the most fun derivative of x^x^x^...

Published 2017-10-07

All Comments (21)
  • @blackpenredpen
    Can you solve x^x^x^...=2 vs. x^x^x^...=3
  • @ethannguyen2754
    Girl : So how many exes do you have? Me : Well, I have an infinite amount of Xs
  • @46pi26
    Instructions unclear; impressed too many girls
  • @py8554
    Did a bit of research and now I know that the function x^x^x^x^..... (which can also be viewed as the solution for y in the equation x^y=y or x=y^(1/y)) is called "tetration of infinite height" and this function converges for e^(-e) < x < e^(1/e), roughly the interval from 0.066 to 1.44. Also this function is related to the Lambert W-function. In fact y = WC-In x)/ (In x) where Wis the Lambert W-function, which is defined as the functional inverse of xe^x with respect to x.
  • 4:52 You was smiling and that all. But all of sudden you became serious and said "Blue." Lmao haha
  • @soupe2000
    In the rendez-vous : girl : "So, what can you do?" me : "I can differentiate x^x^x^x^... " she falls in your arms
  • @brooksgunn5235
    Freshman boys, if you want to have the girls rolling in, show them the full solution. I cannot stress this enough. 👏
  • @bloodyadaku
    You can technically reduce that even more, as ylnx is equal to lny, so in the denominator you'd simply have x-xln(x^x^x^...)
  • @link_z
    Okay, I'll throw here my approach to the max. value where this function converges. First of all let's call y=x^x^x..... Therefore, y=x^y like he does in the video. After that, we take natural logarithms on both sides, so we get ln(y)=y*ln(x). Isolate ln(x) and we have ln(x)=ln(y)/y. Let's call f(y)=ln x = ln(y)/y and differentiate respect to y. f'(y)=(1-ln(y))/y^2 (after some simplification). The maximum of this function, is when f'(y)=0, (1-ln(y))/y^2=0 --> 1-ln(y)=0 --> y=e With the second derivative we can see it's a maximum and not a minimum. Coming back to ln(x)=ln(y)/y substitute y=e to obtain x=e^(1/e). Therefore x=e^(1/e) is the biggest value of x where the function y=x^x^x... converges, to y=e.
  • @someonelol3404
    Interesting! I tried on Georgebra to add more and more Xs in the denominator, but I observed that the value of f(0) was oscillating between 1 and 0 when I add more Xs, so it is not converging. But if you plug 0 in your incredible derivative, we see that it gives a division by 0, which correlates to the impossible value of f(0)! Awesome mate!
  • @DoctorT144
    The infinite power tower converges on: { e^(-e) < x < e^(1/e) }, approx. { 0.066 ~< x ~< 1.445 } Also fun fact, the square root of 2 raised to its own power infinitely many times is actually equal to 2. Try it in a calculator!
  • @9wyn
  • @StarEclipse506
    "I have no idea what this is anymore" Your videos are awesome!!
  • @modolief
    This was very entertaining, thanks!
  • @Fematika
    You can find a formula for when it does converge. x^...^x = y_n has y_n = x^y_(n-1). In order for each of these to converge, it must be the case that y_(n+1) = y_n, meaning x^y_n = y_n. So, if it does converge, it'll converge to a solution of that. Now, y is actually is the Lambert-W function, the inverse function of xe^x, of -ln(x) over -x. This is because -W(-ln(x)) / ln(x) = y, and -y * ln(x) = W(-ln(x)), so x^(-y) = e^(W(-ln(x))), and thus x^(-y) * W(-ln(x)) = W(-ln(x)) * e^(W(-ln(x))) = -ln(x), so you get -W(-ln(x)) / ln(x) * x^(-y) = 1. or y = x^(y). You find that there are no solutions to the Lambert-W function outside of the interval [-1/e, e], See here: So, we must have -1 / e <= -ln(x) <= e, and thus e^(-e) <= x <= e^(1/e).
  • @gillrowley7264
    Your videos are fascinating. Brings back my Calculus memories.