Conquering Lyme Disease - Heather's Story [Extended Version]

Published 2019-10-23
An emotional telling of one young woman's journey out of debilitating chronic illness and into the world of helping heal others. Hear how she overcame and conquered Lyme disease and went on to help others in her place.

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  • Heather, I found my tick as it fell off me. I had been camping for a short 48 hour trip out of the city, when I returned home the tick was engorged so I looked in the mirror and saw a huge classic bullseye rash. My story from that point is long and filled with many medical mistakes even though the physician who confirmed that I was bitten by an infected tick with Lyme disease and needed antibiotics immediately. That was only on the 2nd day of the tick came out om it's own. Really biggest problem was Doctor refused to prescribe the antibiotics. I just wanted to let you know that after my symptoms started (3 weeks later) I can identity with all your symptoms, leg paralysis which came out of nowhere when walking along fine and the falls I had knocked me down and sometimes concussions from hitting my head. I had spent 2 years going from doctor to doctor feeling like I was dying the entire time. Chills so bad and head pain that was excruciating, all the entire symptoms of what turned out to be 3 different infections. I am listening to your video as I write this. I too am extremely spiritual and have always felt the presence & protection of God my entire life through some really frightening physical situations and as well as the best of the happiest moments that are those incredibly beautiful moments in my life. I finally found a LLMD who is world renowned for his treatment and studies and teaching of Lyme disease ans all TBI's. He found that I had been carrying not only Lyme but also Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever & Babesia. I felt pretty good when I look back at those 1st three years of treatment and my 2 co-infections were showing up negative. Then I had a really bad tooth pain that I had no idea was Lyme related. The month after my previous appointment & lab work my tooth cracked and fractured from the Lyme infection and had to be surgically extracted. The next morning my left ear was deaf and I felt like I was under water. Now it's 5 years into my infection. I never had a single family member to help me through this and I'm still trying to get this out of me at least to the point that I can function again. My Aunt was there for me from the beginning and I felt protected and supprted - which is so important for Lyme patients. Now, without any known reason, my lifelong beautifully loving Aunt has turned her back on me and I have no idea why. I am experiencing that Lyme PTSD thing - which I never thought would be an issue for me because of all the post traumas in my life that go back as far as age 13. I hace worked hard to move past any and all toxic people - even those in my family. I used to be so close with all my family and I spent a tremendous amount of time with each member - until before I was bitten, I found I needed to make much needed space from the aggressive and toxic few. This disease is not easily able to handle alone. I guess I am letting you know that I have gone through all you have and relate. That frustration of the thought of never getting better. After my tooth extraction - I forgot to mention that my entire brain flooded with spirochetes and I have lost all memory and can't even read anymore without going over the 1st page ober and over to understand what I just read. I've gone through the worst herxing - just as everyone else. I get lost, cant walk, get easily confused and don't know what I just said to someone and why I blurt out things I don't mean. I have been taken advantage of financially the last 2 years more than I care to admit. One non Lyme literate theraist said that people take advantage of my kindness. What am I to do? Stop talking to strangers or new people? I'm no longer treating - which terrifies me the most. I know with Lyme - if you don't keep treating - ir will or can overtake you. I did my last treatment 2 years ago of i.v. Ceftriaxone every 4th day and within 3 weeks - I could think again! I felt so great! I felt this "confidence" that I didn't know was missing. After I stopped my i.v. tx because of lack of transportation to and from that office. All my symptoms returned. I need to re listen to your video as I was writing.... Im so curious about the Ted x person. I have a feeling that it might be someone I know very well. Are you on Facebook? any of the Lyme groups? I wanted to hear how you healed yourself... I will listen again. Nice to meet you. I might look for you on Facebook if ok with you? Im really suffering right now. Thank you for sharing your story. 💚