Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Kanonenjagdpanzer, Pt 2.

Published 2020-04-11
And finishing up the KaJaPa. I have been told since filming that there was supposed to be a second seat for the gunner, attached on an arm to the main gun so at least it would travel left and right with it. However, the sight is still extremely low, especially in elevation.

This is a Wargaming-Paid video,. The link if you want to start playing and attribute it to these videos (as mentioned towards the end) is

All Comments (21)
  • @ThePerfectRed
    He forgot the REALLY MAIN purpose of that floor hatch: To take a pee.
  • @cobalt2361
    There's a suspiciosly "bloody human handprint" looking stain in front of the gunner there...
  • @Cybrludite
    "I don't see why it's so secure." Zombies, obviously.
    My dad commanded one of these during his time in the army. His unit started with M48s and he hated it because he found it uncomfortable to operate and move in, but the KaJaPa was very well liked by him and his crew because of the space and well designed interior.
  • @lmbfrank
    You should consider a T-shirt that says some variation of, "...Schtuff."
  • @lok3kobold
    Its such a change to see these lovely post-world war vehicles, you can tell they have matured and had lots of experience from things like the mark 4 and the jagdpanzer 38t in how to make the most of a smaller vehicle and had time to design and test it without a mustached gentleman screaming at you to build the damn thing already
  • @JaneCobbsHat
    This eye dominance test trick is brilliant. I never knew I was left eye dominant. Things you learn watching tanks.
  • It’s so badass they they have both the Kanonen Jadgpanzer and the Raketen Jadgpanzer. They are such cool pieces and I’m sad I missed it in my first watch through
  • @Cancun771
    It's basically an armored RV with a big antitank gun. Makes you wonder if any of my fellow Bundeswehr mates had a meth lab in one of those back in the day, or at least an illicit distillery. A word on pronunciation though, the 'a' in 'jagd' is basically the same vowel as the 'a' in 'Kanone', only long. Otherwise we would spell it "Jäigdpanzer".
  • @luisnunes2010
    "I can be seated while I kill the enemies of my country..." I'm sold. The armor, though... dicey.
  • At you can see two gauges, a red lever and a black sticker. The left gauge (white) says "Tauchtiefe", and it means "diving depth", and it scales up to 6m (meter). And on the black sticker you can see the manual for the red lever. The arrow pointing to the right, as does the lever, explains it as "Tiefwaten / Tauchen", or "wade deep / diving" in english. Perfect hiding place: 6 meter below the waterline. No one will expect a KanJPz (the official abbreviation, btw) there. Seriously, "deep wading" is a function a few modern german tanks can do, for example the Leopard 2. The idea is to cross a river without the need to build a bridge.
  • @lucajohnen6719
    I love that I recently saw one of the old videos where the whole comment section was just about how god aweful the background music is and the thought you might have kept it out of pure spite is warming my heart
  • Oh, before the alcohol kicks in..... More room inside because of less armor.... Just more room. Claus Kellerman! "I am died!!!"
  • I’d really like to see the Polish TKS armed with a NKM WZ.38 FK20MM auto cannon . The same type commanded by Edmond Roman Orlik . He was the first tank ace of the war with ten confirmed kills. It’s amazing how this tank and man are ignored.
  • @niclyx7970
    My college archery club did that eye dominant test too. I was told off for telling a newcomer about it before they took the test themselves.