'Darkest before the dawn': Nicola Willis rules out austerity Budget | 9 May 2024 | RNZ

Published 2024-05-08
Nicola Willis delivers pre-budget speech at Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce

All Comments (8)
  • @annabongers1874
    Thank you for listening to new zealand a minster who is working to the betterment of everyone we are going to be stepping forward together what a special moment when a good financial fiscal manger is on their job towards progress in housing health education better wages reduce taxes mean it is about time😂
  • The lights are off because Labour ran up a massive power bill. National is telling the truth while Labour continues to lie. Our productivity is shocking and Labour's ruinous policies must be scrapped. Our country was going down a dark path socially and economically. National and its coalition are our only hope for a brighter future. Under Labour rents would have gone up even higher, but now they can level off. Winston Peters states that he regrets his choice in 2017 and most of the country regrets his choice aswell. Covid and fear won the 2020 election for Labour, Hipkins was chosen by the party after Ardern quit. He was voted out in 2023 and is still a caretaker leader of Labour. Labour's policies were unsustainable and we are now under good management. We have voted out socialist autocracy and chosen free world democracy...The only way to prosperity. Winston is redeeming himself well and Shane Jones is a joy to hear. David Seamour is on solid ground/whenua and Luxon is the right man for the right time. All power to National, Act and NZ First to keep the lights of New Zealand on!
  • @seanlusty33
    At least you now know who else is working for donors instead of constituents. Ol' Cruz aye ? talks a big game in congress but shows his true colours now. Have you all signed contracts yet ? for your new positions at the military complex
  • @myrisk123
    Some people are freerideing on their taxes.
  • @jamesblack5972
    It wouldn't be dark if Nicola Willis hadn't turned off the lights