Battle Of The Skies: Real Footage From WWII Bombing Missions | Battlezone | War Stories

Published 2021-02-17
The Battle over Europe follows the all-out bombing offensive against Hitler’s Third Reich. These authentic archive films tell the story of this campaign and the great air war that grew out of it. We hear straight from the mouths of those who experienced it and those who are never going to forget it.

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All Comments (21)
  • 📺 It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit the world's best history documentary service with code 'WARSTORIES' for a huge discount!
  • @stulynn2005
    The men that flew with the allied forces are the reason I continue to work with warbirds. They deserve not to be forgotten along with their bravery in such an unforgiving war
  • @ianwoods8593
    Lest we forget! My father was a Lancaster pilot, his stories are both amazing and horrifying!!
  • @xanbex8324
    In memory of RCAF Co Pilot G.S.Moreau who survived 33 missions!
  • @SharonD369
    I was born in 1969 and feel quite privileged to live in relatively peaceful time’s, reading books and watching documentaries give a really good insight but living it and surviving it ...... well only a few know what that’s like. I Bow To You All 👌👌👌
  • @neild3074
    Like many other comments here, my father flew 32 sorties with the 101 Spec Opps Squadran out of Ludford Magna. The 101 flew decoy above and ahead of the main group they carried more armour and 50 cal machineguns to engage the night fighters, his was one of only two 101 crews that completed their 30 missions.
  • My Dad was with Bomber Command from 1941-42. Their losses were horrendous. As a bomardier/toggler, he survived enough missions to return to Canada where he trained bombardiers from other British Commonwealth countries. Their losses were equally horrendous.
  • @timnorth1692
    My father was a rear gunner, Bomber command and ended up in the pathfinders, so proud of him and all of them. He ended up as a squadron leader DFC
  • @jaywalker3087
    My father volunteerd for aircrew in bomber Command during the battle of Britain. He lived immediately opposite Croydon Airdrome so was getting bombed regularly. He said to his brother 'I'm fed up with those barstards bombing me , so I've joined up so I can go and bomb the barstards back"! He trained as a radio operator/Air gunner before being seconded to SOE , making trips by Lysander and submarine to occupied territory. He didn't tell me any of this until the day he died! He had kept the secret until on his death bed in 2004 . The questions I wanted to ask him , but never got the chance to . I miss you dad ,
  • My late uncle from NZ flew the Lancaster bombers in the RAF during WW2. He also ferried planes from Halifax in Canada for the war effort as well as a time as a flying instructor. I remember him telling me because he was very good at navigation the RAF wanted him to be a bomber navigator so he “failed” his nav exam to make sure he was the pilot. He escaped injury from all the sorties he flew but it affected him after the war.
  • @NostalgicNickyNYC
    My Grandpa was a B-17 navigator, which means he saw everything. The odds of him surviving were low, but he survived. People don't realize how lucky they are to be living, because if my Grandpa died, I wouldn't even be here😢😢😢😢.
  • @CoalMiner379
    Thank you to all veterans from every war for your courage and sacrifice, Welcome Home Soldiers Welcome Home! God Bless our Veterans and God Bless America!!!
  • @redbay8527
    This was the most fascinating war footage I have EVER seen. My father served in the US Army during the Battle of the Bulge and I've seen footage from that time. But, I have never seen the likes of this video. I had no idea of the number of planes the Allies put into the air - a thousand bombers at a time????? It's unimaginable - so many planes, so many crew members - so many dead. I'm in awe of what was done and the bravery and dedication shown. It just seems impossible.
  • It's such clear bravery against a brutal , hateful nation. I salute all the brave airmen who helped the allies win against tyranny.
    We will never see another war on such a scale, so well documented, the extent of the war impacting so many people and countries, so horrid, cruel and so much of deaths everywhere.
  • Wow, Just 'WOW' - Such bravery from 'just' teenagers . . . . . and such horror on the ground Living/serving both then, and after, must have been a daily torment RIP those people who were born in such violent, tumultuous times
  • I will remember them, always... You gallant, brave men and women of WW2
  • @phil4986
    I have watched all of these World War 2 documentaries since I was a child sixty years ago. Now what I do, is simply turn off the sound, and enjoy the priceless video images, derived from the sound free film at the time. Most World War Two footage was never done with sound. We can never know the unreal loud sounds or awful smells or extreme cold or heat or starvation these men endured. But there is a pilgrimage, that comes from just looking into the unedited, real time footage and seeing the struggles of men trying to stop evil, from taking over the world, that is easy to make. All we have to do is open our eyes and our mind to see it. Thank you to all the veterans who fought to keep us free and all the active service members today who still do the same.