What is the right way to earn a living? | J. Krishnamurti

Published 2015-02-22

Saanen 1980 - Question #1 from Question & Answer Meeting #2

'I work as a teacher and I am in constant conflict with the system of the school and the pattern of society. Must I give up all work? What is the right way to earn a living? Is there a way of living that does not perpetuate conflict?'

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All Comments (21)
  • 've been asking myself this question .. I was working as an computer engineer .. found myself being a part of a huge industrial system .. my work of no human value .. my spirit dead .. it's all about money .. I was selling my life to job, money, going after sensual pleasure during free time .. now I grow trees, take care of a personal garden .. being close to the sun, the wind, the earth .. try to take care of my needs not using much money .. I feel connected to real life .. and still contemplating about right livelihood ..
  • I see numerous comments about people quitting their corporate jobs in pursuit of spirituality. The key here is to remember job is just a function, Krishnamurti’s teaching is on a deeper level and talks more about the ego’s attachment to things and its useless commentary. It is important to not let the ego slip through the back and convince yourself that you must quit your job and do something else to be more “spiritual.” If it is out of true awareness, then it can be powerful and help you do something more meaningful. If it is out of ego, even after you quit the job you may notice a new pattern of useless thinking and commentary about the new job or life you are leading. My recommendation is to accept whatever happens as it is with no conflict. When needed, take the appropriate actions by dealing with only facts (not judgements or attachments) as mentioned in this video. The teaching is simple at its core until you overthink about it. Wish you all peace :)
  • @kritipant2989
    Whenever he says, “I wonder if you are following all this”, so lovingly and warmly, my heart always melts...~
  • @gc7304
    Every time I listen to him, I come to think of the role of the family and society as a big contributor to all the mess in our lives. Pushing and evaluating own children to mechanical education system, pushing them to marriages without thinking on much about the relationship. This man's thinking should be thought from childhood
  • It's never about the right answer, it's always about reaching the right question
  • @RaviPp521114
    One has to be prepared with tremendous energy, and utmost seriousness, to receive the right intelligence- that is not mine or yours... its the essence of this teaching ! I bow again and again to this wisdom !
  • @aliefradilbaz
    I definitely learned a lot from him. One thing I have learnt from him is that exploring our problems, and that is a lot. Asking questions, getting to the root of the problem...I just need to apply! Thank you Krishnamurti! Thank you for your efforts to help humanity to be free!!
  • Attachment is also detachment Relationship is the opposite of detachment - in this sense. Wow. Thanks!
  • @pristine6889
    Right livelihood can only come about by Right living. Right living means right relationship and right action.
  • @brightermedia
    Life is relationship. Can we let go of attachment? The moment I have created the opposite, conflict comes into being. This is what our education has educated the brain to do. (Analyse). By observing (without analysing) and remain with "what is", the struggle between the opposites is eliminated. This is the route to living without conflict.
  • the situations we live in is a projection of what we are inside. if you know this. You will not think that your work generates conflict because the conflict is actually already within you. You are the conflict your entire self is conflict and that situation appeared in your life just for you to realize that internal conflict that already existed. If there is conflict within you, you will attract situations that show you that conflict so that you learn something from yourself. The same happens with fear, anger, sadness, emptiness. so on and so on….that is why is important to observe ourself during the day every minute every second .
  • "Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger." ~ Khalil Gibran.
  • @Eroblue11
    I wish I had the opportunity to meet this wonderful man. He was before my time. I am learning so much from him. May God bless his soul and May he Rest In Peace. Thank you for spending so much of your life to help humanity see within themselves through your talks etc. 🥰😘❤️🙏
  • @tonysales3687
    After i had seen and abandoned my conditioning i thought about this and because i am passionate about mental health i thought i would stay in my job as a mental health worker because i feel i am doing something worthwhile and i have a passion for it.
  • @leftyx7777
    Great intelligence of oneself comes from asking oneself the real questions , that's how one does no become a social robot doing things they complain about yet still participate in daily
  • I came down to Himalaya s to avoid a busy city like Mumbai for sometime (like quarantine!? )but I still face some sort of "conflicts" here too!Then I realised that no one can avoid conflict totally especially in these present times& situation! My sincere Pranams to JK, the genius 🌺🙏🌺
  • @Pad1131
    So profound Wisdom. And, great intellect! May, the whole of humanity appreciate his legacy! Thank you!
  • this is the question. I looked for years, wasted so much time, now it is well spent, had to be done. Now I can get on with the housework and my life. Thank you.