My First Thoughts On Pathfinder Remastered

Published 2023-11-27

All Comments (21)
  • @liamcage7208
    It seems that the sweet spot for selling game books and supplements is around $50. Gamers will spend $50 per book x 2 before they will spend $75 for a single book with all the same contents combined. I'm sure they did the market research on this.
  • @StabYourBrain
    I honestly prefer the Player Core and GM Core being two separate books, because now at least ALL GM Information is in one place. You have to remember that the Original PF2 Books still had a separate GM Book because they couldn't fit everything in the Core Rule Book, so i prefer Player and GM Stuff being in different books over Player and some GM Stuff being in one book and having the remaining GM Stuff in another book.
  • @riverray4136
    Another neat thing about the Remaster books - where the 1e and original 2e ones featured the traditional chromatic dragons in the cover art (red on the CRB in both editions, blue on the 1e Gamemastery Guide, black on the 2e Gamemastery Guide, etc.), the Remaster ones instead feature the new Pathfinder-original dragons coming in Monster Core (the diabolic [unholy divine] dragon on the Player Core, and the mirage [arcane illusions-oriented] dragon for the GM Core), since those legacy dragon families are apparently going away, at least until Paizo figures out how to bring them back in a way that doesn't risk licensing issues.
  • @mikep6245
    Great summary Dave! Really clear assessment of where the books are at now.
  • @B42UC4
    I used to be one of the complainers about three core books instead of one. Now I am on the other side of the fence, since having each Player with a copy of the rules is a great time saver. Thanks for the video!
  • @RustyRyBar
    Thanks for this presentation and your commentary, Dave! That artwork on the interior cover boards is fantastic! All the best, sir.
  • @qsviewsrpgs4571
    Another solid video. I'm cool either way, one book for all or split. As long as all the information I need is there and not too difficult to find, then I'm all for it. I don't have either of these yet, but I hope to before the end of the month.
  • @tinear4
    Mad Monkeys was part of the original APG book, but yes, it’s a great spell.
  • @craigjones7343
    The character on the GM Core is one of the Runelords. I can’t remember his name but he is one of the evil runelords named in the first AP paizo created Paizo stated that the remaster was something they were considering at some point in the first and the OGL forced them to move the time line forward. Paizo also discussed why they split the core book into 2 books. Although the concept of a one and done book like the 2e Core Book it was seen by many players as being too big, and incorrectly too complicated, to learn. So the split was necessary to attract those with players. Secondly it allowed them to create more focused books and remove the confusion of player and GM rules overlapping in multiple sections of the books. I personally like the single book for 2e but believe the 2r books will be better overall.
  • @DaBigCheeso
    As much as I hate buying these books again, I do like that this makes Pathfinder feel like a different game than just Alt D&D. It was great when it started and I was NOT a fan of what 4E gave us and was all about playing D&D 3.75 instead, but now that 5E is so strong and we're looking at it evolving with One, it's better to have this as a different type of game.
  • @johnharrison2086
    Thanks for the review. The remaster is not for me. I will stay with the classic PF2 books that I already have.
  • @WombatProphecy
    Looks like a nice update, but not worth the price when I already have the core of PF2 and a few supplements. I will wait to see if any mechanical changes are lauded as an obvious improvement and consider implementing those though
  • @dmeep
    Got the p2e from a humble bundle and havent played it yet. Im not getting the remastered until after we finish abomination vault for arbitrary reasons
  • @Akeche
    For the GM books, it's even more specific than that with the cover. The GM facing rulebooks have always had artwork of one of the Runelords
  • @jamesyoung7400
    If you want to get technical you can't copy right any game mechanic.
  • @mikep6245
    oh and folks... make sure you stick around until the end
  • @danacoleman4007
    Thank you for the video. This lets me know I can continue to stick with first edition Pathfinder.