Not Very Testosterone

Published 2024-07-26

All Comments (21)
  • That should possibly count as a loss. Coward Chess - 100% lose rate - thus proving you’re not a coward.
  • @ElderEagle42
    Simp: This probably isn't going to be so bad Also Simp: Gets completely demolished by the challenge
  • @Eckster
    I love the subtle "it's fine" when he gets an Indian player 😂
  • @ent0m0l0gist
    Forks, discovered checks, and a double check from a 100 rated player? (I mean, they were blundering at the same time and didn't know you were doing a challenge.) But... Well done!
  • @djlc1
    The 100 rated players are even blundering their Edwards now!
  • @CyberchaoX
    I'm surprised that he didn't consider any fork to instantly end the video because he can't possibly retreat two pieces on the same move.
  • Game should've ended when a fork happened, since you cannot fulfill challenge requirements by retreating two pieces on one turn
  • @Infarlock
    This challenge name should be "I am a coward" As opposted to simp always saying "I am not a coward"
  • @RupertAndCheese
    Two interpretations: Either auto-lose when two pieces are attacked because you can't move them both away, or it ONLY applies when "ONE of your pieces" is attacked, so multi-attacks actually give you a free move.
  • @rraimundobruno
    Kabedon chess: If there is an enemy piece on the A or H file, your pieces, or pawns, that can move to the same rank in the adjacent file must go there to ask them out on a date.
  • @MetalKingII
    I miss the wtf at the end. Happens rarely nowadays
  • @QamarPl
    Technically, the challenge forced you to retreat a piece from attacked position, not preventing you from moving a piece into an attacked position.
  • @quintopia
    Capturing that knight would technically be moving the king to an unattacked square... as long as you consider standing still a move. And anyone who has ever implemented a Markov Chain knows you have to consider standing still a move to ensure you get a stationary distribution.
  • @258thHiGuy
    I think the fork three minutes in actually just ends your video lol, since you can’t move both pieces to an unattached square at the same time