Is public land hunting ruined for ever

Published 2024-06-16

All Comments (21)
  • @stevefisher2121
    Not only is public land ruined but even private land as well because most people today don't have any hunting morals or ethics. Social media has ruined the outdoors period and yes I realize that I'm on youtube for all the keyboard commandos out there!!!
  • Here in southern Ohio there's a hunter along every pull off on public. Some of us older guys can't walk 5 miles deep to hunt. Hard to kill a deer with 10 other people hunting the same place. I wouldn't dare step in the spring turkey woods on public because of all the hunters cause it's dangerous. Every private place is leased by out of state hunters. Gotta be rich just to have a place to hunt these days. Hunting used to be fun but now it's just frustrating. And I been bow hunting for 37yrs.
  • @jasonunkel7141
    Rat slayer was like a kid in the candy store when he opened that new bow awesome glad too see him excited to hunt with dad
  • @jimmooney3803
    The deer gotta live somewhere let the doubters doubt and not go hunting while we keep trucking searching for the one you gotta be in it to win it!!
  • @JohnJones-nk7yq
    The days of survey tape and land marks not map apps on your phone would keep alot of folk out of the woods especially in the dark.
  • The over use of trail cam is a issue. The buck shaming has no place. Your license your choice regardless. Any buck with a hand held arm drawn bow is a success. Even a doe. Take what you want forget the horn porn
  • @krk1158
    I've been hunting some public land parcels in Wisconsin and it can be so challenging where I hunt. It is really difficult with all the squirrel hunters and pheasant hunters, specifically the squirrel hunters who tend to walk long distances.
  • @paulbernitt4280
    Thank you for sharing your experiences Dan! Soooooo many people quitting before they get started based on a story they tell themselves that there are not any big bucks on the land they are hunting. Oh the opportunities missed by talking ourselves out of the experiences of hunting activities. Who cares about cameras and other fancy stuff that proves our poor mindsets. Hunting is more about going out there, learning and becoming flexible. Confidence kills big bucks because the confidence is coming from the experiences of previous hunting activities and appication to the hunt you are in. To me, the hunt is more about the hunt for what's happening in the woods I'm hunting rather than just the kill. Use skills you have earned to kill the age class of bucks that present themselves. I always tell people getting started to kill deer and focus less on the monster. The monsters will present themselves and if you pay attention to what they do, you will change your hunting skillsets and eventually kill bigger bucks.
  • Letting other hunters tell me where they are with cams and stands is an upper hand when you can see where it pushes deer. And most people won’t tell you where they are going so I gotta go by the cams and stands. It helps. I don’t feel like I need a trail cam. I used to use them but I was pushing deer away so I quit using them and I have more success. I can still get a head count by scouting and observation stands.
  • @s_for_siv
    Loved the graphics explaining the bedding, trails and stand positions!!
  • The biting flies are in full force They swarm the trucks heat signature On the plus side, I had my second (of my life) black bear sighting this morning, crossing a logging road around 9am. Looked like a yearling. I thought it was a black wolf at first. 😮
  • @richarddean3154
    Thank you for all the effort you put into these videos. I recently scouted some areas but it seems like all of it is relatively easy to access. Good luck this fall.
  • @ryanfreeman9766
    Watching your videos gives me buck fever. I just want to go out and scout now.
  • What I've come to recognize is that deer like to lay in thick spots where the walking trails 👣 r angling away from where they r bedding & then they can actually count the traffic w/o moving. If u can walk past them a way's then take 2 right turns u might be able to get into position like 75-100 yards from them. 🎉😮
  • @poplardeer
    Your video reminds me of playing blackjack tournaments in that you're playing against the dealers and the players at the table, most of the time people still think they just have to beat the dealer. Most challenges present opportunities. Public land takes effort, that's still the #1 reason why there will almost always be good spots to hunt in most areas on public land.
  • @chuck8586
    As someone whos been hunting for 24 years now, i couldnt disagree more with the idea that public land is ruined. Fucking hell its finally getting good in my area of northern PA
  • @GettingToHeaven
    The nice thing about hunting public land where I hunt is you hardly ever see a hunter opening day of rifle season. Back 20 - 30 years ago, on the same land, there would always be an ARMY of orange pumpkins behind nearly every tree. No longer. Nothing to shoot at. So NOW when I go hunting on opening day of deer season with no deer to see ... I take my paint easel, slab of canvass, paint brushes and brown paint ... and I paint the landscape/trees in front of me and THEN add some big bucks. Once the racks get so big and I start getting buck fever ... I paint another buck. What they hey ... maybe someday someone will buy one of my paintings and I'll become wealthy. What would I do with all my profits from the painting/s? Buy better cuts of beef. Getting too old now to bend over and gut a deer out, let alone drag it back to the rig.
  • @markhall1169
    Been a public land ghost chaser since i was a kid. Gotta love it