The Doping Scandal Rocking the Upcoming Olympics

Published 2024-06-27
A new doping scandal is rocking the world of competitive swimming, as the Paris Olympics approach. These allegations are raising questions about fairness in the sport and whether the results at the summer games can be trusted.

Michael S. Schmidt, one of the reporters who broke the story, explains the controversy and what it reveals about the struggle to police doping in sports.

Guest: Michael S. Schmidt ( , an investigative reporter for The New York Times.

Background reading: 

• Chinese swimmers twice tested positive for drugs. They kept on swimming. (…)
• U.S. swimming stars assailed the World Anti-Doping Agency (…) ahead of the Olympics.

For more information on today’s episode, visit ( . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

All Comments (21)
  • How much money passed through hands from China to the Olympic committee to allow these Chinese swimmers to compete?
  • @GSXK4
    Putting China or Russia in charge of catching dopers is like putting the drug Cartels in charge of the DEA.
  • @ndomingo2906
    Let me tell you something that the world should’ve realized a long time ago, the honor system flat out does not work among the Chinese!
  • @dweller6065
    Not good enough WADA. They cannot say they upheld the highest standards in this case. At a bare minimum, WADA officials should have been camped in China in the first half of 2024 testing and testing and testing. Just as an aside - the quality of Olympic competition in the pool would not be diminished if doping swimmers were banned - I mean they are not very good. The sponsors would be worried though - I suppose WADA was looking out for their interests.
  • We keep forgetting how the US in track and field got away with doping during the Carl Lewis years - using human growth hormone. Look at all the American athletes during the late 80’ and early 90’s that were all of a sudden wearing braces - but we of course, turn a blind eye to that. Lewis finally popped hot - but didn’t suffer any significant punishment
  • @kristenlee337
    After watching the Lance Armstrong doc on Netflix, I'm convinced almost all top olympic athletes dope. I feel like I don't have a single good reason to believe otherwise.
  • @FigureNastics
    TMZ and Xenon gas is allegedly what the Russians gave/give their figure skaters. 😢 EDIT: A now retired figure skater, had a false positive test result and they found out it got into her system bc of the eye lash glue she was using to apply her fake lashes for performance! Freakin crazy!
  • @nanoRat
    Could it be that the Chinese coaches spiked the food of the athletes in the hotel without their knowledge to improve their performance??? Does the drug work that quickly?? I also know that TMZ is a drug NOT used in the US for even heart patients because of it's MANY adverse side effects including seizures, memory loss and paralysis.
  • @jbirsner
    Check out the Oscar-winning documentary "Icarus" if you want to see a great overview of the Russian doping scam at Sochi.
  • @aeromtb2468
    at this point we should have enhanced games and be transparent. olympics is a scam anyways.
  • @Hipposter
    The biggest fallacy that we believe in the Olympics is that prizes are won on merit. Settting doping aside, wealthy countries that can afford things like world-class facilities, medical care, coaches, tech suits, and the ability to train day in and day out without worrying about having to put food on the table, will always do better than those with lesser funding. One can even go further into the discriminatory rules and regulations that have historically kept certain ethnicities from the water and provided little resources to them. Let's be honest although athletes can have considerable achievements, these are not all based solely on merit.
  • @bipmix
    Follow the money, the IOC leadership retains their jobs by giving IOC money to marginal countries in exchange for the votes to stay in power. I China’s case, they have been paying off the the officials since the 90s
  • Even if these athletes were contaminated by others, it doesn’t change the fact that they had the substance in their system and benefited from it! The world record should be set aside.
  • @JohnCoconis
    I wish we would look at Nike and the Nike House. From a nationalistic viewpoint I see the issue. But from a class viewpoint what's the difference. In our own country we have cheaters who have access to things such as the Nike House... We play by a set of rules that have been designed by us and expect everyone else to play by these rules. Maybe if we actually had an "equal playing field" we wouldn't have to have all these restrictions.
  • @aeromtb2468
    MLB, NFL, Tour de Fr, etc… testing doesnt stop it.
  • @4R53Hole
    These Olympics are going to be DOPE!
  • @tnguyen8633
    I had to 1.5x to listen to this dude talk. Mf talks so damn slow
  • @Edo9River
    No one wants to answer, so many kettles are painted with the pigments. So we are bound togeth😊to protect each others interests from embarrassment, not justice, embarrassment.
  • One of my earliest memories as a loyal Aussie swimming fan was the shoulders of the female Chinese team at the 1994 World Championships lol they could have been gridiron front rowers😂