for testing.
If you have the answer to this, please comment and let us know!
Back in March, we saw a perfect representation of the New Glenn rocket simulator, which was erected vertically on the platform and even underwent a cryogenic test to check its structure. What we expected next was a static fire test of the seven BE-4 engines in the first stage. But in reality, they are repeating tests with new simulators. Although continuous testing is a prudent approach, it raises the question: where is the flight hardware? Can Blue Origin achieve the pace needed to meet the goal of launching by the end of 2024, or will it face another unending delay?
Hopefully, in the coming time, Blue Origin will provide satisfactory answers to these concerns.
Subcribe Alpha Tech:    / @alphatech4966  

All Comments (21)
  • @cococalm
    I think the fundamental difference between Blue Origin and SpaceX is their respective owners. Elon Musk is an engineer, Bezos is a salesman. I know with whom I shall hedge my bets on !!
  • @sqengineer
    The difference is SpaceX is a company and Blue Origin is a hobby.
  • SpaceX continues to break orbit while sue origin breaks wind😊
  • @XCX237
    If Bezos would just shut up and build his rocket, he might get somewhere. Having a temper tantrum an sueing his eay the top wont get him there. Starship killer? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • @janeksheppix
    Meanwile Vulcan, which should be already operational is still missing BE-4 engines promised by Blue Origin
  • @billmullins6833
    New Glenn a "Starship killer"? What are you guys toking? NG isn't even a real competitor to SS. And as for the alleged aerospike on the 2nd stage, areospike is not near ready to fly. To date aerospike is vaporware.
  • @steveo6034
    Jeff Bezos seems to enjoy partying on his yacht with his new wife rather than focusing on BO.
  • @Ingens_Scherz
    After all these years (decades?) of snail's pace, complacent development, shouldn't "New Glenn" really be called "Old Glenn" now? And then retired.
  • @vmoutsop
    Blue Origin - Blah blah blah, stop talking and start doing!
  • @NeonVisual
    Lol, blue origin. What a waste of Amazon customer's money.
  • Sue origin is too scared to send people to ISS... This delaying the program. Sue origin is now a hobby, not a dream
  • @MrJohnnyseven
    When will these clowns launch something other than a fair ride
  • @donaldlynn57
    That Rocket more close be Large Falcome9, then Starship.
  • The only way Sue Origin's New Bling will be a Starship Killler is Starship laughing itself to death over small hairless man Bezos attempts to reach LEO .......🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • @garthbews4863
    sue origin..not looking to be first..5th,, but will sue the top5 to get ahead..delay them and seek their technologies..its just jeff sue way..
  • @JohnCummuta
    Do you folks at Alpha Tech proof read your YouTube headlines before you post, to see if they actually say anything in English? And please take a rest with "Shocked, Humiliated," and variations on the theme. Just tell us what the video talks about. Thanks.