Since God is sovereign, can I cast lots to make decisions?

Publicado 2017-01-31
"Since God is sovereign, can I cast lots to make decisions?"
Dr. Stephen Wellum answers in Honest Answers | Episode 5

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @kilobandz534
    The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD. Proverbs 16:33 Let us be careful not to put so many limits on the things we do not understand because the Lord's thoughts are much higher than ours.... Much Love to the brethren, thank you for taking time out to do God's work!
  • @MrGeorgeTruth
    Being part of the church decision making committee I have been seeing church leaders are chosen based on who you like or who you don't which mean there are personal ego involved. So if casting lot is voided in modern day then how can we trust humans' endorsement when choosing leader? Since God doesn't say casting lot is unbiblical I prefer to practice it with prayer before casting lot which is fair and no bias can corrupt the proccess.
  • @bbbear2002
    Casting lots is the revelation of God's will, by two or three brethren. Remember Jonas? Even everyone asked his own god, the lots casting is very accurate.
  • @lukejones5272
    I’m not convinced. Isn’t it our prerogative as children of God to approach our daddy personally for advice? Why do we act like he doesn’t want to interact with us or that it is beneath him? Great initial question!
  • @ptt3975
    He basically said we don’t really need God to answer for us anymore. However, his example of using lots to determine the way to go in the desert actually proves the validity of casting lots.
  • @LeniGirly
    Trusting in Jesus is not just believing in his existence. It’s not just believing in what he did on the cross. Jesus (Yashua) said “If you love Me, keep My commandments … He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me … If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” John 14:15-24. Keeping the commandments is not based on our own understanding of what we think is good. We most obey the commandments of the father as in the Ten Commandments. Humble yourself and acknowledge your sinful ways. Repent of your sins and turn away from your sins, Repent daily and seek Yah (God) with all your heart and keep his commandments. I see good people who call themselves Christians be out of covenant with Yah (God )and not even know they’re not under his covenant. Why are people deceived? It’s due to the lies pastors all over are teaching in the churches. I used to be a Christian but after the pandemic and the lock downs something happened and I decided to whole heartedly seek Yah (God). I repented of my sins and with his help I turned away from my sinful ways and started studying the Bible on my own with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Little by little I started noticing all the lies that I was taught. Let me point out some of the many lies pastors teach. The concept of the Trinity is false. There is only one God Isaiah 44:6 Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. Jesus is the son of God who came to carry all the sins of the world and to be our teacher on how to glorify the father. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of wisdom who teaches and guides us to keep Yah’s commandments (instructions). The other false doctrine I believed like many other people is that all I had to do was believe in the finished work of Jesus (Yahushua) on the cross and say a prayer and I would make it into heaven. This is a lie the evil Satanist have taught all pastors in order to get God’s people to sin and go to hell. We must follow the teachings Yashus (Jesus ) came to teach. What did Yashua (Jesus ) teach? He taught that we must follow the law (commandments) of the father. In John 14:15 Jesus said If ye love me, keep my commandments. Why is it that every pastor and Christian argue and say the commandments were away with? Because everyone goes based on the gospel of Paul which has verses that say we must keep the commandments but then there are also verses that say we are saved by faith alone and not by works. His writings are confusing to understand and the book of Isaiah does warn us to be careful of the pen of the lying scribes. Meaning that we can’t trust the men who put the Bible together and did the translations. Jesus’ teachings are clear about us having to keep the commandments in order to have everlasting life. Remember how Eve was tricked in the garden by the serpent? Well, this spirit of deceit is going on nowadays too. We have to be carful not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you read in the book of Revelation the warning to the 7 churches you will see how Yashua (Jesus ) started by telling every church “I know your works.” Meaning we are expected to do good works as in keeping the commandments. One of the most important commandments that most Christians don’t keep is resting on the 7th day which is Saturday. Exodus 20:8-11 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. The true Sabbath day was changed to Sunday by the Vatican but no man is allowed to change God’s holy rest day. Once again everything is ruled by the Satanist of this world which are purposely corrupting the truth of God so that people are confused. This is an example as to why Jesus said the following Mathew 7:14 How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it. I’ve been telling those I know who got the vaccine to repent for having taken that abomination. Many got it due to lack of knowledge and for not being in covenant with God. Those vaccines unfortunately are making many people sick, causing heart attacks, miscarriages etc. I’m not telling you this to instill fear in you. I’m informing you in order to equipt you with the truth so that you can fight the Spiritual battle with the right weapons. What’s your weapon to fight the health issues caused by the evil vaccine? Your obedience to God in keeping his beautiful commandments. Psalm 119:142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth. What is the law? The commandments So the verse above is saying that the commandments is the truth. By repenting of your sins and keeping the commandments you are entering in covenant with God. People might tell you The law is for the people of Israel. This is another lie!!! Israel refers Spiritually to the people of God. And even if you continue to say that’s not true I’m not an Israelite well there’s a verse in the Old Testament a verse that mentions that the gentiles can be grafted into God’s family. So, either way anyone who wants to make it into the kingdom must keep the commandments. Also, we’ve all been brain washed since little kids to celebrate Xmas and Easter. I didn’t know this until recently but these are pagan Holidays where we unknowingly are acknowledging false Gods. If you Google the history of Xmas you’ll see what I mean. I have a video on my channel about the proof of why Xmas is an evil celebration. God warns us in the Bible to be careful to not fall into the trap of worshipping him like the pagans do. The Bible also says in Proverbs don’t go based on your own understanding. This means for example just because we have a good excuse as to why Xmas is nice doesn’t mean God likes it. He’s a jealous God and doesn’t accept adultery from our part with other gods. If you don’t believe me pray on it with all your heart and ask Yah (God) to give you a confirmation as to whether this is true or not. We must humble ourselves and admit when we might be wrong. When we repent and humble ourselves God blesses us with his truth. Ever since I started keeping God’s beautiful instructions(commandments) I have no fear because I know he is my shield. No vaccine, mask or any of that stuff for me because he is my protector and my obedience to him is my shield. Psalm 91 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. * His truth here refers to his commandments Psalm 119:142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth.
  • @douglaidlaw740
    Technically, no. But The casting of lots in the Bible was not an attempt to influence God, it was an appeal to God to show a result. The disciples used it to choose a successor to Judas. Before cases were tried as they are today, trial by ordeal or by battle was used in the same way. With time, better methods were employed. Nowadays, we use prayer for a similar purpose, and if misunderstood, prayer can be just as misleading.
  • @TheWay7
    The whole church does not, I repeat, DOES NOT act as prophets because not everyone in the church has the gift of Prophecy.
  • @TheWay7
    In short: yes, but be careful. It was used to determine a course of action, guilt, or allotment of land or property ONLY when God's will was not possible to know. It was not used for spiritual matters. Torah and prophets were.
  • @deermaniac7418
    Lots comes in handy when you have a choice to make and both are good. Should i sing a song of praise cause im happy according to Gods command in james or just be at peace gatatians 5. Cast lotsto find out.
  • @YeshuaIsTheTruth
    I like that you mentioned that some situations are unique. In the Old Testament, generally when people casted lots it was a unique situation (Johnathan eating honey during a fast he didnt know was declared) or the answer just could not be known (who stole ____, who killed ____).
  • The concept of casting lots were not with coins in those days .... Casting lots have been mentioned many times across the Bible specially OT. Stones were used for the purpose no coins, numbers or dices. So gambling was not the intention primarily. Also Acts 1 mentions above lots being casted to choose between two to replace a position. That was right before the day of Pentecost which took place in Chapter 2. The Holy Spirit wasn't given to them yet. Also if one carefully observes the choice was between two good choices not between good and bad. Sometimes its difficult to make a choice between two good given options, so one can do that with prayer and surrender to God. There isn't any specific teaching about this in the Bible about this topic, therefore breaking heads over it is unnecessary and arguing doesn't make sense. Also God looks at the intention first. There are times when one cannot share things with people due to circumstances and if they do that with a heart seeking an answer even after they have prayed and it seems to them that they have got no clear answer or is unable to discern the Holy Spirit in that case this is not wrong and can try this prayerfully. We can't box God and limit his ways of working. He is mysterious and he works in many ways. But in the end again this is just an opinion seek God for more clear revelation.
  • We aren't "all prophets" or the bible wouldn't say to seek to be able to prophecy above the other spiritual gifts
  • @llproth
    How do we choose which commands in the Law (specifically Leviticus) to obey (Lev 19:31) and which ones to disregard (Lev 19:19 and 27)?
  • @monicamayer977
    The Apostles cast lots for the addition of Matthias. Interesting how they did that.
  • @dave234545
    What about the apostles casting lots to decide a replacement for the apostle? If the Apostles cast lots should we?
  • @Cullanorr
    I feel as if God can use casting lots to reveal himself and his desire for a situation (although it should be a rare case) but I do not believe that is the method that we should seek simply because we tend to always mystify things and we need to be more concerned with being in tune with the Holy Spirit rather than reaching a point to where we are considering tossing some sticks and stones to hear an answer from God. There was a time my air conditioner was broke in my vehicle. I pouted and whined for the longest time until I felt the Holy Spirit say to me. Did you ever consider once to ask me to turn it on for you? So I asked. And guess what? It came on full blast with chilling cold air. Sometimes being in tune with God is truly the most important and the Holy Spirit that day revealed to me I was not. Because In times of trouble. My first thought was to complain when it should have been to run to him for guidance and help.