‘Humiliation’: President stands ‘frozen with his mouth agape’ as Jill Biden speaks for him

Published 2024-07-01
Sky News host Chris Kenny says it was a “bad look” when First Lady of America Jill Biden had to speak for President Joe Biden after the presidential debate last week.

“We had the, I suppose, the humiliation, really, of seeing Jill Biden, his wife, having to speak for him,” he said.

“It’s a bad look, and she’s revving up the crowd, and he’s just sort of standing there frozen with his mouth agape.”

All Comments (21)
  • Jill should be ashamed of herself letting her husband be humiliated daily for the whole world to see. He belongs in a Nursing home not in the WH.
  • @smallbutfierce
    Jill Biden is so cruel for keeping this going. If that was my husband, I would protect the little dignity he had left and let the administration know that he’s unfit & retiring.
  • @edwardprice140
    His whole party is guilty of elder abuse, take his drivers licence and let him rest. Shame !
  • @Hibiscus123
    It’s not just an embarrassment but at this point he’s dangerous to American citizens.
  • How embarrassing is it that is own wife speaks to him like he's a toddler
  • He's not mentally well. If his family wants to keep going... It has to be greed. Because, everyone can see that he's not well. Please step down.
  • @GAIS414
    Never in the history of America has a man been so humiliated publicly. And by his own wife no less, addressing the US president with "Joe you did such a great job, you answered every question, you knew all the facts." Followed by a roaring audience. If this is not Idiocracy, I don't know what would be.
  • @headboy
    How can a man with obvious mental issues be allowed to carry on as the leader of the US, or any country? It's unbelivable.
  • Imagine telling your elderly father with dementia to stick it out for another 4.5 years.
  • @01sevensix
    Does she care so dearly about being First Lady? That family is a mess…..
  • He knows how to tell the truth…..he grew up in a Puerto Rican community, went to a black church after attending mass, drove an 18 wheeler, took a train across the Francis Scott Key bridge, walked in the civil rights marches, graduated in the top of his class, has never plagiarized anyone by written word or speech, has the best economy ever and his uncle was eaten by cannibals.
  • @Luxie296
    His wife and his children should be protecting him. The fact that they are allowing him to continually publicly humiliate himself says a lot about their characters.
  • @freudenberg101
    Some people don't know when to quit. This is getting ridiculous.😮
  • @tonybrry9618
    he's not fit to fight. A 2 year old speaks more clearly than him
  • @MsLouisVee
    I blame fake doctor Jill. Power hungry and selfish. Shame on you Jill.
  • @sophial.2438
    Nancy Reagan did the exact opposite with her husband. When Alzheimer's became noticeable she protected him like a hawk; refusing to let him make public speeches any longer and keeping him out of the spotlight for years until he died. Now that were the actions of a loving wife. Jill here is as revolting as her husband and stepson.