Thomas Griffith on the term limits of Supreme Court Justices

Published 2022-07-08
“Here’s why I’m less enthused and enamored of term limits…Do we want the court to reflect the political sentiments of the time? I don't think we do…I just don't think we want a court that will do that because that type of court looks too much like the legislature. And I’m very wary about giving people with a lifetime appointment, who are not accountable politically, the way elected leaders are. I worried about giving them that type of power.”- Thomas Griffith

All Comments (2)
  • @tonyg656
    My concern is less about term limits than it is about the refusal of our elected officials to in fact allow an appointee to be brought before the US senate for confirmation hearings. The last 3 justices, 2 in particular were brought up in what could easily be described as partisan methods. The refusal to even bring one nominee before the senate with a year before elections and then bring up another candidate up with a month before elections is a classic example of how politics has undermined the integrity of the Supreme Court. That is where I think our efforts should be directed, not in changing the structure of the court.