a message to rocket league...

Published 2024-02-07
this video is a message to rocket league and epic games. if you are watching this, please listen.

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All Comments (21)
  • @amustycow
    wanted to make this video not to purely bash Epic Games, but to voice out a lot of concerns from the community that I've seen these last few months in hopes for a better future. looks like they actually came out with a solid update yesterday so I'm hoping for some shift that can really push Rocket League in the direction of it's potential. 2024 is the year that likely makes or breaks Rocket League
  • @websterdrums
    Playing since release...something changed a few seasons ago, matching making wasnt consistent, playing people with wildly different skill levels in ranked. It just feels off, to many little changes, in the background, that just dont make it as fun as it used to be. So sad, ive not played for over a month now
  • @CainoGS
    i played so much in 2020 - 2023 summer, rl was my way of chilling aftr a long day, its sad to see this route taking effect hopefully someone will listen, someone from the team behind it will take into account issues.
  • @CBellRL
    Whatā€™s wild is the communication. I think we can all handle news about layoffs, dropping casters, lack of updates and why, if Epic just talks to us. Theyā€™ve dropped bombs on the community with no warning and we have received no good news in return. For any woman out there, this is what getting kicked in the balls feels like
  • @fettugenie749
    damn bro. musty my heart goes out to you and all of these other amazing content creators. this gives me so much respect for yā€™all; knowing the hard work and effort it takes just to try and dig for something new- to find a new diamond in the rough to guide your content, it kills my heart for this game that i love. itā€™s truly a sad thing to see- monopolies like epic games that come in and get rid of the passion; they fire the talented and creative self-reliant workers just to take a more utilitarian approach. it becomes a machine. we donā€™t need a machine. this game was made by people. talented people with dreams and creativity. i wish i was older and smart enough to know if epic games is even doing whatā€™s best for their company or just running it into the gutter. anyways ig iā€™m just trying to say iā€™m proud of you and the other content creators. yā€™all have done all you can and shared yourselves with us. your amazing ideas and creativity are so greatly loved by the community and appreciated. please donā€™t forget that. unfortunately it just sucks man. but weā€™re all in the same boat together. i donā€™t want any of you to lose your innovative spirits or creativity, because yā€™all are so much better than to willingly offer them to a closed ear. god bless yā€™all, i love you guys šŸ«¶šŸ”„ā¤ļø
  • @noobkilla3
    There was a time in my past where I was extremely down and my head was full of dark thoughts. Rocket League was an outlet for me during this period, I sunk in over 300 hours into this game - more than any game (I'm not much of a gamer). This is when I discovered many of the RL pros and creators like musty, and would religiously watch them on YouTube and twitch. I even followed all pro events regularly. Thinking back, all of this was a big blur in my memory because of the depression I was going through at the time but this video helped me remember the good parts of those times, when I'd just get lost in RL for hours and sometimes even meet some cool people through the game. This game has a special place in my heart and I hope Epic games really gets their shit together and undoes their mistakes. Pains me to see this game dying because of damn fortnite, jeez. I just went back to check in on all of the RL creators I used to watch and it's safe to say none of them are doing good in terms of views. Rocket League needs a resurgence and I hope that happens before it dies down beyond the point of no return.
  • @SymeonSilk
    its sad to see a game you love get ruined by a company full of greed
  • @DeejayJeanP
    On the upside, this is showing us all, young and old, how destructive corporate greed is.
  • @premo8564
    i miss dropshot :( . i doubt anyone else does, as when it gets late in my timezone DS matches would start to take forever to queue, but man do i miss that mode. i could play it for hours on end and it really felt like i learned a lot of fundamentals through that mode. i hit low diamond in 2s and 3s (im not good by any metric other than comparing to casual players maybe), and i dont think i ever even broke out of plat in dropshot, but GOD was it fun. i dont really care for anything else in the game, i would play 2s ranked and get a rank every season just to do it and see where i placed, but by far i played dropshot almost exclusively. havent been on pretty much since it was removed. maybe its not dropshot for everyone, but i hear similar sentiments from friends for other things they enjoyed.
  • @UniQuE317_
    Man, I'm sad I missed all the years, I love League and have been trying to get better . Started about 10 months ago
  • @SuenTV
    Trading removal was the end of it for me. I have 4000+ hours in the game.. I am flabbergasted a company can fuck up a game so quick. Never will I touch that field again. As someone who has played since August of 2015... absolutely horrible company.
  • @balulg
    i came back to rocket league this year but i didnt know what was going on with it or anything and i was confused on why i couldnt trade until i saw this video. I grew up with rocket league and now its just sad to see it die.
  • @tkj222
    I actually started playing again a few weeks ago and been enjoying it but I only play a few days in Plat and then get off for a few days. The apple sauce analogy was great!
  • @tedgabbard2430
    Appreciate the shout out, Musty. I did really care about the game. All of us did. This community gave me some of the best experiences of my life. I'll be forever grateful to everyone for welcoming me as one of your community managers. Despite everything happening right now, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't wish I could still be there doing my best to support you all. Take care šŸ‘‹
  • @Blockminer12763
    Them removing trading was possibly the worst mistake ever in rocket league..
  • @8BitCR
    My guess is that in the next few years Rocket league will become an alternate mode in fortnite just like fall guys probably will as well like racing rn is and no longer be a stand alone thing, and these slow times are the inbetween time before they fuse the game to fortnite
  • @Kosacade
    I had this game for so long but only actually got into when I got internet a few years ago. Peaked at grand champ and quit when they removed trading. I never even used trading but I already had a extreme hate for epicgames. Itā€™s really sad, itā€™s probably the game I enjoyed the most to come home and play.