How To Make Small Talk Fun

Published 2018-08-27
Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:

How to Handle Small Talk as an Introvert — Kanye and Jimmy Kimmel Breakdown

We look at the Kanye-Kimmel interview today and do a break down on how to handle small talk especially if you're an introvert. Small talk can be a pain for some people especially introverts. Now, there is nothing wrong with light and playful banter and we've covered that in other videos but in this video, we are going to discuss how anyone including introverts can become a master of quickly moving through small talk to something more. And for some people, it's going to come as a surprise that I am featuring Kanye West in this video. To be clear, I'm not saying that Kanye West is necessarily an introvert.

Kanye may not be an introvert but in his most recent interview with Jimmy Kimmel, I did see a number of behaviors that are typical of an introverted type that doesn't really want to engage in small talk. And I thought that this could make a good jumping-off point for the topic. First off, small talk can be difficult for people because they don't know when to participate. If they aren't asked a question, they feel like they shouldn't speak up and then the dreaded awkward silence ensues before the other person excuses themself. In reality, there are almost always subtle openings and invitations to join in.

1:00 Notice subtle openings for you to share your thoughts
2:15 Respond with an open-ended statement to keep the conversation going
3:00 You don't have to answer questions if you want to talk about something else
4:11 Pause to create opt-in points for others
5:22 Try to get to a conversational topic you both care about

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All Comments (21)
  • @MrCmon113
    #1 Quit the small talk and get on to something interesting. "The weather is beautiful today." "It is, do you think we should engage in an all out trade war against China?"
  • @ketgremlin8776
    Two introverts who don’t know each other trying to engage in small talk is horrible
  • @norse_cat
    I think there's a difference between an introvert and social anxiety/awkwardness. Introverts don't necessarily feel awkward, since they can be confident, they just are more exhausted by social interactions.
  • Charisma on Command: 💡 I'm gonna use Kanye as an example to teach these guys how to master conversations! Kanye: I'm bout to end this man's whole career
  • @d4nielle364
    I came here because I panicked when talking to someone at school and asked which school they went to smh.
  • @VioletRaven.
    My favorite piece of advice in this video is the waiter interrupting analogy. If you are telling someone a story and you get interrupted, and the other person doesn't bring the conversation back to the story you were telling, they clearly weren't interested, so just move on. It's also a great way to show someone else that you were paying attention. If someone is telling me a story and we get interrupted, I will say "So you were telling me about..." and then I'll repeat the last thing they told me. People appreciate this, it shows that you were listening and that you care!
  • @Jayhawker2000
    Another great tactic that Kanye taught us is to wear a black mask that covers 100% of your face. This helps to put everyone at ease.
  • @bermymon99
    Hard mode: small talk as an introvert Insane Mode: small talk with social anxiety
  • @gerritdeman6410
    My problem is that I often just don't know what to say. When I'm talking with someone my head is constantly like 'OKAY, WHAT CAN I SAY TO THIS, THINK THINK, UHM YEAH I AGREE THAT'S NICE!' but I can hardly ever think of something interesting, while if I'm alone after that I can suddenly think of a dozen interesting topics I could have talked about. It's really annoying. :p
  • @SSYabuddy
    Does anyone else get chills through their whole body when you’re suppose to be saying something in a conversation but you really can’t come up with anything? I do all the time and just stand there awkwardly overthinking on what to try to say.
  • @deli_bread
    As an introvert, something I like to do to skip small talk all together is just ask a hypothetical or interesting question. Some of my go-to favorites are "Is soup a drink?", "What do you think about garlic bread?", or the classic immortal snail problem.
  • @betterbodies4u
    I've noticed that Introverts are not shy when texting .
  • @Austin-on4zr
    "Hey." "Hey." "How are you doing?" "Uh... lemme pull out my notes real quick."
  • @scripsur8203
    As a former introvert, I would like to excuse you from all this trouble and enlighten you with a magic solution to instantly be able to handle small talk. And that is to just SAY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. Literally. Anything that comes to mind - you say it. It is the most effective way to become more extroverted and be able to handle small talk or even keep a convo going. Your mind silently makes up answers, statements, questions, jokes and possible teases to anything that has been stated, it just doesn't propose them to you directly. It kind of hides them deeper in your brain. Your have to manually catch them and then the only thing left to do is to sound them out. Simple. At first, it might seem intimidating because you dont know which of the many sentances given to you by your brain to pick. Thats why you should first try it out on your close friends (my no.1 choice) because even if you mess up they won't take it seriously. Then, after you get the hang of it, it becomes as easy as just saying things. I am not kidding. You just start talking on autopilot and it works (talking from experience here). So yeah be sure to try this out and I hope y'all are prepared to ace any upcoming small talk. Best of luck :)
  • @phodilus2141
    the video i should’ve watched right after i was born
  • @kimmybear100
    I just never have anything to talk about. Literally nothing.
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