12 BIZARRE ARACHNOIDITIS & CSF PRESSURE SYMPTOMS: Including my Covid and holiday flight experiences

Published 2022-04-29
In this video I discuss twelve of my most prominent - but bizarre - daily symptoms. I have been diagnosed with arachnoiditis (probably mildly adhesive) and a spinal CSF leak. Although we are unsure if I am still leaking or whether I now suffer more with CSF pressure and flow issues related to the arachnoiditis/ tarlov cysts and/ or post-leak. I seem to suffer with high pressure issues these days more than low pressure but after 7 years of suffering since my accident (a ladder fall) my whole intracranial pressure system is completely dysfunctional and unbalanced in many ways.

I also update on my case including: Having Covid in March 2022 and flying to Mallorca (2 1/2 hr flight) for a family holiday in April 2022.

Video content Summary:
0:00 - Intro
1:40 - Having Covid March 2022
4:23 - Family holiday to Mallorca Spain including flight
7:50 - 1.I have felt drunk for seven years
9:19 - 2.I usually feel weird: pressure & pain
10:48 - 3.Stiffness, stuckness & pulling sensation in my spine (11:48 Tarlov Cysts)
12:09 - 4.Sitting down aggravates all my symptoms & legs go numb
14:17 - 5.When I sit I am better leaning forward on hard chairs or with a wedge cushion
16:50 - 6.Standing in one position too long makes me feel really ill
18:25 - 7.I constantly feel compelled to move around
20:35 - 8.I get headaches & feel groggy in the nights & in the morning
22:09 - 9.My skin often has crawling pins & needles sensation
24:00 - 10.Going for a wee makes my head worse
25:54 - 11.My head is very hypersensitive to any ICP (Intracranial Pressure) changes
27:52 -12.My eyes & brain are supersensitive to lights & moving images

For the full summary of my medical history and footage of my January 2021 arachnoiditis flare see this 5 min video:    • MY SPINAL CSF LEAK & ARACHNOIDITIS ST...  

To see more about how I manage my arachnoiditis symptoms please see:    • MANAGING MY ARACHNOIDITIS : How I man...  

To read more about my arachnoiditis diagnosis in July 2020 and journey since then see: beckyhillblog.com/category/arachnoiditis/

To view my Jan/ Feb 2021 arachnoiditis flare playlist including symptoms see:    • Arachnoiditis Flare January 2021  

Twitter: Beckyhill3

#Arachnoiditis #Adhesivearachnoiditis #SpinalCsfLeak #CSFleak #TarlovCyst #SIH

UK CSF LEAK CHARITY: www.csfleak.info/
US CSF LEAK CHARITY: spinalcsfleak.org/
SPINAL CSF LEAKS: Clinical Presentation, Investigation Findings, and Treatment Outcomes of Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Syndrome (NHNN authors): jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaneurology/fullarticle…
ARACHNOIDITIS: ‘Arachnoiditis – Taming the Most Painful Pain’ Dr Forest Tennant video
   • Arachnoiditis—Taming the Most Painful...  ​​
ARACHNOIDITIS: Suspecting & Diagnosing Arachnoiditis (J. Antonio Aldrete) www.practicalpainmanagement.com/pain/spine/suspect…
IV STEROID TREATMENT: A medical paper supporting the use of steroids in treating early stage arachnoiditis and in the prevention of further adhesive arachnoiditis: Immunotherapies in chronic adhesive arachnoiditis – A case series and literature review www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405650… And another case where IV methylprednisolone was successfully used: Idiopathic Arachnoiditis of the Cauda Equina: A Case Report from Tanzania www.karger.com/Article/FullText/518379?fbclid=IwAR…

All Comments (21)
  • @kayhayden8408
    You describe the symptoms perfectly. I feel almost exactly the same, its uncanny to watch. Except I have to sit reclined as opposed to bolt upright, and I don't feel better walking long distances. But pretty much identical in all other aspects. Its exhausting. Thanks for sharing and educating others 🙏
  • @scottbrown2295
    Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry you have to suffer with this horrible illness. I’ve had AA for 12 years now and have many of the same symptoms. I always tell my wife I feel off in my head and have pressure behind my eyes and in my head. Almost always with blurry vision and have that drunk feeling.
  • @lemoncuda
    Hi Becky, it is so great that you are able to share how AA effects you. I have had such a hard time to explain to doctors, disability claims examiners and friends how I feel and what I live with. So often, I don;t know where to begin because its hard to put my thoughts together to explain. I could only add that I often feel compelled to get on the ground, even out in public, and start stretching or doing the Yoga position "Child's Pose"., as it helps to release pain and tension from my spine which I am desperate to do, especially if I am too tired to walk around, I hope that you have a good day today. Carl
  • @drogers
    Hi Becky! I feel as if I just had a conversation with myself! You have described your symptoms as well as mine to a tee. I have been dealing and trying to manage this for 8 years. Good days and some really unwell days. I’ve been diagnosed with high pressure and use diamox to help. I see dr. Linda Gray-Leithe at Duke University Hospital. At times I do feel like I go into low pressure but no leak found. Thanks for your video. It helps to hear others in the same situation. I am 63 years young!
  • You explained the symptoms perfectly. I’ve had AA for 38 years from an epidural during childbirth. My life was destroyed. Now in my mid 50’s it’s getting soo much worse I don’t think I can handle it much longer
  • Hi Becky. I can identify with almost all of those symptoms and have been 'drunk' for over 20 years now but having watched your videos, all of a sudden I don't feel alone or a freak anymore. You're amazing. Thank you.
  • @kengilmore23
    Hi- Thanks. You make me feel not so alone. It is hard to find the proper words to describe this thing. Your information really helps. A phrase I have used is "level of severity". As I have progressed it feels like a new increased level. Fortunately sometimes it can go the other way. But these levels describe a whole magnitude of difference with conditions and symptoms. Many people do not understand this. I'm in my 26th year of dealing with severe symptoms. Learning to prevent neuro-inflammation and promote neuro-regeneration was a key for me. We all must find the way that is right for us to achieve both. Using frequencies of sound and light have helped me tremendously. Blessings!
  • @antrie1809
    Thank you for the work you have done with your videos and for sharing your story with us. I find myself in many of the symptoms you describe and could even list more. Yes, sometimes you can't find the words to describe these strange feelings. My hands are also very badly affected; numb, cold, immobile. I hope that my forthcoming operation with Prof. Warnke in Germany will bring relief. I wish you all the best and perseverance.
  • @pennyhardy356
    Hi Becky, great information here. I’m going to send an article via pm messenger on the Filum Terminale. We ( with Forest ) are currently studying this. Thank you for all you are doing to help others.
  • @jamesgreene1376
    OMG! Thank you for all this info. I have been suffering with something like this for 5 yrs now and even the Drs look at me weird. I have a double fusion in low back and also have degenerative disc disease in my neck with a lot of pain. My vision gets bad and I cant even begin to explain the symptoms but fullness in my head is one of them. Headaches is another. I do have an arachnoid cyst in my brain but Drs do not think its a problem. Hopefully with all of the symptoms you list I can share them with my Dr. Its really very difficult to live a life like this, dizzy, brain fog, memory problems, etc. I feel my whole life is very difficult and Ive become a anti social and really dont have a life anymore. This is my late husbands computer, my name is Judith. Over the last 20 yrs I have been poked in the spine many times...I am probably leaking. These more intense symptoms only came on about 5 yrs ago, and perhaps all the testing has caused how distorted my brain is now. Vision is so disturbed, my visual horizon is so crooked that I have to immediately look down because my eyes wont align the horizon properly and it causes nausea and more dizziness mostly looking outward across a parking lot or field.
  • @Langolin1998
    You describe everything so well. You deal with exactly the same symptoms I deal with…positional, symptoms or feelings etc. I also have a large brain cyst that I had fenestrated in ‘05 and a shunt put in. So I already had CSF flow issues but they were basically resolved until I developed AA a year ago after an infection and immune response reaction that attacked my spine. The AA has brought about the old CSF flow symptoms. They’re awful. They get worse at different times, especially sitting too long or standing too long. My lumbar spine has an area of dilation and a tarlov cyst. I feel the different areas of the spine where it feels like the CSF flow doesn’t feel normal. I can’t walk too much at all. I get light headed and that strange dizziness. I feel like I could just collapse. It’s scary. AA is a horrible disease that brings on so many different symptoms. You’re constantly trying to analyze yourself and what’s going on with your body, then adjust yourself or position or activity, to accommodate the symptoms. Thank you for your videos. It’s good to know we’re not alone.
  • @umitgunay7229
    Hello Becky! I'm dealing with Arachnoiditis since 2020 summer after an ESI. Despite my case is mild compared to other people i know who are dealing with this terrible disease, i still have many symptoms. I share some of your symptoms you mention in your video. The one especially strikes me is this drunken feeling. It has started 5 months after my initial injury and never left me to this day. It's really really hard to desribe. As you said it's not vertigo or spinning room kind a feeling. I'm able to walk without any balance issues but my head feels as if i drank a glass of wine all the time. For me, severity changes depending on the weather conditions. Especially when weather moves from low pressure to high or vice versa. According to my research, it is caused by the disturbance of the CSF flow. Due to Arachnoiditis our nerve root sleeves are clogged with fibrotic tissue and there are adhesions between nerve roots and the wall of the dura. Therefore CSF can't flow properly and causes pressure in several places. For example, although my injury is at L5/S1 level, i have pressure kind a feeling in my left shoulder which indicates a pressure issue as Arachnoiditis can't be related directly. Other symptom which we share is this pulling feeling in the spine. For me, it was much more severe in the acute phase of the Arachnoiditis. I feel like there's a tight rope at the base of my spine and whenever i bend forward or backwards, it pulls. It's not painful but very very weird feeling. And i guess this is due to fibrotic tissue as well. My biggest problem is sitting. If i sit more than 20-30 minutes, my body develops a delayed mini-flares such as urinary hesitancy, losing the feeling of going to wee and sometimes frequency. I feel good when i rest my upper body on my elbows, leaning forward to the desk or i rest my back in an inclined position. Sitting straight up, 90 degrees is not possible for me. Additionally my eye sight got worse since my injury. My nose is runnier than ever : ) Yes, it's very weird but thanks to Arachnoiditis, it's my reality now. Thank God, i don't have regular headaches but time to time i get ice-pick headaches. Btw, i live in Germany and there's a neurosurgeon who is specialized in Arachnoiditis and Tarlov Cysts in here called Dr. Warnke. You have probably heard of him. He's the only doctor that has diagnosed me in Germany, others were too ignorant or careless. And i'll see him this summer to talk about surgery. Just to keep in mind if you need a second opinion. Wish you a nice and pain-free weekend!
  • @jillscott6270
    Listening to you sounds like you're talking about me. I'm amazed that we share these symptoms. I'm 59 and have been suffering for 42 years. Can I ask, did they discover the csf leak through an mri of the head or spine?, as I feel I need to get this checked out. Thank you, Jill
  • I really appreciate you , thank you .did you have he cysts removed , is it something that can be removed ?
  • Hi, thank you so much for sharing your story and the pain you experiencing. I am a 30 years old. unfortunately, I suffer from herniated disc and in 2016 I received spinal steroid shot and later 2017 I had a microdisdisectomey ...2 years later in 2019 right after giving birth to my daughter my back pain and sciatica came back and I found out about clumping nerve roots in my lower back and arachnoiditis 😢 after painful times mostly in my right leg and lower back in 2020 I received some oral steroids and my pain would go away for 3 to 4 months and I will be pain free but recently...lower back pain and sciatica like pain is back and I am miserable...most of the time doctors blaming arachnoiditis and too scared for treatment but I blame my condition to bad disc's I can not walk lately longer then 2 minutes can sit either and pain in in my right leg only sometimes I have headaches or that drunk head but I don't experience what you went through ! what do you think do you think my symptoms are from arachnoiditis? how long did it took you to feel really sick I traced back my arachnoiditis to the 2nd spinal injection in 2016 which gave me arachnoiditis initially....a doctor told me I have a severe arachnoiditis which is 9 out of 10 and he didn't expect it to go worse then this...I have not had any treatment for my arachnoiditis and now I am suffering from extreme back and sciatica pain enabled to move now for a month...
  • @paulgoodwin3496
    Hey becky can this cause your muscles in the legs being constantly tense ? I have a couple of herniated discs with trapped nerves but they told me the pain would be gone after 4 to 6 weeks it's now been a year and wondering whether it is aa as I have the same symptoms as you and I'm really struggling walking sitting for to long or standing for long I have had 16 episodes where I have passed out the only place I have a little bit of relief from the pain is laying down on my right side.
  • @corinabock
    Hallo Becky, es ist bei mir auch nach der Operation nicht besser geworden. Mein Spinalkanal ist immer noch erweitert, die Zysten sind raus. Jetzt überlege ich die Shunt OP. Es tut mir so leid für Dich. Arachnoiditis ist schrecklich. Ich kann nicht mehr sitzen, und der Kopf platzt an manchen Tagen fast. Der Rücken ist steif.
  • @JohnnyFive
    Hi Becky. Does sitting hurt for you? It hurts me so badly. After sitting for > 20 seconds I feel occipital pressure headaches, then pain spreading to my arms, legs, lower back, then the pain just gets worse from there. Does this happen to you
  • how was your flight, how did you feel on the plane( did you feen spine pressure or pain) how do you feel during the flight and after?
  • @NatesEscape
    Does your spine ever burn/ache? Do you ever get pain in your arms too?