The Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth for Humans

Published 2022-06-16
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Check out the amazing benefits of diatomaceous earth for humans.Ā 

0:00 Introduction: Diatomaceous earth explained
0:25 Benefits of silicaĀ 
1:33 Diatomaceous earth benefitsĀ 
2:20 How to use diatomaceous earth
3:30 Thanks for watching!Ā 

Diatomaceous earth has been around for millions of years. Itā€™s a powder made up of fossilized diatoms. Diatoms are basically algae or phytoplankton.Ā 

The unique thing about diatomaceous earth is that itā€™s loaded with silicon. When silicon is exposed to oxygen, it becomes silica.Ā 

Silica is really good for a personā€™s connective tissues, joints, and bones. Calcium canā€™t even help you form bone without silica.Ā 

You need enough silica to help support bone mineralization and prevent conditions like osteoporosis and osteopenia.Ā 

Silica is also essential for your:
ā€¢ Ligaments
ā€¢ TendonsĀ 
ā€¢ CartilageĀ 
ā€¢ NailsĀ 
ā€¢ HairĀ 
ā€¢ SkinĀ 
ā€¢ AortaĀ 
ā€¢ TracheaĀ 

There are different types of collagen. Silica also stimulates type 1 collagen.Ā 

Other potential health benefits of diatomaceous earth:
ā€¢ It may help get rid of parasites, worms, pathogens, and even E. coliĀ 
ā€¢ It can bind with aluminum and help remove it from the bodyĀ 

How to use diatomaceous earth:
Drink one teaspoon of diatomaceous earth mixed in a glass of water once per day. Over the next three days, you might want to increase it to two teaspoons per day.Ā 

Be sure to take it on an empty stomach. To help improve absorption, you can also add apple cider vinegar to the water and diatomaceous earth mixtureā€”or take a few betaine hydrochloride tablets when you take the mixture.Ā 

If youā€™re only trying to build up your connective tissue, you may want to take an orthosilicic acid supplement instead. But, if you want all of the above benefits, give diatomaceous earth a try.Ā 

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of ā€œdoctorā€ or ā€œDr.ā€ in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain the interesting benefits of diatomaceous earth for humans. Iā€™ll see you in the next video

All Comments (21)
  • @TracerXS
    I've been taking 1 tbsp each day for the last 8 took my arthritis pain away and it also stopped my hair loss.
  • When I worked in a restaurant about 50 years ago we used diatomaceous earth to filter the oil from the chicken broasting machine every night. It came in 50lb bags. I poured some in a paper filter and then ran the oil through it. the brown oil would come out as clear as new oil and with the cooked smell completely removed. Amazing stuff.
  • @barqu1636
    I take a Horsetail supplement (silica) in capsule form for a couple of weeks a few times a year. Last bone scan shows no more osteoporosis. Thank you, Dr. Berg, for addressing the importance of silica for our health.
  • @janeta3509
    I learn just as much from the comments in YouTube as I do from the videos. Definitely read all the good info below.
  • @kathystorer8831
    I think more information needs to be shared about this subject. It's important to use only food grade DE and many people won't know that. Also it should not be inhaled. Thank you for all the great information you share.
  • @Rlazalier
    I do not have a high respect for most doctors but I have so much respect for Dr Berg. He shares what the medical field doesn't want us to know. He always wants us healthy and self healing. I'm so glad I have this channel. Ive learned so many new things from it
  • 2 months: Tummy feels better. Hair is growing, and my nails are best they have ever been in my life. Thanks
  • @artcook1976
    I hv been using diametrous earth for several yrs and it is a game changer ,less pain more flexibility and even old scar tissue now disappearing ,again it supports my thinking and theory that every thing we need comes from mother earth šŸŒŽ as it says in the word every thing you need will be provided , end of story
  • @os8367
    I've been talking food grade Diatomaceous earth for about 14yrs. I've had great results. It has helped tremendously with lower back pain. My hair grows very fast and is healthier. It helps with skin texture and wrinkles and is a great cleanse for your digestive system. Don't worry about inhaling it . Just don't take deep breaths while getting it out off the bag or try to sniff it and you'll be fine.
  • @janram40
    Had a flea problem about 15 years ago and used food grade on my cats (as well as throughout the carpets in home) and within about a week we were free of the pests. No harsh chemicals. To this day, one a month, throughout the summer months, my pets get a sprinkle on the back of their necks and no flea issues at all EVER. Sprinkle on their food to remedy any worm issues. HOWEVER, thanks to this video, I will start to incorporate a morning dose of DE for myself and will advise my family of the potential benefits. We suffer from a genetic connective tissue disorder, (Ehlers Danlos) and perhaps this will help us. Thank you Dr Berg!
  • @patdebolt99
    I haven't seen many comments about the benefits DE has on thin skin. i started using it because at the age 62 I started to get bruising and tearing of my skin and thought i would try. 2 weeks into taking a tablespoon a day. my skin was completely back to normal and I was able to bump my arm and not bruise... I am amazed with what it did for my skin and believe that if on a cellular level it helped my skin. it had to help veins and much more... my blood pressure has always been a little high and now is back to normal. I thank god for this stuff and tell everyone i can about it. many think I'm nuts but between the (cal-amo) for my sciatic pain an the DE for my skin ..I consider my self blessed
  • @CooeeChris1
    Been using this for years, use it for home, self, keeps chooks disease free, garden, keeps pests away and is safe... brilliant stuff
  • @Soul.Is.Willing
    Diatomaceous earth is as old as dirt. Hehe. Thank you, I'm here all week.
  • Since 2014!-: oilfield back injury -GONE! Asthma+inhaler - GONE!! Healthier teeth, gums, hair, nails, skin, arteries, intestines, inner ears, sinuses, knees, knuckles, hips, lower aortic valve!.. no more inflammation, arthritis, fatigue, wrinkles(yeah, im 41 and dealt with chemicals for years in the dirties industry in the world, both physically and morally, it took a toll!) Hair loss halted too! Still got a great fivehead, but hasnt turned to a sixhead(bigger forehead šŸ˜†) thanks! I must add that its great as a worlds most effective insecticide!!! Great for scrubbing water deposits off of dishes as well as stainless scour scrub!
  • After a year long battle against a bed bug invasion, diatomaceous earth sprinkled around the seams of mattress and box spring drove them completely out of my bed. Yes, they climb walls and find their way into the closet, but the clothes drier and a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol finished them off. The day I realized bed butgs were completely eliminated from my home was a huge relief.
  • @tripperdan
    When taking DE, like Dr Berg said, take it on an empty stomach. Also, give yourself an hour or more before and after before you take any other type of supplements to avoid the DE from potentially "nullifying" other vitamins and minerals
  • This in incredible timing. I just started taking it about 3 weeks ago. After 1 week my excruciating bone on bone knees were honestly 75% less painful. I'm hoping it will help my thinning hair. Thanks Dr. Berg, I feel much better taking it now that it has your seal of approval. šŸ˜Š
  • @jalisa1683
    Yes! I have been taking DE with ACV for about 5 years now after lots of research, and it seems to really help with my severe seasonal allergies as well as numerous other things. No more allergy shots needed since taking this!
  • @JohnQPublic345
    First few times taking it, I felt worse. Start with just a pinch in water. The die off symptoms will decrease. I did notice that my teeth were visibly filling in and becoming more white
  • @ljjackson7106
    We've been taking food grade DE for a few years now, even put in our dogs food. Have been sharing/educating others and my sister and brother in law saw interesting (positive) changes after a few weeks. My sister's cholesterol dropped by over 30 points and my brother in law's eye exam improved dramatically! My husband had a heavy metal problem and this is a routine practice for him after his chelation. Thank you Doc!!!