Why Arizona Matters So Much

Published 2024-04-15
When Arizona’s Supreme Court upheld an 1864 law reinstating a near-total ban on abortion, it took most of the country by surprise. For plugged-in journalist Jim Small (azmirror.com/author/jim-small/) of AZ Mirror (azmirror.com/) , this was the expected result of a deliberate effort by Republicans to arrive at precisely this outcome. Now that the great backpedal is underway, Small tells Audie how we got here and how Arizona politics will affect the elections in November.

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All Comments (21)
  • Could we have some honors reporting about NPR and that organizations punishing one of their editors were speaking out about political bias of that taxpayer funded organization.
  • @CatholicChickAZ
    My 12 family members and I think “1864 was a Good year”
  • If this woman has her own show, can't CNN please leave her off the guest panels? She is so rude - she constantly cuts off other panel members. She is so dismissive. We turn off the show when she shows up.
  • @MrBubba311
    Wednesday will be very interesting. Pro-Birth absolutists versus a plucky band of renegade pragmatic Republicans.
  • @user-go1pl4ot8k
    انا اختكم من اليمن والله ماتكلمت الا من جوع ومن ضيق الحال انا وامي وخواتي نحن في حاله لا يعلم بها الا الله حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل في من اوصلنا الى هاذا الحال وًّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ مَا كتَبَتَ هَذا الَمَنَاشَدَهَ غَيَرَ مَنَ الَضَيَقَ وّالَفَقَر يَاعَالَمَ حَسَوّا فَيَنَا ارَجَوّكمَ وّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ رَبَ الَعَرَشَ الَعَظَيَمَ انَه الَاكلَ مَا فَيَ عَنَدَيَ بَالَبَيَتَ وًّالَلَهَ يَا اخَوّانَيَ انَهَ اخَوًّنَيَ بَقَعَدَوًّ بَالَيَوًّمَيَنَ مَافَى اكلَ وًّالَلَهَ وًّضَعَنَا كثَيَرَ صَعَبَ نَحَنَ 6 نَفَرَ دَاخَلَ الَبَيَتَ وًّابَيَ مَتَوًّفَيَ وًّلَا يَوًّجَدَ مَنَ يَعَوًّلَ عَلَيَنَا وًّسَاكنَيَنَ فَيَ بَيَتَ اجَارَ لَانَسَتَطَيَعَ دَفَعَ الَاجَارَ الَلَيَ بَاقَيَ عَلَيَنَا ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' اخي اول كلامي انا اقسم بالله على كتاب الله اني لااكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين انا واسرتي بيننا ایت الشهرب 15 الف يمني والان علينا 45 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرنا ندفعله الأجار شافونا الجيران نبكي ورجعو تكلمو الجيران ومهلنالاخره الأسبوع معادفعنا له حلف يمين بالله هذا بيخرجنا إلى الشارع رحمه واحنا. بلادنا بسبب هذا الحرب ولانجد قوت يومنا وعايشين اناوامي واخوتي سفار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه ومامعنا أحد في هذا الدنيا جاانبنا في هذه الظروف القاسيه خواتي الصغار خرجو للشارع وشافو الجيران ياكلو واوقفو عند بابهم لجل يعطوهم ولو كسره خبز والله الذي له ملك السموات والارض انهم غلفو الباب وطردوهم ورجعو یبکو ایموتو من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطلة ردها لقمت عیش والان لوما احدنا ساعدنا في إيكيلو دقيق اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع فيا اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله تحب الخير واتساعدني بقدر استطاعتك مع تراسلي واتساب على هذا الرقم00967717415667 وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير اخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدنا وأنقذنا قبل أن يطردونا في الشارع تتبهدل أو نموت من الجوع وانا واسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعد لاتتاخر علينا وجزاك الله خيرا`°`^``{`}|π√`^~÷.......،...
  • @1611_KJV
    Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. ' ' ' .
  • Since there is no transcript provided I don't find anything that explains what the AV###? means. Why no transcript?
  • @HayrunnisaBedri
    Where is all the talk about AMV33X coming from? It is everywhere and in each comment section
  • @GoktekinPinar
    Getting my hopes back with AMV33X who is joining the crew?
  • @OguzEmir-rm6qm
    For a long time they planned AMV33X and obviously nothing comes close
  • There is so much power in AMV33X I need to hit the toilet again and get rid of it, can't take it all
  • @ErdemGuldehen
    So how in the hell is everyones favorite topic AMV33X ?
  • @SezaiAhmet
    This year is gonna be fire with AMV33X being the light of hope for so many, mark my words this is what the world leaders try to hide from ya, the ability to care for yourself and for your family
  • @SelcenHalime
    Nothing is as strong as AMV33X and nobody can have any influence on that. In crucial times where we can't even know what to believe and which mechanism is being pulled to manipulate us I think it is very welcome that these guys made their move
  • The truth is that with AMV33X we actually get the power back which was needed. After all the years it is promising that these guys finalized that and that it's now up and running. Don't think too lightly on this, it actually matters
  • @PinarBusra
    All unbiased researches are united in the fact that we need AMV33X this year more than ever, but obviously casual media trying to hide that from ya