How to START Using Medicinal Herbs

Published 2022-09-17
We are so excited to have Veterinarian and Herb Specialist Doc Jones with us today to discuss how to start using medicinal herbs.

Today we will talk about getting started, three forms of herbs to start with, and how to go about using them.

For more information, visit the blog post here:…

Check out Doc Jones on...
- @HomeGrown Herbalist on YouTube:
- Buy Herbs and Tinctures at HomeGrown Herbalist:
- HomeGrown Herbalist online School of Botanical Medicine:



WELCOME! We're so glad you're here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

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A few highlights you don't want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Healthy Healing at Home – Learn how to confidently use herbal medicine in your home with this FREE 4 video workshop:

Your Best Loaf – A Free 4 video workshop teaching you how to make great bread at home, every time, regardless of the recipe you are using:

Meals on Your Shelf – Can along with me! Learn to can and put jars of a delicious meal on your pantry shelf with this FREE video series:

- Homesteading Family's Favorite Holiday Recipes - Grab all of our family’s favorite holiday recipes.
- 5 Steps to a More Self-Sufficient Life - Simple steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Thrive Wellness Checklist - A simple guide for healthy living:
- Permaculture for Your Homestead- An introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
- Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list - Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
#herbalmedicine #homesteading #homegrown
- Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles - These easy casseroles are a life-saver for busy weeks!
- Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs - Grab your guide to preserving eggs with multiple methods.
- 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden - Get an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden.
- Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
- Fearless Fermenting- A simple guide on basic lacto-ferments.
- Fermenting Tomatoes - Easiest and fastest tomato preservation:
- Preserving Culinary Herbs - Downloadable, step-by-step directions to drying, freezing, and salting culinary herbs.
- Render Your Own Lard - Grab these easy instructions on how to render your own lard.
- Grandma Lynn's Blueberry Buckle - A delicious dessert anytime of year:

We Will Last - Alsever Lake I3C6HPYUBAOWKT7U
Little Victories - Andy Ellison N5OGBIKO9JV63L0H
Midnight Square Dance - Heartland Nights 5CRGCJNO6Z4JLDXI
Spoof Yawn - Reveille ZOZ3PBCFVNULWENE
On The Horizon - Andy Ellison 7FRLDYRSEHFPRFJX

#medicinalherbs #herbalmedicine #medicinalplants

All Comments (21)
  • @shervin6711
    Last week a family member tripped and popped his hip.... usually we would just say its " pain" and where its located/ how it happened....use " over counter" available.. ( Just the surface of the " modern" topic) This time I used more " thought/logic/instinct" I asked more QUESTIONS... Was it "nerve pain" or "muscle skeletal" for example. Remembered we have comfrey its been in our yard for years, but never used it! Had to use painters tape to affix saran wrap to hip...but WORKED! LOL! Was I convinced it would work? At the time, no....but after....yes! Our yard has new meaning! Lol
  • @GimmeADream
    I love it when you have this veterinarian on your vlogs. He takes the scary out of herbalism.
  • @hcx1853
    Good start... 1. Catnip 2. Calendula 3. Burdock root/Chamomile
  • @girlsnglasses
    I work as a valet in the evenings. The other day I stepped in a puddle of water and by the time I got home to get my wet shoe off I had blisters on the bottom of all the toes on my left foot. They burned all night and the next day. I could barely walk. I remembered one (or both) of you talking about the healing properties of calendula so after I got off work at my day job the next day, I swug by the health food store to grab some calendula cream. I slapped some on my toes and bandage them up and headed off to a huge event. I hobbled in and claimed running drive (greeting and ticketing) so i didn’t have to run. Things got super busy and I ended up having to run. My toes were not hurting and they were completely healed the next day. Yes, I have planted calendula flowers but they haven't sprouted yet.
  • @1965gracebug
    Thank you so much for these videos! I was bitten by a spider and swelled and was very sore. I went outside and picked Plantain from my yard, chopped it up fine, added organic cayenne pepper, a dash a distilled water and put it on my arm with a bandage. Wonderfully watched the swelling and redness go down throughout the day and it was healed completely by the end of the day. I applied it two times. A couple of days my granddaughter was bit by a mosquito on her cheek, it swelled and even a bit of darkness under her eye. I chopped Plantain with filtered water and put it on her cheek. As the Plantain was falling off, the redness, darkness and swelling was got. Only left was a dot of where the initial bite was. So excited and confident that there are so many healing properties in my yard!!!
  • I also got so overwhelmed with herbal medicine. But I backed off and focused on growing culinary herbs. But all the culinary herbs I love are also medicine. So learning those then I'll branch into herbs that are mainly medicine.
  • @dancnluc1
    Love listening to Doc Jones. There is so much to learn from him.
  • I'm busily getting all my seeds together for spring, but have started using Doc's emergency first aid tinctures. I started using the respiratory tincture. Guess who doesn't need her inhaler now?😁 Also started use of the Burdock and tummy ease. So, so fantastic! Next, I'm going to get his book. I've seen such incredible, fast results without chemicals. Now, between Caroline and Josh's help with gardening, preserving and medicinal salves, drinks and the like, I feel my life is brand new! Thank you so much!
  • my body can't handle most manmade medicines. but as soon as I started using herbal medicines I was doing great. I started with essential oils.
  • @tanyal7154
    Oh I hope you add him to your School of Traditional Skills! So funny and enjoyable to listen to
  • I was always afraid to use herbs because I heard too many people tell me the side affects can be scary. Not sure where they got that from. 🤔 The past few years I’ve researched and found that herbal remedies aren’t the scary witch craft that so many people told me. And truthfully I don’t like the over the counter stuff…talk about scary side affects! My 5 year old son has type 1 diabetes (insulin dependant) and I’ve been hesitant to try any kind of home remedy with him. It’s been 2.5 years since he was diagnosed and I’m still learning about diabetes but I’m seeing most herbs are safe for him. Thank you for explaining things so clearly and encouraging people to just start! I planted calendula this year for the first time. What an amazing plant!!
  • @woodsie5796
    Dr Jones is a fantastic Herbalist and Naturopath! I've been watching him for almost two months now. I'm glad I started seeking natural ways to get rid of pharmacopeia. God has given us everything we need! My yard is still not mowed so the bees can do their work and I can find seasonal "weeds" that i need. The goats will be hava good time clearing it all up soon! Blessings to you and yours as well as this whole community here 🥰
  • This topic is so timely. If there was ever a time to start learning and using medicinal herbs it is now. And even now is behind the curve, but better late than never. :) Thank you both so much for bringing these discussions/videos to your channels.
  • @dcfromthev
    Doc Jones is the best! His herbal products are fantastic, as is his knowledge. I got his book recently and love it so far, totally has his flair and humor.
  • How are you coming along, Carolyn? One of my grand daughters just gave birth to a boy this last Saturday. She is a surrogate mother. She has two daughters of her own and loved being pregnant so she wanted to help women who can't have children. You are looking great!!
  • @shervin6711
    Thank you SO MUCH for sharing Doc. Jones with us! So Knowledgeable!! His multi functional view/approach I can USE our daily life... NATURALLY So Practical!
  • Growing up our local pharmacist which I didn’t know until he retired was a compounding/herbalist pharmacist. I m highly allergic to poison ivy, oak and sumac. His compound is the only topical that has given me immediate relief. Herbs are Gods meds to help us stay and be healthy.
  • A few years ago I watch you start your medicine garden and thought as soon as We buy a bigger property I will do that too, A few weeks ago I decided not to wait anymore and just do my medicinal herb/flower garden with what I have!! and since then you keep on bringing these videos ,thank you!! I love them!!!! Learning so much and watching the homegrown herbalist videos too. It’s so motivating me . Since little I wanted to be a medizine frau (medical woman) and played with flowers making “potions”. Now in my mid 40s I will finally do it!!! And I do think you’re helping me to see that growing more of my own is not that difficult!!