my birthday was two weeks ago so i'm eating desserts | mukbang

Published 2021-07-23
there isnt a taylor swift song or IU song for the age of 26 rip me

my birthday was on the 9th and it was actually my first day out of covid self isolation lol so i really milked the last two weeks (even though its pretty normal of me to turn the whole month of july into my extended birthday hehe) and today i decided i wanted lots of dessert so here's a mini mukbang

i ate/drank:
slice of victoria sponge cake
brown sugar fresh milk bubble tea
a fortune cookie lol
peach flavoured pocky
krispy kreme mint chocolate chip donut

thanks for watching! 💖

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instagram: @inas.png
twitter: @eggyinas

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H4ppyb1rthd4y - glass unicorns

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