maribu kills springbok at madrid zoo

Published 2009-07-23
Very awful to see that this can happen in a modern zoo. There was nobody available to intervine. So this little springbok drowned after he was hunted by 2 maribus...


All Comments (21)
  • @HandsomeVetOng
    Mom antelope: Tries to push baby in water to drown him Stork: allow me to help
  • @Specogecko
    Yeah as someone who works at a zoo, I could tell this outcome would be pretty easy to assume. Only thing I could think is either the antelope wasn’t suspected to be pregnant, or gave birth far beyond the due date. As the appropriate procedure would’ve been to remove the bird or remove the antelope. Untill the calf was strong enough to walk and run. Mother seems to either be a first time mother, a bad mother, or rejected the calf. As naturally the antelope would of been defensive towards the stork Otherwise this was just plain irresponsibility even without the stork, the water feature is also a risk to a newborn.
  • @keithpouwhare1281
    Can't believe they let it happen in a zoo, understand in the wild, but a zoo, with custodians
  • I would like to know who thought keeping marabou storks with antelope was a good idea - despite common misconceptions, marabou storks are not just scavengers.
  • I went with my small children to Barcelona zoo many years ago, when they had the albino gorilla. The conditions the animals were kept in were disgusting. Other children were banging on the white gorilla's very small enclosure, where it was kept behind glass in solitude, and were banging on the glass & shouting at it. The thing was clearly suffering. Several other animals were kept on a tarmac based area in 40⁰C temperatures with no way to shelter or drink. My children kept asking me questions about why the animals were kept in such small spaces (I had previously taken them to Jersey Zoo, which is a different world, I know, but it shouldn't be such an extreme difference). They were upset & I was disgusted, complained to our guide, who said 'but this zoo is the pride of Spain'. To which I replied 'exactly, and that's the problem, you're proud of this, when you should be ashamed' we left immediately. Seems Madrid is in the same class...
  • The mother was already trying to push the calf into the water - She was rejecting it. I suspect it was an unplanned breeding (perhaps a mistaken sexing and one of the antelopes was unknowingly a male?) and she had nowhere to isolate from the rest of the herd, and this confused and distressed her into rejecting the calf. The maribu caught wind of the commotion and decided to take matters into its own hands. The mother is almost entirely receptive to the maribu taking over and the maribu doesn't even need to do much; once it gives the calf a few injuries and drags it into the water, it will die of exhaustion and drowning on its own. The maribu doesn't waste its energy and just waits for the inevitable. In the end, a tragic situation that almost certainly resulted from carelessness and didn't need to happen. From the comments here it seems this is an absolutely disgraceful zoo and it should be shut down.
  • @UnHuman1981
    Love how no one even tries to get any of the keepers to help it out
  • @dylanallen9625
    Why would you let that happen it is a zoo with animals you are supposed to take care of!!!
  • @paddington9913
    Did anyone notice the marabou greasing it's throat with water in preparation to swallow the antelope whole?
  • @MB-ko3mr
    If this is happening in a zoo, someone should be held responsible for this as its cruelty
  • @firegator6853
    i dont complain about animals killing each other...but come on this is a damn zoo they should know what animals to keep together in the same enclosure
  • I didn't see any adult springbok helping, on the contrary, they tried to push the baby into the water too. Seemed to be a sick baby abandoned by its own mother, because she must have been right there in that enclosure and didn't care at all.
  • @PhillyPugilist
    Surprised the mother didn’t try to defend it. Looks like it got abandoned. 🤔 Also surprised to zoo keepers let the animal die(if it actually did drown).
  • @SpaceDifference
    The mom did not want the child and got Mr stork to assist with the termination.
  • @emmaroberts7004
    Poor baby:'( but I think something was wrong with this little guy as the mum tried to put it in the water and let the predator attack without even trying to protect it
  • @Bell.luvsuu
    Springbok: drowning Stork: 🧍🏻‍♂️
  • @alfiemcqueen
    Shoebill: I'm the scariest bird species Marabou: are you sure about that?