Insulating a roof with Spray Foam

Published 2014-01-17 | 1-866-607-0191

In this On the Job video, Larry Janesky and his team at Dr. Energy Saver, insulate the existing metal roof of a commercial building using spray foam roofing technology.
According to Larry, spray foam roofing is one of the greatest developments in the insulation and roofing industry.

The spray foam used in this job is different from the one used to insulate the interior of a building, as spray foam roofing bears a density of 3 pounds per cubic foot, while closed cell spray foam insulation used internally is only 2 pounds per cubic foot, and open cell spray foam insulation is only ½ pound per cubic foot.

The application of spray foam roofing is an art. To install, it takes several passes (multiple coatings) of spray foam, applying the material seamlessly across the roof and in as little as 90 seconds the material is hard enough to walk over.
Applying spray foam on the roof creates a monolithic and seamless surface -- keeping the air from leaking out of the building and water from leaking in.

Also, because the material is applied on top of the roof, the roof itself is protected against overheating, freezing and other natural elements. This material is an excellent solution to the never-ending cycle of expansion and contraction (temperature swings) of a steel roof and ultimately prevents leaks from the roof.

After the application is finished, the roof is completely transformed with 2 inches of spray foam (R-Value of 13.8) and a water tight cover that will last for many years.

Visit our website to learn more about spray foam roofing or to schedule a free estimate for insulation!

All Comments (21)
  • @larryjanesky8185
    Yes, you can.  It has been used for many years on residential and commercial roofs - pitched and flat.
  • What is the max r value when doing the outside of the building? How thick can you go?  In the north east with a curved roof I am concerned about the texture that would keep the snow from sliding off?
  • @brianfinch2597
    What's a good foam or name of the foam used for residential applications on the underside of the roof help insulate attic
  • @RaylinGivens
    It's a great spec with the silicone, but the contractor missed the opportunity to finish is off by masking off straight edges on the parapets.
  • If that insulation on the ceiling on the inside has a perm rate of less than 1- you would create a double vapor barrier. That would cause that metal to rust over time and a heavy rain/snow/wind or a person servicing the equipment of the roof to fall right through years down the line..
  • @niceslug
    traditional expanding foam becomes brittle and cracks, does this do this ?
  • @jmcgilvary
    I have a flat plywood/tar-paper roof over a family room/garage are. I notice water pools on the top. Does the foam -auto-level to prevent this, or just allow the water to evaporate? This process seems like a great idea. Is there a price per sq.ft. to help estimate? Any dealers in Miami, Fl you know?
  • I have a mobile home in Mesa AZ & would like this done to my roof however I don’t know which company does a good job at a reasonable price ?
  • @JerryDLTN
    Can a DIY'er/non-professional rent the sprayer equipment to do this?
  • Could you do this on a traditional pitched family home (assuming you don't mind the aesthetics) ? Would it help with heat radiating into the attic?
  • @DavidRitko
    I saw the metal panels flexing a lot as the foam was being applied. If the building needs some work on the roof (i.e. HVAC work) would this flexing create cracks in the foam and need re-application?
  • @bobdavey6502
    Why would anyone have a metal flat roof ? How does the roof drain with all of those raised seams?
  • @AlanScotch
    Dr Energyistic was careful NOT to guarantee that the same expansion cracking of the original repair wouldn't also occur with the foam !
  • please let me know it will be work in gulfcuntry and what is the temperature
  • @Yutzydudeman
    I love me some spray foam roofing but my garsh that's a rough looking job.
  • @kvogt8000
    you cant spray standing seam that direction..... gaps all day long
  • @Denbig.
    This company has gone to the wall.
  • @jm-ov5qd
    that roof is rusting thats the problem it needs to be removed lol now they have to remove a roof all stuck together