Genshin Impact comments that make me feel insane

Published 2022-04-30
Genshin Impact makes me so angry that I decided one video wasn’t enough. If I keep getting sponsorship emails after this one, then I really won’t know what to think.
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Big thanks to my mom for holding Amber’s severed head up on a fishing po-I meeean, big thanks to the ghost of Amber. For inhabiting a piece of cardboard. My life has been ruined.

Subway Samba - Laryssa Okada
Mirage Saloon (Wildstyle Pistolero) - Sonic Mania
motorized ice sculpture - Going Under
Bonus Game - Pilotwings
Sound Test - Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Game Over - Super Mario World
Windmill Isle (Night) - Sonic Unleashed
Main Theme - Breath of the Wild
Illustration Result - Kirby Star Allies
Goron City - Breath of the Wild
Map - Shin Megami Tensei Dx2
Gallery - Danganronpa V3
Oh It’s You - A Hat in Time
Aeolic Guardian - Musashiden 2
Victors Hollow - Octopath Traveler
Bubblegum K.K. - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Streets of Elegance - Genshin Impact
Trial Star - Kirby Star Allies
Meteor Herd - Sonic Adventure 2


All Comments (21)
  • @Skooch
    Can't believe Yakko is now declared as one of the cringe guys in the world.
  • “I don’t feel Genshin is the right game for me.” “At least try to play it. You can’t decide if it’s good or bad if you don’t play it.” “Ok, I’ve played it. It’s just not my type of game.” “If you don’t like it, don’t play it. No one’s forcing you.”
  • @zeppie_
    Can’t wait to play Genshin in 22 years when the servers finally close and people mod the game to become an actually playable single player experience
  • @allanime01
    Every mobile game, not just gachas, has a hotline for customer support. I had a friend Adam (name changed) and he worked for this big one, uhhh lets call it, Mandys Mush. You want to take a guess what 99% of Adam's day was? Taking calls from livid adults to find out that their child had gotten into the shop and used the already linked credit card to purchase hundreds of dollars of power ups and replays. (and in rare instances calls from young adults about how mom or dad had spent ACTUAL BILLS MONEY on the game.) And Mandys Mush was one of the first to deliver this model, so it wasnt even employing predatory tactics we know today. It literally would just be like "hey you're outta lives, you can buy more if you want or just take a break!" and STILL folks would spend enough to make it the highest grossing mobile game for years, practically putting mobile games into the marketplace in the first place. So now tell me, when you have your customer support spending 99% of their shift telling adults (usually) that "We are not responsible for any financial transactions in game. All sales are final and refunds are not allowed unless you can prove the card stolen and used on an account not your own." and then fans of your genre saying its so frustrating to play it without spending money at all and wishing they could "just spend a few bucks" to feel like its WORTH playing, how on earth can people just shrug and be like "well if you spent money thats your own fault and you are scum" That line of thinking feels like literal non-hyperbolic brainwashing, that's that same logic as how billion dollar companies hire third world outsourcing/immigrant labor at half the cost of minimum wages and folks will go "THOSE DAMN IMMIGRANTS TOOK JOBS FROM US!!!" like no you dumbass the company saw an easy way to make more money with less effort and loves that you wont even blame them for it.
  • Watch out, yakko. Genshin Impact is becoming your "nemesis game." It's your Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, your Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash, your Sonic '06. The one game you can't stop arguing about and pointing at. The one you can't escape from. The one that will be written on your tombstone. The one that your lineage will continue the fight against. The one that will judge you in the hereafter. This is a dangerous path you tread, my friend. But the difference between you and all the others is that you're not up against just a lousy game... you're up against weebs.
  • @TheSpeep
    "Devs need to get paid too" might be a more convincing argument if the big games industry as a whole wasnt so horrendously exploitative of most of the artistic talent working within it. Unfortunately, we all know the billions ppl collectively spend on microtransaction casinos that undermine the quality of the rest of the game arent going to any of the people who actually made the good parts, theyre headed straight to the pockets of the vampires at the head of the company.
  • @lamegamertime
    That guy who seriously said "they don't hide gacha rates!!!" Does he realize...they have to do that??? Legally??? They are required by law to tell the rates, so you know the risk. The fact that they did that doesn't mean they're generous, it just means they don't want to get sued.
  • @sinom
    14:40 it's not only the bare minimum. Not hiding the gacha rates also is a legal requirement. If they hid them they would not be allowed to sell the game in multiple markets (including China afaik).
  • @sinom
    "Whataboutism" is a great word. Another great one is "sophistry". Both together are perfect for describing 95% of responses like the ones seen in this video.
  • @03dashk64
    “As an amateur poker player and a libertarian-“ hard cut I laughed WAY too hard.
  • @itsallenwow
    Genshin is the rare combo of "it gets good in season 4 bro trust me" combined with "it gets good at 300 dollars bro"
  • @doofs
    forget the "Warning: In-game purchases" pop-up when you download an app, Genshin needs a "WARNING: NOT EVERYONE IS A GAMER" pop-up
  • @Beebono
    Now that Yakko has his antithesis game, I can't wait to see the video where he wears the RingCon from Ring Fit as a Power-Rangers style transformation belt and destroys capatilistic corruption in the video game industry, probably portrayed by a big Slot Machine Mecha.
  • @ErikVonStrix3
    >"Your wrong! Genshin is gud! You give subjective arguments about why it's bad!" >Proceeds to use subjective arguments about why it's good
  • @shpeck1
    I love the comment that mentions how Activision and EA get praised while Mihoyo gets shit on. Where can I find this so called "EA praise" you speak of ?
  • @sinom
    And again today I saw a case of a child getting at someone's credit card and spending over 1500$ within a week. Gacha games definitely aren't predatory at all.
  • @JustNixey
    That Genshin video was actually the wake up call I needed and lacked for almost a year of my playtime with that cursed game. Your experience in the gacha field and ability to see right through the manipulative design tactics really shows and it was just what I needed to hear to stop torturnig myself everyday with endless grinding of artifacts and mundane dailies and try some other games the world had in store for me. Ever since then I got into Hollow Knight and TWEWY and I've had an absolute BLAST with them! I feel like I've forgotten that games are supposed to be fun, bring that sense of exploration and progress without constantly asking for your money and/or time in return. I rewatch that video from time to time when i feel that same "demonic itch" to go back and give in to the gambling world, because whatever that game is doing to people like me is honestly kinda horryfing and shouldn't be excused nor normalized, and I'm grateful you brought these issues to light.
  • Something these comments miss a lot is that manipulation is a very real thing, and psychological effects are very real. You can't "just stop" sometimes. We tried that with the war against drugs, and you may notice that drugs won that one.
  • @KeganKirby
    I find 'nintendo tainted individual' so funny. Like yes, i am tainted by good games