The rise in homeschooling | keep the magic alive in learning

Published 2022-01-04
With homeschooling on the rise, there are reasons now more than ever to homeschool. I sit down with my friends Josefa Ciccarelli and Jenna Strubhar to share all about our homeschool routines, the reasons we homeschool, tips to keep the magic alive in learning, where we get our inspiration from, the benefits we’ve seen, and more.

In this episode we cover:
- Different homeschooling philosophies
- Josefa and Jenna’s personal homeschooling journey
- The reasons to homeschool
- Problems that can arise with modern or public schooling
- The many incredible teachers there are - whose hands are often tied with many of the systems in place
- Are the milestones the public education system has created arbitrary, or is there a place for it?
- The rise in homeschooling and the reasons now more than ever to homeschool
- What age to start homeschooling?
- The concern some parents have that they aren’t certified teachers or experts in certain subjects and that they wont be able to properly educate their children
- Do homeschooled kids lack socialization?
- How to keep your kids motivated. What do you do when your kids don’t want to do homeschool?
- Does homeschooling require a schedule?
- Homeschooling ideas with a budget or financial restrictions like both parents needing to work
- Are there any cons to homeschooling?
- Creative ways to keep the magic alive in learning
- homeschooling authors and resources that have inspired us

Jodie Mockabee:
Jodi Mockabeee Getting started with homeschooling guide:…
TedTalk Hackschooling makes me Happy by Logan LaPlante:    • Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan ...  
Changing Education Paradigms:    • RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Parad...  
Data suggests 1.2 million families switched to homeschooling last academic year:…
Art for kids hub:
TedTalk Do Schools Kill Creativity? By Sir Ken Robinson:    • Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken...  

Homeschooling philosophies we discussed:
Boxed curriculum
Online schooling (lakeshore learning, rainbow resources, the good and the beautiful, Acellus, etc)
Charolette Mason

How Children Learn by John Holt
How Children Fail by John Holt
The 5 Hour School Week by Aaron & Kaleena Amuchastegui
The Call of the Wild and Free by Ainsley Arment
Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto

Jenna’s instagram:
Jenna’s website:
Josefa’s instagram:
Josefa’s website:

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All Comments (21)
  • @A107S
    Hi. I’m Abigail. I’m 28. I was homeschooled all the way through. There were 4 of us. We did drama, sports, music, etc. My mama socialized us so well. And when people talk to us as adults, they are shocked at how social we all are. We went to the nursing home to visit the elderly every Wednesday. We played instruments and sang for them. Helped with meals etc. On Sunday we were in church helping with the little kids in their classes. All 4 of us could socialize with anyone from birth to elderly. I appreciate all my mama and dad did for us with homeschooling and teaching values, hard work and life skills. Now I have 3 boys of my own and homeschool them. :) I love it and I have so much more respect for my mama. We LOVE The Good and The Beautiful as well. THANK YOU for this podcast. It’s so good. You all have inspired me with your content. You’re incredible women.
  • I hated elementary school; I begged my parents to homeschool me for all 8 years of my elementary education. I wish more people were open to homeschooling when I was a kid
  • I love this episode!! as a public school teacher who agrees with everything in this video and disagrees with a lot of the things that I am asked to do in my job, I would love to see the “counterpoint” of this episode by talking to a public school teacher or someone who disagrees! i always look forward to this podcast!!!!
  • @axesandaprons
    We live in a cabin in the woods and will be homeschooling next year❤ LOL I laugh because of the “cabin in the woods” rhetoric is the example of no socialization in homeschool. I beg to differ. We are very social! Our church, family friends, community, etc. can give us all the socializing we need. The book Wild + Free touches on this so well! I totally recommend reading. Nature should be interlaced into curriculum and where else can we do that SO EASY? We walk out our cabin right into the woods. What a beautiful opportunity to homeschool.
  • I really loved how Josefa was honest about it taking 2 years from really wanting to be a stay at home mama and actually being able to do so. It's not always 'just' a decision to make and we don't all have the option to just be with our kids - especially from a financial standpoint - no matter how much we would want to. Liked that that was touched on!
  • @MrsCan
    My biggest flaw in being a homeschooling stay at home mom, is not owning it! I need to stop being timid and shy that I will be judged for my family choice to home educate What I'm doing this year is owning the hard work I put in my home, and educating my children.
  • @xena1028
    Josefa’s hair looks gorgeous 😍
  • @carleigh4242
    Ellen, this episode is AMAZING. I've had it in the back of my mind that one day I might want to homeschool my future children, but I always wondered if it might cause any harm or be unrealistic and difficult. But I really feel strongly about not placing children in desks for hours out of the day, dulling their light and spirit with the ridiculous, demanding schedules that the typical American education system has in place. I think there needs to be a MAJOR shift in how we raise and educate our children and I now know for SURE I have to make this happen for my kids one day. It feels so right and natural. Thank you!!!
  • @edenbenson3782
    So fascinating! I started unschooling at 14 after having spent a life in public school. I ended up as an English teacher overseas! It was such a phenomenal experience.
  • I’m another adult who was homeschooled K-12, and I’m much more well socialized, articulate, capable, and educated than most of my peers (I’m 24). And I fully plan on homeschooling my kids, to give them the same huge advantage in life! My mom was a very “stick to the out-of-the-box curriculum” kind of homeschool mom, and I’m the opposite in that I definitely want to go the Montessori, child-led, unschooling route. But I still got a great education! Both ways can turn out healthy great kids. You can choose whatever schooling style and curriculum YOU work best with, as well as your kids!
  • @briannaryan2733
    I think Josefa had a really good point about some teachers not wanting to teach because they don’t get paid enough or don’t have the resources. It’s very sad with the public school systems how teachers and students in underserved areas are at a disadvantage solely because of where they live. Everyone deserves an education however that may be.
  • @tiffanyvcurry
    Great convo! One my favorite things about homeschooling is the fact that homeschooling looks different for everyone. I think you guys did a great job of expressing that fact during this talk.
  • @jasminm8784
    Here in Germany we are not allowed to homeschool. However, all the things you shared are sooo great for applying in our family time as well. I struggle with how to occupy my toddlers in a meaningful way and the podcast reminded me of all the possibilities. I have a hard time not feeling overwhelmed when I try to prepare topics but I guess it is a learning process :-) You are three amazing women, you are great role models. Thank you!!!
  • @Amyfillinger
    I loved this episode!! Homeschooling can be hard but there’s always a way to make it work. My kids have done public, private, and home school and all 3 of them (with very different personalities!) all prefer homeschool.
  • @BK-pw5es
    I was homeschooled all school years. I loved it and thrived. Sadly I was not able to homeschool my daughter. I worked at my local casino and warehouses and I had rent and bills to pay so it would have been impossible. But I am now a school bus driver and starting next school year (4th grade) my kiddo will learn at home, taught by me. I don't want to pull her out of school half way through the year which is why we're waiting. We are both so excited.
  • @luraayzit
    The quality of your videos and your podcast is so high class. I feel delighted to watch your content. You seem so vibrant and communicative. Also all of you are intelligent and aware humans. What an enrichment for a conscious world. Your conversation inspires me to homeschool my children.
  • Seeing the topic of this podcast just made my day! Just what I need as we settle in for our second semester of homeschool. Thank you Ellen!
  • @Marie-zz1el
    I don’t have kids yet but homeschooling has always been my goal when I do have kids. The American school system is so bad and lacks so much that I can’t imagine sending my kids there to learn. I remember vividly in middle and high school having classes of just downtime because the teachers didn’t teach or the class was out of control. This video was great and so inspiring! You guys are living the dream mom life lol🥰. My only fear is not finding a group of likeminded families but I’m sure they’re everywhere!
  • Hi Ellen, You inspired me to homeschool and I started this school year (yeah) and while still learning I already feel so content and proud of me and my child. Thank you for all you do and inspire so many of us. I loved the idea of money managing and Stock's, which App or website does Jenna use for her children and if you do use one, would you mind sharing?
  • @sarahmorton1699
    This podcast is JUST what I need right now! You are all such an inspiration on the topic!