Gym motivation #PositiveVibes ☆ Please do watch till The End!

Published 2023-01-31
#Love and #Health is #Wealth

Continue reading for more tips and facts. These steps may very well help you get through the everyday struggles. That we all encounter at some point in time. Even if your life is copacetic at this very moment.

#Educate and prepare yourself for the #Future.

Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows.

#Wisdom #Experience and #Knowledge

In addition to this you can find more information on #Google search via the worlds greatest Internet source 😎👍

"Easy" as 1 2 3...

1. LO❤E yourself!

Starting your day with a simple smile is very important. Being happy is the key. Although it is in our human nature to experience different emotions time to time. Whether it may be...


• 😡 MAD

• 😢 SAD

Yes! "The Emotional Rollercoaster."

You can improve your characteristic attributes by following these 8 steps:

• Exercise

• Laugh

• Listen to music

• Get acupuncture

• Eat dark chocolate

• Love

• Dance

• Meditate

a. Characteristic Attributes - People's Behavior

Being positive creates good energy and good times. Life is what you make it out to be. Your words, your actions and your attitude reflects on "you" and others. Be positive and be kind to one another.

2. Exersise and Stay fit.

Exsersise burns off natural endorphins that helps your mind, body and soul.

What are endorphins?

Endorphins are chemicals (hormones) your body releases when it feels pain or stress. Exsersise reduces stress and improve your sense of well-being also helps relieve pain, reduce stress and improves your mood. Endorphins can be boosted by staying active. Any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions.They're released during any physical activities that helps reduces stress. So in other words stay active.

Google it.

b. Identifying good eating habits from the bad and eliminate the bad food groups before its to late as your health is most important.

Because..."You are what you eat." meaning that it is important to eat good food in order to be healthy and fit.

Traditionally by eating nutritious food helps you carry on the daily tasks more than you can even imagine. Really is a no brainer. By following a strick healthy diet will enable you think quickly and more clearly, aslo will effect how you look and feel better. Exsersise and eating healthy goes hand to hand in combat. they both bring strength and endurance Confidence.

3. Wealth

There are five fundamentals of wealth:

• Economics (money)

• Social (relationships)

• Physical (health)

• Cognitive (health, spirituality)

• Time (freedom)

First thing that comes to mind is money. The number 1 golden rule is not exceed beyond your limit by spending more than you earn, and focus on what you can keep. Earn and save your coin. Some people say this is impossible. Nothing is easy although you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Find something you can invest in and gain more capital. You'd be surprised at how many people don't understand or follow this rule and end up in debt. And I am one of them.

c. #Love and #Health is #Wealth

SIENNA HAVANA Made in the Shade.

   • Live life to the fullest because... b...  

Edited by

Music: Higher
Musician: LiQWYD

Music: 2 AM Over Tropical
Musician: EnjoyMusic

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