Bible Prophecy - Happening Now with Charlie Kirk (July 2020) #CharlieKirk #TurningPointUSA

Charlie Kirk and Pastor Jack discuss how America has turned away from its morality and Biblical foundation as a nation and the result has created broken families, a shattered education system, a lack of hope, and a loss of purpose within its citizens.

コメント (21)
  • How can we start bringing God back into our culture? How can we as a nation turn back to our Biblical foundations? Let us know our thoughts below
  • I'm the high school drop out who works with my hands and voted Trump that loves this nation. I own my own home 8 classic cars, a 3 bay shop, massive gun collection, who's raised 2 successful girls who are both married now and love God with all I am. They call me an American.
  • The world desperately needs to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • Sadly many churches have becomes businesses. Budgets, numbers, “safety” as the emphasis. Please pray for a revival in the church!!
  • I'm very sick Im praying to God I would appreciate it if anyone could pray for me I'm suffering please pray for me I'm praying for everyone God bless 🙏
  • Could you imagine a world where there's no hate, jealously or envy. There is.. it's Heaven and Jesus Christ is the only way there.
  • This should be required viewing in every high school in America!
  • WOW! I am so used to lukewarm pastors… I’m envious I don’t live in California where I could attend this church! Two brilliant men speaking truth! Thank God Almighty!
  • @hhrfc671
    Dark will NEVER defeat LIGHT. In the end God wins. Good will always overcome evil. Donald J Trump 2020.
  • Thank God there's some millenials like Charlie who have their lives together; trusting in God and got their heads screwed on right!!!
  • Charlie is a believer of Jesus and a great patriot for this country. He’s such breath of fresh air!
  • I was a smoker for 25 years and this Easter I prayed to god to help me stop and he gave me the will to quit cold turkey and I’m still cigarette free and feel good I’m waiting for church to open to give all the time I have to Crist and to the people..
  • The BIBLE says, "Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together." We ought to obey God rather than man. End of discussion.
  • "If socialism is so great why didn't the caravan go to Venezuela?" My new favorite quote.
  • (Referring to the left) "They're so committed to being correct, they're constantly wrong... but they're never in doubt." - Charlie Kirk
  • I raised my kids between Christian schools and home schooling... I told the they all had to work a job by 17 and that they needed to earn there own way thru college if they wanted to go...I believed in vocation schools to learn a trade.., all three children now 39-49 years old .. all entrepreneurs and teaching their kids the same thing... I did something right☝️
  • Imagine a millennial generation filled with Charlie Kirks!!!
  • Charlie Kirk is on fire! Definitely blessed by Holy Spirit with a great deal of wisdom & a masterful ability to articulate it to the masses! Praying for him!