Network Layers and Hierarchy

Published 2024-06-21
Production involves Networking. We'll discuss the difference between a layer two and layer three switch, and why you might or might not need one.

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00:00 Intro
09:18 I have 2 pretty decent internet lines to my studio. We're running 5 machines all connected to the internet. What's the best way to bond these 2 internet lines for unbreakable webrtc/voip?
15:04 We are using Peplink Balance Two, but sometimes we get freezes in voip calls
16:00 How do the concepts of network layers come in if you're not in an enterprise environment? Do I need to understand network layers in my home studio?
18:25 I love my GL.iNet router. I often find myself describing it as a "Layer 2.5" router as it doesn't get involved in STP. Makes sense to me but not always to the sys admin at an event venue. How could I describe a GL.iNet router to inspire confidence?
24:44 Can you explain the basics of the Domain Name System and what exactly mDNS is?
29:38 Has anyone had any experience with AVB? (macOS supports it natively, and Audiomovers OMNIBUS supports it for moving audio streams between Macs.) What AVB switch does the panel recommend?
30:42 Are VLANs complicated? I asked an IT friend of mine to help me configure my Ubiquity hardware to create some VLANs to isolate my ATEM and isolate my DMX network, but he recommended against it. Thoughts?
33:32 My local fiber provider will be offering 2Gbps symmetrical fiber and I'm looking at upgrading to a multi-gigabit Ethernet switch. For a network that isn't dedicated to AVoIP, would the NETGEAR M4300 range be better than the M4250?
34:59 We've devolved a bit from "layers" specifically, but does anyone want to tackle LAGs and Trunking?

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