Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - A Perfect Sendoff For The Original Crew

Published 2023-06-27
In 1989, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier disappointed the box office. Reeling from bad reviews, the film only grossed $49 million domestically from a $33 million budget. That's a worrying figure for a franchise considering that the previous movie, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, had made a huge $133 million. It likely eventually eked out a profit, but it did badly enough that the studio was looking to reboot the series without any of the original stars by making a Starlet Academy movie. Harve Bennett, the producer of all the films since Star Trek II, thought this would be the way to continue the crew's big-screen adventures, but Paramount thought differently. With Star Trek: The Next Generation picking up momentum on TV, it became clear that Captain Picard and company would eventually move to the big screen, but, given that the franchise's 25th anniversary was right around the corner, the time had come to give the original crew the major big-screen send-off that they deserved - Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country.

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All Comments (21)
  • @MattMeier
    Star Trek 6 will likely remain my favorite in the series. The script, the chemistry, the pacing, and the effects Ll work so well together.
  • @Serai3
    No one ever mentions the signatures. Kirk's last line is nice, but it was those written names that made me burst into tears the first time I saw this. They were so final. It was like knowing I would never see a beloved relative again.
  • @ChipsNCellos
    An actual legit sendoff, with a lot of heart, and a ton of meaning. Couldn’t ask for a better ending.
  • @thelittlehooer
    Always loved this one, first one I saw in cinema. The Praxis explosion and wave at the very beginning is now a legendary CGI effect, it even got used for the Death Star in the Star Wars Special Editions. The final battle at the end is also fantastic, it really showed how far Star Trek came in twenty five years. The script was also quite good, with every line by David Warner and Christopher Plummer sounding great. "The game's afoot, eh?" "Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war" and dying with "To be, or not to be..." Spock even says: "Mr Scott, start your engines" Kirk's lines "Shoot him, he's the one," "Not me, you idiot, HIM!" are also funny. As a Star Trek fan it's hard not to fist pump at the line "Target that explosion and fire", even better that Sulu got to say it. I always chuckle at the Scooby-Doo ending when the Klingon's mask is pulled off to reveal the human conspirator underneath.
  • @davecool42
    And the end credits signatures are a very powerful way for the cast to sign off.
  • @daveroche6522
    Khan => simmering rage, Chang => full-blown bonkers. BOTH EXCELLENT.
  • I was fortunate to see this in the theaters such a GREAT experience! People were actually cheering at scenes from start to finish.
  • @SimonLeicester
    Probably my favourite of the TOS movies. Great story. It's also got a excellent Dolby surround soundtrack which will give your home cinema setup a really good workout
  • @MJT409
    I loved how the cast signed off at the end, real class.
  • I remember it was my senior year of high school, me and my friends had dinner at Pizza Hut (my first and only time there) then went to see Star Trek 6 in the theater on opening night. Having grown up on the movies and knowing that this was the last one with the original crew, we were all feeling rather bittersweet about the evening. Especially with our own graduation just around the corner. Thankfully, the film did not disappoint! I recall, quite vividly, my friend Joe and I leaving the theater where a long line of people stood, waiting anxiously for the next showing. I turned to Joe and said rather loudly for all to hear, "I can't believe they killed Scotty!" Joe couldn't control his laughter as I was attacked by an entire lobby full of angry patrons who accused me of "ruining the movie" for them! Good times.
  • @LordTalax
    These are gold. Such in depth analysis and behind the scenes information.
  • @kilotun8316
    It's not just a great Star Trek movie, it's a great movie PERIOD. Christopher Plummer just chewing the scenery like it was industrial grade ham was a joy to watch. If I remember correctly, Shatner was his understudy at one point.
  • @gregmanca1474
    Can't wait to watch this. Love Undiscovered Country - and always enjoy your perspectives and channel!
    Definitely one of the BEST Star Trek movies. It also looks drastically different as it is the only one of all 10 Movies that was shot on Super 35 instead of Anamorphic Panavision Scope. This is also why the movie looks different on VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, blu-ray and UHD. The VHS and DVD were both slightly opened while the Laserdisc, Blu-ray and UHD were matted to their Theatrical Aspect ratio, to match the other movies. It is also the only Star Trek movie (after Star Trek III) where we see Kirk actually somewhat mourning the death of his Son. Something that really never was covered all that much at all. It was also a sweet good bye to Merritt Butrick who had died 2 years earlier).
  • @SirSmoldham
    This is definitely my favorite, with the original "Motion Picture" coming in second. "Wrath of Khan" and "The Voyage Home" were great and brought back the feelings of the original show but were safe bets. "The Undiscovered Country" gave me everything I wanted from this IP with a send-off that can't be beaten.
  • @pwnranger3496
    First Star Trek movie I saw in theaters. My dad took me. I was 6 at the time, so all the allegories to the Cold War went over my head. I just remember being in awe that a Klingon ship could fire while cloaked and the Excelsior was a fat ship
  • @ATLOffroad
    This is a movie that anytime I stumbled upon it while flipping through channels I’d always stop and finish it. One of my favorites.
  • @bilko991
    I saw this in the theatre, my first star trek film I'd seen on the big screen. It blew me away at the time and it's still a film I watch regularly.
  • @wstine79
    My favorite of the TOS movies. The score was fantastic, General Chang is and awesome villain, and the the great bridge between the OTS and the Next Generation
  • @peterporcarojr8004
    The Undiscovered Country is top-tier Trek, hands down, and is my 2nd favorite Original Cast film, behind The Wrath of Khan. The ONLY reason it's #2, is that frustratingly, the space battle in the 3rd act lacks ship vs. ship phaser fire! TWOK had it all, and it was a letdown that with ILM's breathtaking visual effects, we didn't get any. Sigh... what could have been.