INCREASE Nitric Oxide in the Body, Kill VIRUSES & Benefits of NASAL BREATHING w/ Dr. Louis Ignarro

Published 2024-04-15
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(01:00) The Importance of Nitric Oxide
(05:13) Impact of Nitric Oxide on Overall Health
(14:46) The Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
(24:08) Nitric Oxide
(30:00) Debunking Carnivore Diet
(34:53) Benefits of Inhaled Nitric Oxide
(43:13) Nitric Oxide Use for Virus Treatment
(53:59) Boosting NO Production Through Nasal Breathing
(01:09:28) Humming to Increase Nitric Oxide
(01:15:28) Ever Forward

Imagine the power of a simple molecule coursing through your veins, holding the key to longevity, peak performance, and a fortress-like defense against cardiovascular disease. Nobel Laureate Dr. Louis Ignarro returns to unveil the wonders of nitric oxide (NO), a molecule his research helped bring into the health spotlight. With insights into its impact on conditions from diabetes to erectile dysfunction, Dr. Ignarro discusses how NO isn't just a part of our biology—it's a vital protector of it. 

This episode isn't just about groundbreaking science; it's a treasure trove of practical advice. We discover the astonishing connection between humming and NO levels and delve into how diet—from the antioxidant-rich Mediterranean diet to the scrutinized carnivore diet—plays a pivotal role in NO production. But it's not all about what you eat; we also cover the effects of nasal breathing techniques and why something as simple as mouth tape could revolutionize the way you sleep.

Lastly, we look to the horizon of medical innovation, where the potential for inhaled nitric oxide therapy shines bright—not just for newborns in distress but for severe COVID-19 cases and beyond. Dr. Ignarro's insights are a testament to the molecule's versatility, with possibilities extending into performance enhancement for athletes and the development of on-demand NO generation devices.

All Comments (21)
  • @4everhdt
    Nothing but respect for this guy but he thinks that the covid vaccines saved millions of lives. So take everything he says outside of his very precise area of expertise with a grain of salt.
  • @atinacurrie8203
    I’ve put my long-term diabetic mum of 82 years of age on a high fat, high protein and very low carb diet. 4 weeks into diet and she is more alert, more active and sleeping less during the day. The goal is to wean her off all prescribed medication; so have reduced it. She walks daily and does deep breathing exercises - we heard nose breathing produces Nitric oxide.
  • @deniseduarte552
    I got rid of regurgitating aortic valve doing keto very low carb diet for 7 years. I eat a moderate amount of protein 70 grams and butter meat fat pork fat at the same time. My arrhythmia specialist (had two arrhythmias now gone)said I couldn’t fix leaking valve by diet because 77yrs old valve. Well he was wrong,
    My valve now works perfectly normal…It took 6 years, but keto diet worked…
  • @meatloafhead
    We need dr Ken berry or dr Chaffee to please debate or rebuttal this fine doctor…
    Since I’ve been carnivore there is always a voice in my head saying; “are you sure this is healthy”?
    So everytime I hear a good dr say carnie is harmful I need MORE PROOF PLEASE!
  • @dorothysay8327
    Very old school nonsense with respect to saturated fat. TRULY out of his lane here. He needs to bone up on CURRENT understanding —-if you eat saturated fat WITHOUT the glut of carbohydrate? You’re fine. Better than fine—-it’s brilliant food for the brain.
  • @tomjeff1743
    Clearly agree with his view on nitric oxide. The rest of his diet advice needs to be considered very carefully.
  • @karenphipps902
    I switched off after he mentioned the recent vaccine rubbish but he has ties to Pfizer, as he himself said 😩 And his sat fat comments are very dated.
  • I respect his NO knowledge. Not his saturated fat info. Classic, stay in your lane. Saturated fats don't oxidize. Their bonds are already completely filled... That's the definition of saturated fat. It's the PUFA's that are oxidized into bad things.
  • @Cat-sv7zu
    There are 2 pathways in the body. L-arginine-nitric oxide synthase nitric oxide pathway and the Nitrate-nitrite -nitric oxide pathway . Increasing nitrates in diet was shown in at least one study to "greatly enhance" the production of nitric oxide.
    I got HumanN Nitrie Oxide saliva testing strips. I tested myself it showed i had no nitrate so i bought a beet powder in capsules Nitric Oxide Max Beet Root with Nitrates. Retested saliva had a good result a few days later.
    I'm on warfarin a blood thinners. Vitamin k1 interferes with warfarin. To avoid K1 the beets are a better source of nitrate.
  • @m.e.p.b.
    I have CAD with complete LBBB. I didn't eat beef & pork prior. No saturated fats but I ate lots of fastfoods, rice, noodles, pasta, bread and potato chips. I drank lots of cofee w non dairy creamer for the past 10 years. Less veggies, rarely seafood, pastries & ice creams.

    Fast forward to Nov. 2023, I removed all processed carbs. My carbs are from veggies and no sweet fruits. Up my omega-3, went keto- lots of butter & saturated fats. I am not taking medication since changing my diet. I can brisk walk and talk w/o grasping for air. Ive lost weight.
    Stable BP.
    Dr. Berg's videos has helped me a lot.
  • Meat is a deadly diet? Why not elaborate? It actually changed my life..Grass fed red meat here>>> love it!
  • @paulb4985
    Just doing a small amount of homework and I call this info BS! Do your own homework for yourself. He is especially lacking in the nutrition and metabolic health arena! Just my educated opinion.
  • @CaptainSteve777
    Low NO isn't the cause of diabetes. It's a symptom of metabolic illness, in most people caused by a diet too high in simple carbohydrates. Fat is NOT the enemy. Regarding diet, he is clueless. Recommending low-fat meat is bad advice. PUFA fats are worse at oxidizing into free radicals.
  • It seems he needs to check out Mary Enig's research on fats. Saturated fats have all the double carbon bonds saturated with hydrogen so there is no place for it to oxidize and create free radicals. The polyunsaturated fats have many (poly) double bonds or unsaturated bonds where oxygen can attach and oxidize the fats and go rancid and create free radicals. That's why you can leave saturated fats like butter at room temperature but polyunsaturated fats will go rancid unless they are artifically saturated or hydrogenated.
  • @Ambassador_Gkar
    Did I hear correctly, he was comparing processed meats, like mince, with pure beef steak?
    Also, does Japanese Wagyu steak, in America, come from grass-fed cattle only? Or, are grain-fed cattle used to make wagyu steak? If so, then there's your issue: cows eating GM grains, which Humans then ingest!
    Finally, Western pork & chicken is often of very low quality, due to how they are raised: in cages, with zero exercise & sunlight!

    @ 41:00 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OBVBIOUS this guy is JUST PART OF THE SYSTEM, with his statements, on this topic!!!!!!!!
    Sorry, but they hand out the Nobel Prize to nearly anyone, these days! They even gave it to the people responsible for the current mRNA (which differs hugely to that which was co-invented by Dr. Robert M) 💉 Which IS very detrimental to Human physiology!

    IT WAS HERE, I SWITCHED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Pretty sure I heard him say he worked for Pfizer. Well of course he would say the jab saved lives. Ha ha ha
  • @MM-oi6ez
    SO SO SO wrong about saturated fat. full stop. And people in Italy today do NOT eat the same derived foods that the people of Italy 100+ years ago were eating.
  • @airatru
    There is an antient Indian breathing practice, called Bhramari that does the trick with increasing NO in the blood stream. Its for free, available to anyone with a nose, and its been known for ages. What to do in short to make it even more efficient by a few times - the point is to hum at 130Hz through one of your nostrils, while the other one is closed. If you have a blockage, choose the worst nostril to breath through. Breath in and hum while you breath out in 1 to 2 timing ratio, i.e. 4 sec breath in, 8 sec breath out, for around 15 min. Recommended to do 1-2 times a day on the nutrition channel I picked it from. I hope Dr.Louis Ignarro could try it as well, as he seemed to be interested in having NO boost =)
  • @arphextwat887
    Carnivore diet is deadly? The jab saves lives?
    How ignorant is this guy?