Overwatch 1 vs Overwatch 2 - Default Hero Skins

Published 2022-10-09
This video shows off the characters performing the brand new 'Hero Select' animations from Overwatch 2.

Which character designs do you prefer? Share it in the comments!

00:00 - Zarya
00:06 - Junker queen
00:11 - Doomfist
00:19 - Orisa
00:25 - Reinhardt
00:30 - D Va
00:37 - Winston
00:44 - Roadhog
00:51 - Wrecking Ball
01:04 - Sigma
01:10 - Bastion
01:16 - Genji
01:21 - Reaper
01:26 - Junkrat
01:32 - Cassidy
01:39 - Mei
01:45 - Widowmaker
01:51 - Symmetra
01:57 - Sojourn
02:03 - Ashe
02:11 - Echo
02:18 - Hanzo
02:26 - Pharah
02:32 - Tracer
02:38 - Torbjörn
02:44 - Sombra
02:50 - Soldier: 76
02:56 - Ana
03:05 - Mercy
03:11 - Baptiste
03:17 - Brigitte
03:23 - Moira
03:29 - Lúcio
03:35 - Kiriko
03:41 - Zenyatta

All Comments (21)
  • A lot of characters have had a primary colour replaced with black, white or metal tones, they still have appealing designs but they're less punchy.
  • @saquial
    The good thing is that these aren’t mutually exclusive, people can use whichever skin they feel is the best.
  • Some of the characters look like they have far less detail in 2, especially in the faces. They look less saturated and contrasty giving them a much flatter tone
  • @hanacinnabun
    Interesting to see the “paint chipping” on the older designs, with the newer designs giving the impressions that everyone invested in new armour and aged up a little. I think it’s a cool touch and while a little of the uniqueness is lost, I think it makes the TEAM look more like a team - more cohesive, more polished. Still love the paint chipping on the old skins though don’t get me wrong. I think that together (comparing old and new) actually help to tell a story and will hopefully aid OW2
  • @azakranos8100
    Anyone else think 76 losing his mask is a little weird? It doesn’t feel right seeing his whole face, plus now with just the visor he looks like a snowboarder.
  • @JUMPstyle751
    I think most of the returning characters have lost a bit of characterisation in their new redesigns with many of them loosing their key identifying colours or style choices which have now been swapped for a more neutral and reserved outfit that doesn’t pop as well
  • @Fauxglove
    An update I noticed was the way they've altered most characters eyes, changing the way certain expressions read between models. Some like Zarya have completely different irises and others have a more dark outline from either lashes or makeup. Interesting change.
  • @work90
    The simple designs of the old ones make them stand out more and more appealing. The new ones are really good but too detailed
  • @BaconPinata
    I feel like the Overwatch 1 versions were more varied. A lot of the new ones have the same looking “tech armor” going on and a darker color palette. It’s not that it looks bad, but it’s repetitive and reduces everyone’s individuality.
  • @KitsuneFyora
    Not much of an overwatch fan, but I enjoy watching these types of videos. Interesting design changes as well. Went with the futuristic tech look and less into unique characteristics
  • I like that Reaper's redesign is doubling down on the edgelord aesthetic. The moment I saw he now has the high collar IN ADDITION TO THE COWL it became my favorite hands down. The dumb serrated forearm blades are just icing on the cake.
  • @onyx_gabriel
    I’m just glad Genji finally has clothes. Mans been streaking for so long Edit: Arigato for the likes!
  • @joeywild2011
    Zarya: I like the changes. Her face (especially her eyes) looks more expressive. I do wish they kept her arms bare because it fit her character, but yeah I like the changes Doomfist: I prefer the gold in his shoulder rather than the new black metal. I also liked the white face markings more than the new gold pieces. Orisa: I prefer the horns she had before. But I like her new body design more. I also like the new dread-like things coming out of her head Reinhardt: Love that you can see his face now. I generally prefer less face covering than more for characters. I also love the lion design on his chest. Though I will say his previous knight-like helmet was awesome Deva: While I do like the new hairstyle, there’s something about her hair being down that I liked a lot. I think her new outfit is cooler though. I also like the new blue design of the things at the side of her head Winston: Not different enough to really comment. I guess I like the overall higher detail of his new design Roadhog: Not very different. I prefer his new hairstyle I guess. But his new mask looks a bit too… cute? Something about the way it covers his face and the eye shape. Wrecking Ball: I like the new goggles. It was cute that he looked more like a normal hamster before though (not much clothing and stuff), but yeah. The ball itself looks cool too. Sigma: Not much different except the colouring of his outfit. I kind of prefer the darker grey-blues of his previous design. Also honestly the biggest loss is his original ‘character select’ animation (with the music and piano). I hope we can choose to keep the Overwatch 1 animation Bastion: The cap is cute, I like it. But I think I just need to get used to it. In terms of his body, I like the new colouring, and the new shaping is ok. Ganymede is the same 🐦 Genji: I like his new design. It’s not too different. Also glad they fixed the clipping of his sword and his scarf on his back. Although something about his new design makes him look less lean and more… buff? His armour seems bulkier. Not sure if I like this since it takes away from his sleek ninja vibe. Reaper: His new design is fine, but I prefer how his original mask looked like actual bone rather than the metal in his new mask. Junkrat: Aside from less sickly-looking skin and his hair being shorter, he looks the same. I prefer the new look. Cassidy: I like the longer facial hair. I also like the new outfit. It looks better than that thick scarf/cloak from before. Mei: I like her new design. I like the new hair m and the more detailed outfit. Widowmaker: While I did love the sleek long ponytail from before, I love her new braids. The facial markings she has now are also awesome. Cool new outfit too. Symmetra: Much better new outfit. More detailed and also more indicative of her culture. The previous outfit just looked like latex. I also like her new hair and mask. Ashe: Her new design is cool and all, but I kind of miss the suit part of her previous design. I like the new detail she has though. Echo: I see no differences Hanzo: I prefer his older design in every way. I don’t like that his chest is now covered. I don’t like the new black outfit. I don’t like that his headband is grey instead of that cool green. His new grey streak in his hair is cool though Pharah: I like the new detail of her new look, but I prefer the actual design of her previous look. Also now her hair no longer shows on the sides in her helmet :( Tracer: I’m indifferent to the changes. I kind of miss how that glowing orb in the middle used to be more out, and now it’s embedded. Similarly to Sigma, I just hope we can choose to keep her previous character select animation with the hair blowing thing Torbjorn: I like his new design. Love that you can see his hair, and his beard is more detailed. His actual outfit is cooler too Sombra: Not that different. I prefer her new look, especially the thing at the side of her head Soldier 76: Love the new design in every way. The more I can see of his face the better. Better hairstyle too. I will still want to use his ‘young’ skin though Ana: I prefer her previous look. The hair tuft showing, her eyepatch, her outfit, her rifle, all better before. I do like the updated look of her face though Mercy: I prefer her previous hair, but her new outfit Baptiste: I prefer his older outfit a lot (the pop of colour), but his new hair is ok (I like the older hair more though). I like that his new outfit has the medical cross on it though Brigitte: I prefer her previous design. Her hair with the headwear thing. Her outfit. Moira: I prefer her previous design. Though I like her new hair and that she doesn’t have those weird black things on her forehead. Lucio: I like the redesign of his face, but I like his previous hair and outfit. The new glowing dread things are cool, but I like his hair more before. Zen: I like his new design but it’s not that different. I like his new outfit and the new design of his orbs
  • @grandma9042
    I’m a little sad they nerfed the size of Orisa’s horns by so much, though I love all the other changes they made. I just love how weirdly gentle the huge horns made her face.
  • @ISeeChase2
    Thing I like about it is, Overwatch 1 was the heros in the past, while OW2 is the future/present. You can really see it with ana and soldier, ana has more wrinkles, soldier has a full white beard showing his ever increasing age. Moira gained some grey streaks. Most of the characters in general got some awesome suit upgrades. Hanzo's and McCree's beards grew. Echo didn't change because she doesn't need to over time. Zarya's forehead scar healed up a bit I probably missed a few, but I love how they didn't make it a redesign, they stuck with the lore and how OW2 takes place later on
  • @Irisfantasies
    Literally looks like they took the soul of their bodies with the removal of that little eye shine the characters had haha
  • @sonic_0699
    I like how Lucio’s music is playing in the background