Top 10 Signs Your Cat is Happy

Published 2022-04-13
In this video, Dr. Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ shares the top 10 signs that you have a happy, healthy kitty in your home! Watch until the end to find out if your cat shows all 10 signs.

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All Comments (21)
  • @h.a.7872
    I have a boy that, when I go to bed, a few minutes later he jumps up, lays on top of me, starts kneading the covers on my chest, gets real close to my face, purrs, plops himself down in my arm and drools away. He once drooled on my face while I was asleep. It was...odd but, I look forward to that routine every night! My little drooler!
  • @incog99skd11
    Every night before I go to sleep, my cat, Nehemiah, lays his head on my hand very gently and makes biscuits for about 10 minutes then heads over to his other blanket to "his spot" for sleep. It's so sweet when he lays his head on my hand. Bedtime is not complete without this little behavior.
  • @timbarden2782
    My current cat I got from the rescue at 4 years of age. It was obvious to me he had never been in a home before. He only makes biscuits on a particular blanket while purring like crazy, otherwise he doesn't purr at all, ever. When I pet him he enjoys it and breathes heavy, lol. He has never meowed but always uses trills and is quite happy. After having him for a year and a half he has just now started to meow in conversation with me. So I know he's happy, and in turn this makes me happy, lol.
  • Recap: 1. Purring 2. Kneading 3. Slow blinks 4. Friendly and curious 5. Normal number of litter box 6. Playful and energetic 7. Social roll(rolling on back, showing belly) 8. Healthy fur and grooming 9. Drooling(must go with other signs) 10. Happy vocalization (short and high in the end)
  • @tinah7697
    I had a orange tabby that I found on the streets and he came running to me, I picked him up and he started drooling and needing in my hair. I had him for many years and he did this every night when we got in bed. Miss him! 💕
  • I just adopted a kitten and I had no idea cats drool. She doesn’t do it all the time but at night she gets extra cuddly and I will have a pool of drool. I’m glad it means she’s happy though!
  • @evelyncox7677
    I just adopted my first cat on my own! She’s a senior kitty, and I knew from the moment I met her she was meant to be my cat because the second I started to pet her, she started to drool all over my hand. 😂 My mother also had a cat she shared a very close bond with, that drooled all over her the moment she met him. So now our family has what we call the “Drool Test” when adopting a new feline. I always found it funny a lot of people didn’t like it when it’s almost a requirement for us lol.
  • @RmsDome
    My girl was not enjoying the size of her litter box, she was pooping outside of it, so I decided to make one out of a storage container and she’s super happy with the size now :)
  • @Xomadelinx
    My cat is constantly talking lol! She’s either meowing, purring or trilling! She loves to chatter if she hears birds too! She’s by far the most vocal/energetic cat I’ve met, it’s the cutest!
  • My cat must be super happy! She displays all of these signs. She is my soulmate !
  • @andreathiessen
    My 10 month old kitten is doing all of these things, except kneading and drooling! She especially purrs and vocalizes whenever she sees me. I'm so happy to hear this. She is my first ever cat, and knowing she is happy and confident makes me feel like I'm doing well so far.
  • @mugg9j
    I always thought kneading was a cat's version of stress management. In fact my older cat, Ginger, noticed Louie was super hyper and she took him aside and showed him how to knead on one of the super fluffy beds, and now he has started doing that to calm himself, too.
  • @GassersGhost
    My Bengal, Presley, meows the exact opposite of every other cat I've ever owned. She emphasizes the "Me" and draws out the "ow". It was so sad at first. It always sounded like a child saying "Oh noooo". We have our blink and and the tail turns into a spotted candycane. I know she's happy. She also gracefully looks me in the eyes and allows me to trim her tallons. I think she knows the kneading shall commence when they have been tamed. Good videos, Doc! Thanks for taking the time.
  • @flawlix
    3 of our 4 are happy droolers! Only when they’re very very happy. They start kneading, purring, and little bubbles of drool start dripping from their lips. One of them trills constantly if you talk to her or pet her. Another does what I call her “bark,” which is just a series of short, staccato meows when she really wants you to lean down and pet her and admire her. Our only boy likes to sleep under the covers with either me or my spouse and will purr in our ears and paw at our arms if we’re asleep until we wake up and let him under. And our other girl has this very loud, demanding meow when she wants something… usually petting, which she’ll tell you by twisting her head at you until you pet her ears. I worry that they’re bored sometimes as indoor cats sharing an 800 sq ft apartment, but this video is very reassuring.
  • @emialio8565
    Several times when my cats were drooling was when we just woke up and I was petting them. They started drooling, and then they shook their head and saliva all over my face and my bed 😂 ugh, what a good way to wake up
  • @MarjiZintz
    I have three more happy-cat signs to propose: 1. Kitty's tail goes straight up when he/she comes over to you, and 2. Kitty scent-marks you by grooming your face ❤ and also pushes their nose into your face, and 3. Cuddle-puddles with you! P..S. I had a drooler, and she was supremely divine!!!!!!
  • @kandieheart1997
    We had a happy drooler!! He passed a few months ago, so I’d give anything for some happy drool right about now. ❤️
  • Two boys drooooool instant pur and want endless cuddles..
  • @honeyb7416
    I definitely have a drooler! Most times she sits on my lap she purrs, drools, makes biscuits and half closes her eyes. She also loves to investigate whatever I'm doing. She always gets in the way but it's so cute! She loves to sit in the room with us from her comfy footstool perch and blink slowly at us. She looks literally like the cat that got the cream: warm and cosy, comfortable and proud to be supervising her humans!
  • My wife and I had and currently have droolers. Our current cat gets so happy that he will march in place, while kneading and purring, and he will drool. He will also do the social roll and flex in the air. He will even let me pet his soft belly while he rolls and flexes, but not my wife. We had another cat that loved belly rubs he would let us and guests rub his belly. He was very social with our friends. He loved having guests over.