Whooping Cough (Pertussis): All You Need to Know

Published 2023-11-25
Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of whooping cough (pertussis). Whooping cough is a vaccine-preventable disease, but local outbreaks still happen every few years. Since it's highly contagious, we need to recognize patients with whooping cough, treat them as soon as possible, and do whatever we can to prevent the spread to the most vulnerable populations, especially infants. You will learn about the diagnostic tests for Bordetella pertussis (the cause of whooping cough) and about antibiotics and vaccines that we use to keep this disease in check.

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A Clinical Approach to Serious Infections in Adults: What Every Physician Should Know:

DISCLAIMER: Please, always keep in mind that my videos are intended for educational purposes only. The content of my videos is NOT medical advice. I do not practice medicine over the Internet. If you are a patient and have any questions about your health, please talk to your doctor.

00:00 Symptoms of whooping cough (pertussis)
01:38 Whooping cough in infants
02:34 Whole-cell vaccines against pertussis
03:30 Acellular vaccines against pertussis
05:57 Vaccination schedule and recommendations for whooping cough
06:40 Pertussis vaccination in pregnancy
07:56 Treatment of whooping cough
09:10 Post-exposure prophylaxis for whooping cough
10:41 Diagnostic tests for Bordetella pertussis

1. Decker MD, Edwards KM. Pertussis (Whooping Cough). J Infect Dis. 2021 Sep 30;224(Suppl 4):S310–20.
2. Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Clinical Information | CDC [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023 Nov 23]. Available from: www.cdc.gov/pertussis/clinical/index.html

All Comments (21)
  • @reddkgaming8672
    Massive rise in London UK right now. I have also got it now its terrible cannot sleep
  • Yes, same in New Zealand. I am suffering in 3 months coughing. just been to my GP today.
  • @KelvinOssai
    I found this helpful as it provides the basic knowledge require
  • @Soronokei
    Bro my muscles in the chest hurts so bad like when I cough it fucking hurts bro
  • @BobbyBobBob1
    Great video as always, thank you so much for you excellent work!
  • Great video just had it at the same time as my son was absolutely horrific still recovering months later.
  • @kdb1697
    I’m on week 9. I’ve stopped being sick everytime i cough and I’m coughing a lot less but i’m now struggling to breathe and i’m now breathing with what sounds like popping candy on my chest. It’s literally never ending!! I’m so sick of this illness!! 🤧 doctors asked if anyone in my household have caught it.. i said i’m the only one that has so he said it’s definitely not whooping cough then.. BUT I HAVE ALL THE SYMPTOMS!!! I was never vaccinated as a baby but my daughter and partner were.
  • @reflektiert
    Thanks for this video. My children are in the 9th week. It's horror. No sleep for our children and for us. Constant fear of not being able to breathe. Now I'm in the 5th week too. At first I had cramps in my stomach area due to the strong cough. I ended up injuring a bone due to my cough and also had unbelievably bad pain with every little cough. With my children it is less now, but it is still there. Vaccinate yourself and your children against it if you haven't had it. It's a really bad disease and no doctor has diagnosed it in us. We figured it out ourselves after seeing the symptoms on YouTube. Unfortunately too late.
  • This is a terrible illness. There is no adequate testing. There is no adequate vaccine for adults. I've had covid 19 during the pandemic, that was like an itch compared to Pertussis. In the middle of Paroxysmal stage, violent cough, blackouts, stomach muscles pulled to pieces, no sleep. I'm 57 and lived in the UK all my life. Never had whooping cough, and have never known anyone have it until now. This is a definite pandemic and needs to be addressed. Eight babies lives lost so far this year to whooping cough, how many through covid19 ?
  • I’m 46 and was never vaccinated. Got it from my 10 yr old after we went to the England Brazil game at Wembley where I think he got it. My son was vaccinated as a baby. My doctor referred my details to UKHSA who never called as had been led to believe they would. Guess there’s too much of it around for them to trace. The difficulty breathing is the scariest part. After 6 weeks I’m still producing the thick mucus that makes it difficult to breathe although coughing bouts have reduced. Had Amoxicillin after 1 week (no affect) then had clarithromycin after 3 weeks, which did help to calm the bouts a little. It’s weird how the nose suddenly produces mucus during a coughing bout and eyes suddenly go bloodshot but the crackles on the chest subside with good rest, lots of water and deep breathing. Box breathing is helping me get rest and mini naps during the day, however can’t sleep on my side due to painful ribs/diaphragm.
  • @ms5331
    I have been sick for over 2 months , extreme pain from my back upper left side on my back when I cough feels like I broke a rib .. it’s awful truly awful infection
  • @yariej7697
    I believe I gave this I have been sick for almost two months with this cough and went 5 times to doctors but no one listens to me that this it’s not normal for my body so they didn’t help and they didn’t diagnose it
  • @LuckyJAmbrose
    Got adult whopping cough. Took antibiotics. No longer whooping as much but still coughing my head off, going on 4 + weeks now. Question… should I get a vaccine booster? Is that a good idea? and if so how long do I have to wait to get one?
  • @ashleyshort72
    i think my 2yo has it. He was like normal sick for 2 days then he started with that awful cough. yesterday was last fever day. today last night was a horror sleeping. he was up like 3/4 times coughing and had that wheezing sound in between bits. i was crying this morning because the poor angel doesnt even know whats happening and it scared me. He has no fever at all now and the coughing is nowhere near as bad during the day as at night which i heard on another video is quite normal... idk whether to take him to dr or not. i dont trust them tbh. and if antibiotics wont help him i dont see much sense in it
  • @PoleiceCidcorn
    Cornwall, England. Age 54 I’m on week 3 and my lethargy has stopped me working and still get coughing burst that make me vomit. Up tonight because I’m wheezing and rattling but can’t clear anything. Required antibiotics clarithromycin for longer than expected. So tired.
  • @juliebutler7549
    14wks and i still have it. I just had the cough which was only every now and then but now iv picked up a cold from somewhere and im coughing like crazy and struggling to breathe again. Doctors say there is nothing they can do. I dont get why i got it though as i had my whooping cough vaccination 8 years ago 😷