Shaolin Monks

Published 2007-01-22
Shaolin Monks in action - part 2

All Comments (21)
  • @SyntaxScout
    shaolin monks are pure energy,they have full control of the body,mind,and spirit.
  • @Muxen92
    I bet this group of people must be the most spiritual and happy people on earth.
  • @bobjimjones
    its not about how many people they can beat up. it's a beautiful art that requires extensive training and dedication. it should be given the respect it deserves.
  • @coffeered7
    the old man was ''off the hinges'' excellent concentration''! the kid also was amazing !
  • @Wynstorm3
    It was beautiful to watch this child demonstrate his skill and then, from youth age, watch the elder monk show the power of Shaolin dedication across time. This is the greatness of Shaolin Temple- endurance, longevity, peace.
  • @Jreberu
    I saw this show some few tears ago. Towards the end the eldest monk came out and during his performance stomped with one foot on the stage. The resulting boom and vibration were so powerful that they skipped the sound system back stage!
  • @baseballstarjc12
    i kno someone who was once in the presence of a true shaolin monk and he told me that with his presence you could feel the energy. it put everthing in its place. he said u immideately knew what you were seing
  • @markohu
    this is the tonzigong rutine this rutine came from the yoga teaching of ta mo and the qi gong part is amazing as always. is simply amazing and also the belly qi gong
  • @MysticExile111
    I love how the older monk is only like stretching himself and people are already clapping like mad.
  • @tuttle368
    awesome! that little kid is not a little kid anymore. he is now teaching in houston. his students are amazing too.
  • @kiddoxsupra2
    I love shaolin monks... I want learn it from them... I learn half little bit...
  • @tuttle368
    not this boy. he asked permission from his parents to send him to the Shaolin Temple when he was 5. After winning tournaments in his hometown when he was 4, he wanted to train more with the monks. He visited his parents every weekend. Some kids were orphans (maybe) but not most of them.
  • @walatalalaw
    the best part is, he's in better shape than most people of his age. and I bet he has no back ache realy, these people are amazing
  • @grobmiller
    now what i find most interesting aside from the performance is the back story behind it. ends up that they are not truely the monks, just students ofthose learning under people who were training to be monks. i remeber watching it in a documentary and they brought up this show in it. aside from that very skillful
  • @VSeun
    I didnt watch all of the video, but i bet that lil kid would be an awesome break dancer.
  • @yeliwofthecorn
    Having done backstage work at some of these shows, while this is all 100% real, as soon as these guys get off stage after doing things like breaking metal or concrete with their bodies, they swear like crazy! Their skill lies more in their ability to control their bodies reactions, at least temporarily, to produce extraordinary results.
    The kid's breakfall is outstanding and his root is deep and very well set. I was never so stable. Really impressive. For the record McDonalds and Xbox 360 are more child abuse then this.
  • @someone0d
    May the kids life be pure and wonderful.