Jumat NGIDER yuk(16)10 Mei 24-Bsd-Lengkong-Bintaro-Kacang-Cileduk-Kunciran-Gempol-Alsut-Bsd City

Published 2024-05-10
Alhamdulillah.... may everyone who watches YouTube get health, goodness, happiness for the afterlife aamiin

"Please pay attention to praying before and after cycling activities, so that safety is given, and always prioritize safety when cycling"
before cycling should warm up and finish cycling cool down

Cycling Preparation Before Departure
A. Checking Travel Path
Preparation for cycling before leaving the first is to first know the path to be taken. We must first determine which direction will be pedaling the bike and how far away. you can use an online map to know the routes to be traversed and several other alternative routes that you can take if there is an obstacle. In order not to get lost, you can also pass through familiar travel routes

B. Preparing Physical Endurance
Applying cycling preparation tips before leaving, you must prepare your physical endurance first. If you are going to take a long cycling trip, make sure that your body is strong. You can first train physical endurance by jogging or other physical exercises to strengthen. That way, you can take longer cycling trips and your body can also become healthier

C. Maintain food nutrition
preparation for cycling before leaving the next is to maintain food intake. If you are going to cycle in the morning, you can first have breakfast with fruit, milk, or cereal. By filling your stomach before you go cycling, you will have enough energy and can be stronger when you go cycling later. However, do not fill your stomach to the brim because you will feel heavier when cycling.

D. Paying attention

Even though cycling is a way for you to maintain your health, you still shouldn't ignore traffic signs, for cycling safety remains a safety priority.

1. Increase muscle strength

When cycling, you will pedal to stay balanced and not fall. This is very useful for increasing muscle strength. Your arm and leg muscles are forced to keep moving to the rhythm of your feet. Besides being useful for increasing muscle strength, cycling regularly can also train balance and body coordination.

2. Control your weight

Another benefit of cycling is that it can control body weight to keep it ideal. Cycling helps burn calories and increases metabolism. This is very suitable for those of you who are on a diet program. However, don't forget to balance the intake of calories in and calories burned.

3. Maintain heart health

Cycling is a type of cardio exercise that functions to maintain a healthy heart, lungs, and blood circulation. By cycling regularly, the level of fat in the blood also decreases so it is good for those who have hypertension or high blood pressure.

4. Stabilize diabetes

Sitting too long and lack of physical activity can be factors that cause diabetes. Diabetes that is not well controlled can lead to serious complications such as kidney, eye, stroke and heart damage.

Therefore, diabetics must be diligent in physical activity, one of which is jogging or cycling. Cycling can reduce the risk of complications from diabetes and can also keep blood sugar levels under control.

5. Lowering the risk of depression

Not only beneficial for physical health, cycling also has benefits for mental health, one of which reduces the risk of depression. Cycling regularly makes the body release the hormone dopamine which triggers feelings of happiness, reduces feelings of stress, depression, and other anxiety disorders.

6. Enhance the body's immune system

Another benefit that you can get from cycling is to increase the body's immune system. A strong immune system will make you healthier and less susceptible to disease. Try to do it regularly, for example twice a week every morning and evening.
from 1 to the last 50 or according to conditions
Gowes Pagi
Bsd-Lengkong-Pergi-Bintaro-Kacang-Cileduk-Kunciran-Gempol-Alsut-Bsd City

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