Awareness Without Thought | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Published 2021-05-07
In this in-depth talk, Eckhart discusses the awakening of consciousness as our common human destiny and the true measure of success in one’s lifetime.
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All Comments (21)
  • @1endlesssoul
    “You are the sky. The clouds are what happens, what comes and goes.” - Eckhart Tolle
  • @VishVibezREACTS
    “Thinking is only a small aspect of consciousness. Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought.” -ECKHART TOLLE💜💜
  • @VishVibezREACTS
    “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” -ECKHART TOLLE💜
  • @billbollins
    After many years of crushing anxiety and depression I am beginning to feel the stillness inside and it is beautiful, remarkable. Thank you Eckhart.
  • @aidalj
    “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare
  • @1endlesssoul
    “Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.” - Eckhart Tolle
  • "You do not need to think continuously in your daily life." (Eckhart Tolle) "If someone sits still long enough and is able to quiet their mind, they will begin to feel the Presence. If someone begins to feel their real state of being, the real condition of their mind and their body, and they are able to be with themselves at a deeper level, they will begin to feel the Presence.... So why do people resist this? Why do they seek a worldly experience of suffering and struggle and constant adaptation when they could experience the Presence? The reason you do not experience the Presence is it is hidden--hidden by the appearance of the world, hidden by the make-up of your mind, hidden by your circumstances and by your focus in life. When you begin to experience the Presence, it begins to draw you. It is the most natural attraction there can be... particularly when you find out it is not there to punish you, when you find out it is not full of judgment and wrath and displeasure, when you find out that it is wondrous and magnificent. But it is a conscious decision to turn one's life, to shift direction... Stop for a moment. Allow your mind to settle down. Breathe deeply. Go to a quiet place. Set aside your thoughts and your plans and goals and problems long enough and...frequently enough, and you begin to experience the Presence....It is with you now. It was with you yesterday. And it will be with you tomorrow--calling you and waiting for your return; waiting to bestow upon you a life of purpose, meaning and direction." (excerpts from The Presence, a revelation received by Marshall Vian Summers, New Message org)
  • I found a Holy Grail process and now I am living in a permanent state of a quieted mind, in non stop thoughtless awareness since January 10, 2023, when I found and experienced a profound miracle process of living in the present moment, where there are no thoughts, because thoughts are either of the past or the future. When you are truly In the Present Moment Now there are zero thoughts and you are in awe and divine connection. This is a great video. I watched it in complete mental silence and felt my hands and brain tingling with endorphins, feel good molecules of emotion. Watching this video made me even more grateful for the divine gift I was guided to and received on January 10th, 2023 in an obscure 20 minute process that permanently interrupted my constant thoughts and left me in permanent mental silence, thoughtless awareness, except when I do choose to think once in a while instead of the other way around where I was in nearly constant thoughts and only rarely quieted my mind for seconds or minutes. According to just one source, Abraham Hicks, "When you quiet your mind, you let go of all resistance." According to another source, "The main thing is your connection with the Divine is only possible when you meditate and become 'thoughtlessly aware. That's the point where Divine works, it helps." Her Holliness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. According to Eckhart Tolle he was able to achieve and and now lives in a quieted mind and found profound wisdom from then on. Buddha achieved, a permanently Quieted Mind. Krishnamurti also achieve thoughtless awareness. It is a process that money cannot buy and hundreds of millions attempt and only rarely quiet their mind. I am an eternal optimist and consider myself a lucky person. My finding that 20 minute process that instantly changed my thoughts, mind and life is the best thing that ever happened to me. I consider 2023 as the best year of my life because I am now living in permanent thoughtless awareness, which has endless benefits and connects me with the Divine.
  • @f0rmi672
    ”Thinking is only expression of consciousness” 🙏🏻
  • @lesyarosa8091
    The power of now has become my bedside book. A knowledge to work with through a lifetime. Gratitude 🙏🙏 🇵🇹
  • @omanase3618
    Just listening to your talk gives the experience of meditation. Thank you master.
  • @ahmadwarburton
    Dear Eckhart, your simplicity in personality and saying is making everything understanble about body, mind and spirit. You are truly a warrior of light, hope and guidance!!!
  • I must laugh now! It is all about conciousness! Now I understand, why most people are not enlightened: It is to easy! Thank You so much!!!
  • @niceluv1783
    Since reading The Power of Now i have been doing his guided meditations and teachings, he is a true spiritual teacher and makes so much sense, his tools really are the way to connect to your soul and be present 😇
  • @kippapao
    directing awareness to awarenss
  • Eckhart Tolle, you are a great human being! My life is completely changed after i got to know you! <3