These 3 foods could be key to fighting COVID-19 naturally

Published 2020-12-08
If you’re looking for a natural way to fight COVID-19, the key may be right in your pantry.

All Comments (21)
  • @CeeOlleab388
    I'm 72 and have never been sick of flu or colds, diarhea, or viral infections for almost 40 years now. Never had problems with high blood pressure ( I eat sliced raw garlic with tomato salad), I drink ginger tea, green tea, eat bananas & guavas, eat grapes with the skin, and yes, eat cooked cacao with oats. Natural food is always better - no side effects.
  • @juliansmom17
    Good to know. My mom has Covid and she’s been eating grapes that I bought for her at Costco lol, she drinks 3-4 cups of green and turmeric tea everyday and getting lots of sun. Also boiling water with Vicks in it does the trick for her. She eats tons of oranges as well. Happy to share that she’s getting better everyday. 🙂
  • @cla-ra2553
    While I was in ICU for c-vid pneumonia all I had for bfast, lunch and dinner was a cup of grapes, a cup of strawberries and a cup of cantaloupe, a cup of tea with lemons and honey, cicken noodle soup and Ensure. I found that the more I ate grapes and cantaloupe I was feeling better. I would drink my tea with lots of lemon juice and would also eat the lemons with the skin included. I got discharged after 9 days. While the drs were so surprised of my improvement as I was about to be intubated.😔 At home, I eat Mangostean, which contains a lot of antioxidants, xanthones anti- inflamatories. I eat Dragon fruit, papaya, pineaple, collard greens, beet, radishes, lots of veggies. Im on my 3rd week of recovery and feeling good. God's purpose for us to be eating His natural produce has a real meaning! Thank God for His creation!
  • @nickolas9375
    I had strong Covid symptoms for 3 days. I took the advice of this DR and ate all (3) of these foods, and instantly began to feel better. It works!
  • @MindYourOwn777
    Pray for this doctor's safety because big pharmacy doesn't want people to take natural health remedies even though they are proven effective because it is less profit for big pharmaceutical companies.
  • The science of natural medicine will always be 100% safe and accurate.
    Lots of Vitamin C,D, and Zinc are all very beneficial to the Immune System as well.👍🙏
  • @user-x57620fzmt
    I love how he smiles at the end there because he thinks his career of saving lives is meaningful. 🙏
  • @jvasquez5790
    So green tea, dark chocolate and purple grapes, Thanks doc😃
  • The LORD is asking for PRAYERS IN REPENTANCE to HEAL our land from sickness and strongholds. 2 Chronicles 7:14
  • @sf55514
    Leave it to GOD to put what we need in nature and send this Doctor to discover it. GOD is good. Good wins.
  • @Driftking859
    I had covid for 3 days and felt awful today was the 4th day and i was still feeling dreadful all day then early evening my shopping was delivered. I drank 3 cups of green tea with honey, atwe half a bar of 90% dark chocolate and a whole box of red grapes and i feel noticeably better, still got slightly irritated sinuses a tiny tickly cough but compared to how I felt before I consumed these products I feel so much better
  • @user-iu6bv8vu8o
    Organic- Green Tea- DARK Chocolate Grapes -SEEDED ONLY (Only eat FRUITS WITH SEEDS)
  • So I’m on my 6th day having Covid, Without having a single vaccine, I must tell you I’ve had pneumonia and glandular fever in the past, I’m 31 and I just wanted to thank this video as I’ve had mild symptoms of covid. Having green tea with ginger / lemon Vitamin tablets Eating vegetables Home made chicken soup Water bottle with lemon and ginger in it I also had lots of fresh fruit smoothies Staying hydrated is so so important. Make sure to eat healthy and drink plenty. ❤️
  • @gypsyjessy10
    I caught Covid once. Stayed away from cheese, dairy (anything that caused inflammation) chips, fish, salt. ETC.. only ate salads and cabbage soup. In a week I was better. Cabbage juice (boil the cabbage) helped TREMENDOUSLY!
  • @dianebloyer8721
    I had an autoimmune disease and these foods changed my life. No meds but it took 10 years to get the immune system healthier. Process foods actually starts the symptoms of the disease. Good homemade cooking brings healthier results. Worth it!
  • @beboboymann3823
    Isn’t it amazing that we can turn to nature for our needs instead of the government like they want us to do?
  • @rationallogo
    My wife and I are in our 60’s. Everyday we take extra C, D, garlic, zinc, a multivit/mineral, probiotics, walk four miles each day, and drink at least six cups of various teas a day. We both recently got an IgG antibody test: Results showed elevated antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein of the Covid virus, which means we had or were at the very least exposed. Never had a single symptom, thank God.
  • Oranges, garlic, mushrooms, and onions, along with grapes and blueberries...