Labour win landslide majority as Conservatives suffer worst result ever | General Election 2024

Published 2024-07-05
Sir Keir Starmer has been hailing what he called the “sunshine of hope” as Labour won an overwhelming landslide majority. [Subscribe:]

The Lib Dems scored their best result for a century. While the Tories had their worst result in their history, with Rishi Sunak admitting "I am sorry".

With just a few seats left to declare, Britain's political landscape has undergone a complete transformation in the past 24 hours.


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All Comments (21)
  • Canada 1993. Brian Mulroney took a conservative majority government & reduced it to 2 seats. It takes special talent to destroy a political party.
  • CONGRATULATION to UK for getting rid off TORIES. In an article for Winchester College in 1996, as 16 year old student RISHI SUNAK bitterly opposes Labor Party,s proposed minimum wage of 3,5 pound an hour. From privilliged familly and future Billionaire opposing minimal wage of 3,5 pound an hour necessary to keep millions of poor working class surviving capitalist exploitaitation, should have never been British PM. Normal person can stant the sight of this "politician"
  • In an article for Winchester College in 1996, as 16 year old student RISHI SUNAK bitterly opposes Labor Party,s proposed minimum wage of 3,5 pound an hour.Billionaire opposing minimal wage of 3,5 pound an hour necessary to keep millions of poor working class surviving capitalist exploitaitation, should have never been British PM. Normal person can stant the sight of this "politician".... THE POINT is that GREED of THIS PEOPLE, BORN INTO PRIVILLIGED RICH FAMILY thinking people on minimum wage should not even earn certain wage,I am sure they were used to this in India CAST SYSTEM that masses starve while elite owns everything
  • I seriously doubt that your statement that Jeremy Corbyn was elected on a Pro-Palestinian ticket has any validity to it. It's more that his past work in his constituency earned him the trust of his voters. If you meant the other independents were elected on a Pro-Palestinian ticket, you're probably right but your wording was poor as it seemed to include Corbyn + the others.
  • @PEdulis
    "The conservative party has let you down" - "and I was one of those who never wanted to listen to you". Fixed that for you, Cruella, you're welcome.
  • Dear Channel 4, your report was incorrect when it said that 'Jeremy Corbyn was elected on a pro Palistinian platform', he is pro-world peace, not pro Palistinian (which slyly insinuates anti-isreali/antisemit); he got elected because he personally serves his constituents, effectively, for over 40 years, and his campaign simply tapped into that multicultural local respect.
  • @redalert2834
    The Conservative Party has always let the UK down but the only time it ever apologises for being a terrible political choice is after a huge election loss.
  • @Afterthoughtbtw
    One underrated thing coming out of last night. There are some really great placenames, hats, and robes in British politics.
  • @madcowgimbo
    I didn't vote labour because they changed the party. I voted tactically against the Tories. This country needs proportional representation so people can vote for who they really want. The low percentage of votes Labour got and the low turnout shows I am not alone. The interview with Liz Kendall shows that at least some in that party don't get it.
  • @mikeymoo1291
    I like the way Suella Braverman doesn't think that she was part of problem. Isn't Keir Starmers' wife lovely? I was expecting Bet Lynch.
  • @leeohare6344
    Finally, we have a Prime Minister thats a half decent one... an ex-barrister... knows how to take down corrupt kleptocrats... took down the Conservative government starting with Old Moppy and his mates... may angels stand by this fella while he does his work... we don't often in history get an honest and veritable individual who is given the chance to put this country right... now we have one... blessings...
  • @abmong
    Some sense has returned to the UK at last. Congratz
  • There’s a lot of weird bots in here ineffectively trying to criticize a flourishing democracy….
  • @piercoucy
    13:19 says it all about how out of touch is this new goverment with the reality of the bottom 50% of the country. I am so sorry. The future is bleak!
  • @jonmel
    Landslide in name only , people voted to kick the Tory’s out rather than the red tory boy