Adding Customization to my Action-Mecha Game

Published 2024-07-19
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This one is about customizing your mech! Would like to finally start working on proper enemies for the game as many of you requested.
Please look forward to it!

All Comments (21)
  • @komso708
    Witnessing the making of actual kino
  • @6n-thorus945
    Stagger system is good, but personality, i think ac3 heat system might be better, its not very different from stagger but allows you to not relay on it, by not adding damage modifyer and instead aplying DOT and slowing enemy down
  • @Pedro-S1lva
    the animations in this game are absolutely insane,stylish and elegant at the same time!
  • @Skybot437
    The landscape reminds me of the final years of Bionicle. The settlements were built around pieces of a continent-sized robot that they eventually reassembled.
  • I love the expanded player options for your game, especially the mecha's color sections! You ask if it's too much, but on a robot whose primary color is literally all the hard armor parts, it might even be worth dividing into two sections for more color palette flexibility- and the ability to color boosters is amazing! Also, tell michael (your artist) i see the Bellerophon (from Armarauders) DNA and i love every second of it
  • @6n-thorus945
    Also, sniper rifles might be an intresting adition, alowing you to use anti-lock on gadgets (or just being on longer range) to take advantage of enemy's inability to properly hit you, but heavy and slow, not alowing you to use them with too light or too heavy build (they basicly cannot lift it), so its much harder and more rewarding to play them on close range Also, if you planing to add different tracking systems, please take a look on how its done in ac3 with much more visual difference on different systems, that allows player to easly understand with one is better for him (you still can implement regular lock-on in this concept with similar flaws of worse tracking while using it like its done in ac6, maybe even make this part customisable too like: realy good TS, that has awful lock-on tracking vs worse than average TS, but with good lock-on tracking, that will be better on close range due to natural reasons)
  • @dud5606
    You're literally making the game i had in my head for the past 2 years. The gameplay and aesthetics are almost exactly like what I imagined my mech game would be like. It's honestly a bit scary how close it is lmao.
  • Glad you're sticking to cell shading art style, Daemon X Machina used those and that game was made by OG Armored Core Devs.
  • @specialyt843
    I really love the energy output colour customization feature its really well thought of and it allows for really cool combinations
  • @InfinityZwei
    Aside from Stagger, one enemy mechanic I really enjoy (particularly during the Railgun days of Helldivers 2) is Armor Stripping -- where enemies have high damage/stagger reduction until you tear off a particular targeted part on their body. This can not only add "stages" to a combat encounter, but also be supplemented by introducing alterations to an enemy's behavior and tactics to give the impression of progress or change, and thereby more depth. It also encourages more weapon diversity for particular needs, not just Range, DPS or Stagger (having some weapons having a better Penetration rating/multiplier despite inferior damage or range to tear off armored parts, for example).
  • @Global-Cortex
    I think going a bit more into that 90's mech look will help a lot to give this game a strong personality especially in your taking Patlabor into the inspiration. I also recommend looking into Macross for ideas and design elements. So your games looks like it has lots of potential.
  • This project looks amazing and I’m glad you chose to make the style look good, rather than over reach super far to make it realistic.
  • I really like this project ! I reccomend something for the stagger system though. make it ignorable if the player orders to do so. Like maybe an inner extension part that makes so the weapons deals the same amount of damage when ennemy staggered. That would give the players more options for his playstyle, unlike AC6, where the only way to win is : attack to stagger, stagger, captialize, and every other playstyle that isn't that is punished. It would really give more variety imho. Can't wait to see more of this project !
  • @canard93
    I just discovered this gem thanks to yt algorythm. As a person who loves the mecha genre I really wish for you to succeed on this project it looks amazing and reflects the love you putted on it
  • @troutfish8590
    Wow that movement is CLEAN. What a great marriage of armor core and vanquish. I am starting my own dev journey, and this is SOOOOO inspiring.
  • @Attaxalotl
    That output color system is genius! It's the sort of thing I never knew I wanted until I was shown it!
  • @jpnmasochist
    Having a stagger system is nice, adding frames where the player can attack the enemy during key moments(like during wind up for big attack) gives them a bonus to stagger, causing the enemy to stagger immediately. So it provides incentives for skill and not just relying on weapons that provide heavy stagger.
  • @V_Schway
    This is incredible. Truly. What you guys are doing is what ive seen 99% of gamers wish for. Something simple, cool, wide learning curb for casual to advanced gameplay, and most of all FUN. Please keep up the great work.