Windir - Sognametal DVD rip Full Concert

Published 2014-11-05
Sognariket sina krigarar: 03:26
On the Mountain of Goats: 09:16
Svartasmeden og Lundamyrstrollet: 15:14
Stridsmann: 24:48
1184: 30:57
Blodsvik: 36:43
Fagning: 45:02
Krigaren si gravferd: 54:33
The Beginning: 1:02:40
Arntor, ein Windir: 1:05:58
RIP Valfar

Thanks LStheGamer

All Comments (20)
  • @LSthegamer
    Translation of the entire show: 8:45 : For those who don't know who I am, I am Valfars brother. On behalf of my family, I'd like to thank you all for showing up, to take one last goodbye to windir, and Valfar espescially. This next song is called ''On the Mountain of Goats'' 14:41: Are you all having a good time? Crowd cheers Is that all you got? (Not exactly what he says, but what he actually says doesn't make much sense in english (Is there any life in you)) Crowd cheers We'll continue with a classic from the Arntor album. This is ''The Blacksmith and the Troll of Lundamyri'' 24:05: That was the blacksmith 24:10: (Hváll) Are you all having a good time? Crowd cheers Is that all you got? (Again, not exactly what he says, as it doesn't make to much sense in english, (are you alive)) Crowd cheers Windir cannot continue, but now we'll honour (heidra) Valfar! Crowd cheers Cheers for Valfar! Crowd cheers Cheer for fuck sake! Crowd cheers Now we'll play a new song, the last song Valfar wrote for Windir. A song we've called ''Stridsmann'' 30:15: Cheers 30:30: Now we'll play a song about the betrayer Sverre. Crowd cheers Here's the title track from the album 1184! 37:13: Vegard! 43:45: Do you want more? Crowd cheers Do you know who's birthday is today? Who's birthday is it today? Crowd cheers I can't hear you! Crowd cheers Valfar, yes! 44:30 :Are there anyone from Sogndal here today? Crowd cheers That's good. We're here tomorrow to, you should come to Garage (A place). Crowd cheers There we'll have a Windir party. Crowd cheers The rest of you can come along too. Crowd cheers Now we'll play a song from our latest album, this is fagning! 51:07 :(This part is just too awesome) 53:35 : I'd like to thank everyone who've played here tonight. And I'd especially like to thank the remaining members of Windir. Crowd cheers I thank them for letting me do some vocals. This is to hounor (heidra) Valfar! Crowd cheers My brother! Crowd cheers This is my last song for tonight. It's from the demo ''Sogneriket''. Crowd cheers This is for you Terje (Valfar), from me! This is ''Krigaren si Gravferd'' (The Warriors Funeral) 1:02: Do you want more? I can't hear you! Crowd cheers I can't hear you! Crowd cheers Come on now! Windir! Crowd cheers A little louder and they might come back again! Come on now! Windir! Crowd cheers 1:12:30 : Thanks for Windir! 1:12:55 : (Hvall) Cheers for fuck sake! 1:13:22 Don't forget the party tomorrow! Are you attending? We'll meet tomorrow!
  • @Miquiya
    This is one of the most legendary concerts in all of metal. I, and likely a lot more people, would've killed to be there.
  • Imagine if more black metal musicians looked like Valfar's brother here... they would pull off the whole intimidating image a lot more effectively
  • @Aeonized
    His brother is does a really good job, sounds even similar to Valfar.
  • That main singer is like brick wall. Huge guy and does great honor to his brother.
  • @XxXInfestedXxX
    This live makes me want to cry.. Not tears of sadness, though, nor happiness.. Just tears of something magical, beautiful. Truly, a spectacular day that was and I am really sorry I wasn't able to attend.
  • @enzosaldivar19
    WITCHER te ganaste el cielo, o el infierno!! Lo q mas te guste!! Por haber subido este concierto, lástima que no esté Dios=Valfar. Pero es hermoso este recital. Creo q la mitad de las visitas son mías!! No me canso de escuchar este recital. ¡¡Gracias por haber existido Valfar, te quiero mucho y saludos al Valhalla Guerrero!!
  • If you’re gonna have one last concert, this is how to do it. Everything here is mixed clearly, even bass. Everything is performed perfectly.
  • @CMO1061
    Valfar’s brother is a Frickin Viking warrior. Dude is huge
  • @TerminalM193
    Good GOD his brother is like a true Nordic warrior. He actually sounds alot like his brother too, what a great tribute.
  • 20:54 - 22:43 HOLY FUCK. That has to be the best thing I've ever heard from Windir. I'm not previously familiar with that part as I mostly ever listen to 1184 (a lot). I called up my friend last night after seeing/hearing that clip for the first time and told him to watch it NOW. He did and I quote he said "it is very beautiful", and also "crazy perfect (guitar) tone". On a related note, I'm wearing my 1184 shirt today proudly!