being made to feel bad for wanting alone time

Published 2024-05-17
Forced dependency is a subtle but powerful tactic a narcissistic parent might use to maintain their narcissistic supply. From chastising you for putting headphones on to pressuring you to spend less time in your room, a narcissistic parent might do everything in their power to prevent you from getting to know your true self.

I think it’s important to speak candidly about our experiences. Then, and only then, we might be able to learn from one another. I’m not a professional, but I am an expert in my own experience. I hope, in sharing these videos, I can offer up my perspective having dealt with a narcissistic parent firsthand, and help other people who have gone or are going through something similar to better understand what they’re up against.

Disclaimer: I’m not here to offer advice or solutions, take my thoughts with a grain of salt - they’re specific to me. What worked for me may not work for you. Be sure to do your own research or consult a mental health professional before committing to any lifestyle changes.

All Comments (2)
  • @Apple_45
    Omg, this is came at such a right time! Yesterday, I wanted to rest after helping my dad pack my things from college into the living room and then he barges in my room as I was sleeping (because hours earlier he humiliated me by acting aggressive in front of others in the parking lot of my dorm) and i needed to decompress after the embarrassment. Then when he barged in my room, yelling pack all your stuff into your room, and when I said I’ll do it later bc I have chronic fatigue and depression and I just needed a freaking break. He began bringing all the stuff in after I told him I wanted to be left alone — he said no. And I couldn’t lock my door because he took it off years ago and never put it back. So I ran to my parents room to lock the door. And then my my enabler mom had to come upstairs while I was crying, knowing what my dad did, and walk in the room on the phone to someone else that I was disrespectful just because I didn’t greet her, while she was standing behind the screen door of the house, waiting for me to open the door. I was already having a bad day with my dad, and when she acted like that it just caused even more emotional turmoil. Worse than that, my dad sleeps next to my room (my brothers room) and my mom lingered in front of my door, pretending to get things. Almost like she was trying to figure out if i offed myself (cuz i told her about my SI along time ago). Idk, the way they act, makes it seem like they want me dead.